Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1539: War God

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1539

The coercion of the strongest fatherland is too strong, like a storm, with a suffocating sense of oppression, it comes to you!

Only then has the power of desolation, the ancestral **** has some fear, the coercion is not obvious.

Now that the barren land is gone, the four ancestors no longer care about it, they have shot.

The two great ancestors were even more horrifying, they sacrificed magic weapons at the first time, and they beheaded towards Su Zimo!

Magic weapon, a big realm is improved than the magic weapon.

This is a qualitative transformation!

This metamorphosis is not a refining technique, and any rare material can be easily reached.

No matter what the magic weapon is, it can only be called a magic weapon after being tempered by supernatural power.

And the more Shentong tempers, the more powerful the magic weapon is.

A magic weapon trained by a little magical power is naturally no better than a magic weapon trained by ten small magical powers.

The ten small magical powers temper, but far less than a great magical powers!

But whether it is a great magical power or a small magical power, as long as it is a magic weapon, it has absolutely crushed the magic weapon!

Long Huangzhen's eyes are magnificent, his blood is surging, and his sky is shouting. Under the mighty coercion of the four ancestors, his shape changes rapidly!


There was a roar like Long Yin, and a roar like Feng Ming.

Immediately, under the watchful eye of everyone, Long Phoenix's true body has disappeared and has been replaced by a huge creature!

Dragon heads and tail tails, standing on their backs, with a pair of huge wings growing on their backs, their bodies dazzling with red, born from fire, like gods in charge of flames!

The claws under the belly of this huge creature are sharp and sharp, it seems to be able to pierce and tear any creature!

A horrifying coercion emanated from the body of this creature, and it could compete with the four ancestral strongmen.

Under the coercion of the two ancestors and two ancestors, their movements stopped for a moment.

Protoss blood is strong.

But in the face of this huge creature, the blood of the protoss has been suppressed!

This is taboo coercion!

Dragon Phoenix is ​​coming.

The temperature in the barren deserted house suddenly rises!

Long Cang and others looked terrified and backed up.

Although Long Phoenix's true body has long returned to the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, but even they are the first time to see Long Phoenix's true body. This shock and impact is beyond words!

In the middle of the Barren Waste Hall, the coercion between Dragon Phoenix and the four ancestors caused the surrounding space to be distorted!

If Long Cang and others don't step back and get involved, they will most likely be torn into pieces!

If the human form is still maintained, it will be difficult for Dragon Phoenix to confront the four ancestors.

Only by transfiguring the body of Dragon and Phoenix and motivating the combat power and blood to the extreme, it is possible to fight against one another!

The dragon and phoenix appeared, and there was a hesitation in the eyes of the two barbaric ancestors.

They did not want to offend the Protoss, but they did not want to provoke the Dragons.

What's more, there is still a taboo in the dragon family!

The two ancestors did not hesitate, and when they saw the taboo body, the two killed their heart more vigorously, and the first to kill Dragon Phoenix was near.

"Even if it is taboo, my Protoss dare to kill!"

The middle-aged ancestor said aggressively.

Although Dragon Phoenix is ​​taboo, in her opinion, it has not yet fully grown up.

Right now is the best chance to kill taboos!

The middle-aged ancestor turned the big sword in his hand, the blood surged, a burst of golden light burst out, and it fell down towards the wings of the dragon and Phoenix's true body!

The old ancestral **** of God turned the crutches in his hands and smashed towards the dragon head of Dragon Phoenix.

Don't look at this elder sister-in-law has entered the twilight, but the outbreak in a short time, there is still great strength, the momentum is amazing!

The two cooperated, one sword and one abduction, to completely seal the approach of Long Huang Zhenshen!

"This crutch was cast from the bones of the true ancestors, sealed with the ancestors of the ancestors, and then made with the blood of the ancestors for 7,749 years.

The old man said in a grim test: "Forbidden, let you taste the power of my dragon cane!"


The crutches in the hands of the old man, under the surging blood of God, actually emerged a huge dragon head, and a loud dragon yin broke out!

After the head of this dragon came out, his eyes were red and full of endless resentment. He had completely lost his mind and seemed to destroy all living things in the world.

Even in the face of the taboo dragon and phoenix, there is no fear in the eyes of this dragon!


The five claws under Long Huangzhen's body protruded simultaneously, and grabbed the giant sword that fell down in the air.

"court death!"

The middle-aged ancestor hummed.

The claws are heavy and the cold light is flickering!

when! when! when!

The claws of the Dragon Phoenix and the Great Sword of the Ancestral God are constantly colliding, and Mars is splashing!

The ancestral giant sword failed to cut off the claws of the dragon and phoenix, but was fastened by the claws of the dragon and phoenix, the claw tip locked the blade and remained motionless!

at the same time.

Dragon Phoenix really fluttered her wings and slammed her head towards the head of the dragon, who smashed it.

Immediately, Long Phoenix opened his mouth wide and bit the fallen cane directly!


The old man was also startled, and subconsciously dragged the leading crutch backward, trying to pull back.

But she dragged it hard, but it didn't move!

Middle-aged ancestral gods and old-fashioned magic weapons, although powerful, but after all, they are only magical weapons trained by little magical powers.

And Dragon Phoenix is ​​a taboo, the hardest body, the strongest killing force, is the claws of the dragon and the fangs in the belly!

The ancestral magic weapon did not hurt Long Phoenix, but was controlled by Long Phoenix, both sides wrestled!

Middle-aged ancestors and old grandpas changed slightly.

The combined force of the two people couldn't take back the weapon!

"What are you barbarians waiting for!"

The middle-aged ancestor suddenly sang.

The two ancestors of the barbarians looked at each other, hesitated a little, still rushed up, turned their fists, and suppressed them towards Long Phoenix's true body!

The huge fist came down like a mountain, terrifying!


Dragon Phoenix did not turn back at all, swinging the tail of the phoenix, burning the red tail of the red flame, and pumped into the fists of two barbaric ancestors in an instant, a loud noise broke out!



The barren temple is shaking violently!

Pedal Pedal!

The two ancestors of the barbarians couldn't control their body shape, kept back, and were shocked.

The power of their ancestral realm erupted, and even the dragon and phoenix of the semi-ancestor realm had their tails drawn back!

Moreover, the two barbaric ancestors and the tail of Dragon and Phoenix shook their heads hard, and their fists were stained with that kind of red flame, which did not go out.

They also burned towards the body along the arms of two barbaric ancestors!

The thick, long hair on the arms of the barbarian ancestors soon turned to ashes.

The two ancestors of the barbarians patted the flames on their bodies for a while, and worked for a long time before they extinguished them.

Of course, although this flame burned their hair to ashes, it failed to hurt their bodies.

Barbarians, bloodlines, and Yuanshen are relatively ordinary.

The most powerful of them is the flesh!

This power is not only reflected in the physical strength, the outbreak, but also the physical defense!

Burned by the flames of Dragon and Phoenix for a long time, the skins of the two barbaric ancestors were only smoked a little black, without any scars.

(End of this chapter)

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