Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1596: Kill you first (five more)

Chapter 1596 Kill The First One (Five)

After World War I, Dragon Phoenix and Qinglian reunited for the first time!

People of all races have heard that there are two true bodies in the desolation world of the cultivation world, one of which is also the young master of the dragon race!

But there weren't many people who really saw these two true bodies gather together.

Of course, in addition to the six fierce tribes and Penglai Island, other races, including the cultivation world, are still unclear, and Dragon Phoenix has grown into a taboo!

In their cognition, they thought that Long Mo was just a simple dragon.

"This is the real body of the Dragon Warrior? It looks like there is no difference in appearance, but in terms of temperament, it is very different."

"Qing Lian's true body, Dragon's true body, which is the deity's deity?"

"Unclear, it should be Qinglian."

There is a lot of talk about the living beings of all races.

"It's interesting this time, the desolate dragon race really leads the dragon race over, this is to completely tear the face with the six fierce races!"

"Just a dragon, I'm afraid it's useless."

"Yeah, I just listened to the Protoss, and it seems that the Barbarians are also preparing to join forces with the six fierce clans."

"Anyway, with a wild nature, I am afraid there will be a fierce battle!"

"The real breath of this dragon ... the ancestral realm!"

When Long Huang Zhenshen came near, a monk finally felt it, exclaiming: "This dragon tribe of Barbara has entered the Mahayana realm!"

Shenyu ancestors and others also narrowed their eyes, staring at the real body of Dragon and Phoenix, looking alert.

Although they were both in the early days of Mahayana, they knew in their hearts that the real body of Dragon and Phoenix was a taboo in the ancient times!

"If we fight alone, we are probably not our opponents."

The ancestor of Shenyu secretly said: "Let's be careful. If this dragon and phoenix really dare to get started, we should join forces with five people to suppress him!"


Jin Yun's ancestors nodded secretly.

Wu Tian's ancestor sneered slightly: "It's okay, and Teana teaches these ancestors, let them go play with this taboo."

Five fierce ancestors communicated secretly.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of barbarians have arrived in the mysterious palace. The barbarians headed by the barbarians are exactly tigers!

Behind the wild tiger, there are many barbaric powers and some barbarians.

"So many ancestors?"

The barbarians came to Xuanji Palace and were shocked.

Because of the breakthrough of Longhuang Zhenshen, they were slow for half a day and just arrived.

But I did not expect that when they arrived at the Xuanji Palace, the situation here was changing rapidly, and the conflict was escalating, which has caused many ancestors to appear!

Qunlong followed closely, transforming into adult form and descending one after another.

The candle dragon under Dragon Phoenix's body is the lone cloud that once followed him!

Behind the Dragon Phoenix's real body, Long Cang and Long Xi are all listed, among them, there are some half-ancestors of the Dragon tribe.


An ancestral ancestor taught sneer: "The deserted body has two true bodies. The true body on the human race has not yet broken into the Mahayana realm, but the Dragon race has broken through first."

"I'm a little bit confused now. Is your desolate human race or a dragon race?"

This sentence is completely heartfelt.

Long Huangzhen's eyes turned and fell on the ancestral ancestor, and asked expressionlessly, "Did you just kill me?"

"What is it!"

The ancestral ancestor looked at the many ancestors sitting around him, naturally fearless, slightly raised his head, and went back without fear.

"it is good!"

Long Phoenix nodded and said, "The first one will kill you!"

The words didn't fall, Long Huangzhen's body flickered, and she straddled a dozen feet in an instant. She came to the ancestor of the God of Heaven to teach her palms!


On his fingertips, a sharp dragon claw popped up and grabbed at the Tianling cover that taught the ancestor to the ancestor!

This ancestral teacher taught the ancestors that he also responded very quickly, and a small magical power broke out in the first time, and he struck towards the real body of Dragon and Phoenix!


The corners of Dragon Phoenix's mouth are slightly tilted, do not flash, and the dragon's claws just scratch it gently to crush this little magical power!

The ancestral ancestor of the genius changed his face, his pupils contracted violently, and he wanted to sacrifice his destiny!


However, Long Huang really shot very fast, and did not give him a second chance at all. The palm came down and directly broke the ancestor's heavenly cover!

The ancestor's physical body, under the dragon claws of the Dragon and Phoenix, is like paper.

Easily pierce and crush the old ancestors!

The primordial **** is gone, even if this tentacle teaches the ancestor to have any blood rebirth technique, it is useless!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the Mahayana ancestor of the Tianyi religion, just like a cricket ant, was crushed to death by the real body of Dragon and Phoenix!

The other ancestors of the God of Heaven, not far away, failed to respond.

You know, they have more than a hundred Mahayana ancestors.

Among them, there are some Mahayana later, the three Mahayanas are successful!

They didn't expect that under such a battle, it was just the real dragon and phoenix in the early days of the Mahayana.

The three ancestors, Yueluo Pao, Fei Duan Pao, and Xu Jing Pao, still had some fears when facing the Dragon race.

The three ancestors subconsciously looked at Shenyu ancestors and others.

Shenyu ancestors and others nodded slightly, signalling that they don't need to worry, they can let go of the battle!

The three ancestors of the moon fell down.

"Do I call you Wu Wu, or do you call Long Mo?"

Yueluo's ancestor caressed the kitten, and asked with a smile.

Long Huang's eyes fell on the kitten's face subconsciously, and looked at the eyes of the white kitten.

For some reason, there was a slight movement in his heart.

This feeling makes him very uncomfortable!

This white kitten has no self-cultivation and can't utter words, but in its eyes, there is a strange emotion.

Long Huang really shook her head slightly without thinking about it. She brushed on Yuelu's ancestors and others, looking cold, and asked again: "Who else is going to kill me?"


An ancestor of Dishajiao has been given an order to take any shot, and sneers: "Long Mo, don't be arrogant! This is not the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, your Dragon tribe doesn't count!"

"Just now we were going to kill you!"

One of the gods taught the ancestor to stand up and Shen said, "If you dare to shoot, then don't blame me for joining forces to suppress you!"

"it is good!"

Long Phoenix really nodded and said, "Since you dare to admit it, I dare to kill!"

Of course, Dragon Phoenix came to the mysterious palace, and the first one took the Tianyi, Disha, and Penglai Island to operate, not only because of these three gates, but to kill Qinglian Zhenshen.

The most important thing is that these three gates have already surrendered to the six fierce families!

This, Su Zimo couldn't bear it!


Dragon Phoenix really stepped on the ground, the whole person leapt forward, fell from the sky, the blood in his body surged, and fell directly into the crowd!

For the eternal fifth leader, Gauguin, the temporary name of the leader is Nigga, today's five

(End of this chapter)

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