Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1525: Miracles (ninth)

Chapter 1525 Miracles

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A long mana arrow burst through the air and shot into the dark legion.

Each mana long arrow can cause huge damage. At least three or four people can be killed before they will break and stop!

At first, the Protoss of the Dark Legion continued to condense spells to fight.

But they soon discovered that they released the spell and were useless in front of the long arrows that came.

No matter what powerful spell, it will be broken with a single arrow.

In addition, the mana scattered by the spell will be absorbed by this long arrow to strengthen its own power and cause greater damage!

Prior to this, the Light Army fell down one by one under the broken bow.

Now, the broken bow string sounds, and the Dark Legion is falling down one by one!

Without armor protection, the Protoss of the Dark Legion suffered heavy casualties under the broken bow.

In an instant, Su Zimo fired hundreds of long arrows.

The Dark Legion only has more than 400 Protoss!

These protoss are crazy and fleeing towards the back. They are even more embarrassed than the only bright army!

The remaining two hundred Bright Corps also quickly stepped forward.

Numerous Protoss knights set up a giant golden shield, blocking them in front of them, forming an airtight defense, and protecting the dark legion that escaped behind.

when! when! when!

Long mana arrows hit these golden giant shields, and a burst of loud noises broke out. Mars was splashing, and the formation of the bright army formed a chaos.

"Don't panic, as long as I wait for a concerted effort and the formation is not chaotic, I can definitely block this wild bow!"

Under the command of the Light Protoss, the Light Army quickly held its ground.

Although there are only more than 200 people in the Light Corps, relying on the indestructible golden shield to form a defensive formation, Su Zimo's broken bow is also difficult to shoot through.

"What is this tribe's origins and how so powerful!" A black-robed protoss who fled back asked with resentment.

"I heard it's called Aramo. We don't know anything else."

A Protoss knight answered coldly.

Another Protoss knight couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Isn't your dark legion very arrogant, why are you so scared now?"

"This Terran is nothing, that bow is too scary!"

A black-robed protoss quickly pleaded.

But this justification seemed extremely pale and caused a ridicule.


The Protoss of the Bright Protoss scolded and said, "Our Bright Army resists this Terran attack in the front, and you shoot behind the Dark Army. Our two army groups cooperate to advance slowly!"

In fact, normally, when the continent of God invaded other continents, the two major armies cooperated to advance without any disadvantage.

However, this colorful cave was sealed by the gods of the ancient times, and the space tunnel became extremely narrow. They could only pass in teams.

Now, under the command of the Bright Army, the two legions are slowly moving in the direction of Killing Gods Canyon!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

These bright legions held a golden shield in front of them, protecting themselves and the dark clans of the protoss behind him, giving him a sense of incompetence.

Even if it is a broken bow, it cannot shoot through the defense of the Light Army!

Su Zimo has practiced countless battles of all sizes, but he has never felt so difficult.

But he thought of the two sacred shrine bones on both sides of the canyon.

Thinking of Yeling, Jihuo, Nianqi, and others behind him, a spirit of pride was raised in his heart, his eyes were firmer, and his intentions were ready to come out!

Facing the two major legions that were slowly advancing, Su Zimo walked out of the air and walked over head-on!

Every time he takes a step, his kill will increase by one point!

The world changes color!

On the sky above the Gods Canyon, a vast starry sky emerged.

It ’s just that all the stars in this starry sky have been affected, and their trajectories are chaotic. Some of the stars have collided together, and the whole sky is shaking!

Murderous sky, turmoil in the void!

Just when Su Zimo's killing power was almost condensed into a substance, a star in the sky fell down and smashed towards the two major legions!


A loud noise!

The stars fell, the power erupted, and the horror was incomparable, even if more than 200 Protoss knights joined forces, they could not resist it!

One by one, the golden shields were smashed by this fallen star!

Many Protoss knights flew out.

But these Protoss knights still wore heavy armor, and even if they suffered such an impact, there was nothing, and they quickly stood up.

The Dark Legion is almost unscathed under the protection of the Light Legion!

At this moment, Su Zimo's eyes were magnificent, and the whole person turned into a golden light and rushed past, crashing into the crowd of the two major legions!

Su Zimo condenses his sword fingers, and sends out a dazzling sword atmosphere on his body!


This is not one, two swords.

Not a hundred ways, a thousand ways.

Not even everything.

Su Zimo, who absorbed the refining and worry-free wood, and the power of the Yuanshen soared, gained a deeper understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique and released it with all his strength. In an instant, as many as one hundred and eighty thousand sword energies erupted!

This outbreak is almost devastating!

The three great sword tactics of ancient times represent the way of killing.

One hundred and eighty thousand swords is almost the ultimate in killing!

Even if the bow is broken, it is difficult to break the armor of the Protoss knight.

But Heavenly Sword is different.

Eighteen thousand swords are released, densely packed, covering the sky, and permeating!

Even if these Protoss knights are wearing armor, they are not seamless.

These armors can withstand most of the sword qi, but as long as there are one or two sword qi, following the gap of the armor and entering their physical body, it is enough to cause serious damage to the protoss!

If the Heavenly Sword Jianqi did not enter the door and pierced into the sea, the half-ancestors of the Protoss could only drink and hate this!


The sound of Heavenly Sword Jianqi chopping on the armor of the gods, one after another.

But after the eighteen thousand swords burst out, more protoss were beaten directly, and there was no chance of escape, so they died!

Some protoss hid behind the golden shield and escaped by chance.

On that golden shield, the sword pits were also stabbed by the sword of the Heavenly Sword, which has been completely destroyed!

Su Zimo stood in the middle of the gorge, stepping on the corpses of the gods, breathing slightly.

The outbreak of "Sword of Heavenly Sword" almost exhausted his mana, and Yuan Shen became extremely weak.

There was a trace of exhaustion in his brows.

But around him, there was a corpse of a protoss, blood flowing into the river.

The Protoss of the Dark Legion, all died, none were spared!

There are more than a dozen protoss left in the Guangming Corps, and they are completely frightened and scarred. Looking at Su Zimo's eyes, they are full of endless fear.

Two major legions, almost all annihilated!

Is this human action?

This is a miracle!

Nine more today, can't write, let's sleep. Thank you for a reward of ten thousand books.

(End of this chapter)

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