Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1590: I have no measure

Chapter 1590: I Have No Proportion

The creatures of all races frowned slightly. I didn't see the origin of the creatures, but the six fierce creatures present were recognized at a glance!

"Dai people?"

Shenyu ancestor frowned slightly.

The Dai people, these two words fell into the crowd, and instantly caused a tumult of noise!

You should know that in recent years, although the major fierce gangs have frequently stepped out of the forbidden area, grabbed the occupied territories on the barren continent, and opened the killing ring, but there have been three fierce tribes, and there has been nothing.

One of them is the Wa!

Although the Xuanji Palace also issued an invitation to the Qiang ethnic group at this Wanzu conference, it did not get any response.

Unexpectedly, today the Dai people came to the mysterious palace!

The most important thing is the attitude of the Dai people!

As one of the nine fierce tribes, the Qiang people will increase the chance of negotiation if they can stand on the human side.

Although, even the Xuanji Palace did not understand, what reason did the Dai people stand on the human side.

Shenyu and others stopped their hands and looked over at the Dai people.

Wuhua ancestors and others are already sweating profusely, quickly swallowing the spirit, madly adjusting their breath, and recovering their energy as much as possible.

"Who said it just now?"

Jin Yan's ancestors had fierce eyes, patrolled back and forth among the Qiang ethnic group, and asked coldly.

"I said!"

The young man in black among the Wa people pushed away everyone, walked out, and raised his head.

Even in the face of the ancestor's question, the boy in black looks fearless.

The boy in black is just happy.

Jin Yun's ancestor gave him a cold look, dismissive, and didn't plan to bother.

Two people are not on the same level at all!

Jin Zu's ancestor looked at the other strong Dai people, bowed slightly, and said, "Welcome the Dai people to come back and join hands with my six fierce families."

"Golden bird, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Xiaoyao vomited his tongue at the old ancestor of Jin Mao, saying, "The Dai people won't join hands with you, and you can't hurt him!"

Xiaoyao pointed not far away from the still-advanced creature Qinglian, with a firm tone.

Jin Ye's ancestors sank.

Thousands of creatures were startled.

They have n’t seen it before, who dare to call the ancestor of the Jinwu tribe as the golden bird!

"Ha ha."

The tenth prince of the Jinwu tribe couldn't bear it, sneered, and said, "A young boy with a stinky hairy hair, how can you speak!"



Xiaoyao didn't answer yet, and the many Qiang people behind him were angry and gave out a burst of drink.

"This is my lord of the Dai ethnic group, pay attention to your words!"

A half-ancestor of the Qiang nationality had a bad face, staring at the tenth prince, and said coldly.


The tenth prince looked up and down, and there was a touch of strange color in his eyes.

Not to mention the tenth prince, even the souls of all nations are surprised.

Prior to this, all ethnic groups were in peace, most of the young masters of the nine fierce families were in the state of law, and some even returned to the realm.

However, when the troubled times came, the powerful evil spirits of the major fierce clan woke up from the retreat.

Those who can take the position of the fierce clan master are at least a fit.

After all, the lack of fierce tribes mainly brings people to fight on the continent, and the cultivation is too bad, and it is difficult to do anything.

The young master is the facade of the major fierce tribes. In today's troubled world, like the Dai people, the young master is only in the state of law, which is strange.

Xiaoyao looked at the tenth prince and poked his lips, and said, "Looking at your age, you are just a hairy kid, where's the lesson to teach me!"

Although the tenth prince is a child, the years of cultivation are much longer than those of Xiaoyao.

The tenth prince said coldly, "I am a semi-ancestor, and you are nothing but the state of law! At this meeting of thousands of ethnic groups, the strongest is the most respected. Even if you are the young master of the Dai ethnic group, you are not qualified to speak!"

"Listen to me, go back and feed!"


There was a laugh in the crowd of the six wicked people.


The Dai people were furious. Some strong Qiang people couldn't bear it anymore. They wanted to stand out, but were waved by Xiaoyao and stopped them back.

"I don't want to eat milk."

Xiaoyao tilted her head slightly, looking at the tenth prince, and said seriously: "I want to eat you! Your meat, set it on the fire and grill it, it should taste good."

The tenth Prince's face sank, and he whispered, "At a young age, he has a sharp tooth!"

Yeling's eyes turned and fell on Xiaoyao's body, paused a little.

Not only the tenth prince, all the creatures present thought that Xiaoyao just said casually, intentionally angering the tenth prince.

But only Ye Ling knew that Xiaoyao really wanted to eat the tenth prince!

Because, in Xiaoyao's body, he felt a similar breath.

Not the same race, but the same taboo!

"This child should be the disciple of the eldest brother."

Ye Ling's heart was dark.

The tenth Prince's eyes turned, and he thought of it, and suddenly smiled and said, "Little brother, since you want to eat me so much, how can I give you a chance?

"what chance?"

Xiaoyao couldn't help asking.

"Brother to accompany you to discuss, if you win, brother will let you eat a piece of flesh and blood on me, how?"

The tenth Prince's voice was soft and full of temptation, but there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

He was hit hard by Su Zimo just now, his third foot was broken, and Daoxing was mostly scrapped!

Although he is still a semi-ancestral realm, his combat power has been reduced to a combined realm.

After the race, the position of his tenth prince will be replaced by other people!

Therefore, there was always a anger and resentment in his heart, nowhere to vent!

Today, Xiaoyao's repeated provocations have caused his murder!

Of course, Xiaoyao, as the young master of the Dai ethnic group, would not kill him.

But if you have the chance, you can teach this little boy of the Dai people well, and you can also feel good about it.

"But what if I lose?"

Xiaoyao seemed a little hesitant and a little scared.

"If you lose, your brother won't embarrass you, don't worry."

The smile in the eyes of the tenth prince was more prosperous.

After all, this little cub is too young to have experienced anything!

Xiaoyao groaned a little, and then said, "But if we talk about it, if we can't stop it ..."

"do not worry!"

The tenth prince hurriedly said, "Brother will surely control this measure!"

"I'm worried. I don't have a stake."

Xiaoyao blinked.


The tenth prince laughed and said, "It doesn't matter! Little brother, you can take whatever you want, and you don't need to pay attention to any measure!"

The tenth prince can see that the little cub of the Dai tribe has been tempted!

"Well then, let me try."

Xiaoyao hesitated a little, and seemed to be determined and nodded strongly.

"Master, you are distinguished and you cannot be in danger."

"Yes, Master, the cultivation of the two of you is a big difference. It's not on a level ..."

Several Qiang people behind Xiaoyao hurriedly stood up and spoke to stop.

"Everyone rest assured!"

The tenth prince was afraid of recklessness, and said quickly: "I promise that I will not use the power above the fitness level, so I will use the power of the French phase to play with this brother.

"Uncle uncle, rest assured."

Xiaoyao blinked at the extremely strong Qiang strongman behind him, and there was a hint of slyness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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