Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1598: Be invincible (second more)

Chapter 1598: Invincible


Many Mahayana ancestors had a stunned god, and they sang loudly. Many magical powers erupted again, sacrificing a magic weapon, and smashing it towards the real body of Dragon and Phoenix!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Many flying swords turned into a stream of light, galloping at a very fast speed, and came immediately in a moment, the sword was fierce and sharp!

Long Huang really sneered slightly, and with a sense of consciousness, a cold knife was added to her palm!

Dragon Sword!

This Dragon Sword was originally a magic weapon, but the realm fell.

Today, after entering the Mahayana realm, Dragon Phoenix came all the way and was tempered with the power of supernatural powers to re-elevate the quality of the Dragon Sword to the level of magic weapon!

Su Zimo clenched the Dragon Sword tightly, raised his arms, the blood in his body surged, and he severely chopped forward!


This sword was cut off, and in front of many Mahayana ancestors, there seemed to be a huge wave!

Countercurrent in Dinghai Five!


The color of this huge wave instantly became a blood red!

This sea of ​​ocean has completely turned into a sea of ​​blood, murderous!

Su Zimo's knife has merged the countercurrent sword intention and the Shura sword intention together, and an extremely terrifying impact has erupted!

Although these flying swords are strong and powerful, the light on the sword has fainted through this sea of ​​blood.

when! when! when!

The Dragon Sword comes down and chops down these flying swords!

Many magic weapons around have also been called.

There are majestic mountains, glorious jade hooks, silver needles that are hard to find, and sparkling treasure mirrors ...

Many magic weapons are coming down, covering the sky and covering the sun, almost forming a net of heaven and earth!

Dragon Phoenix's true appearance remained unchanged, holding the Dragon Sword firmly in both hands, and heading out to the void next to it, cutting it hard!


The surrounding blood sea was scrolled by this knife, and instantly formed a huge blood sea vortex, soaring into the sky, surrounded by Su Zimo's side, the sound was terrifying!

Many magic weapons came down, and they fell into the vortex of blood sea and were taken off track!

All the magic weapons, all failed!

This blood sea vortex became more and more turbulent, and grew stronger. In the end, even the real figure of Dragon and Phoenix has disappeared into the sea of ​​blood!

Immediately after that, in the vortex of the blood sea, there were waves of dragons and tigers, and the monkeys cried and phoenixes!

There are horrible figures behind the sea of ​​blood, looming, it seems that many overbearing and cruel demon kings have awakened!

Rich and pure demon qi, emanating continuously from the vortex of blood sea, shrouded above the mysterious palace, covering the sky!

next moment!

A monster with a huge head, rushed out of the sea of ​​blood, and killed the Mahayana ancestors around him!

There is a barren bull demon king who plows the sky!

The blood ape demon king with a roaring chest!

There is a rampage of the **** foal demon king!

There is a barren sea dragon king who is overturned!

Every horrible demon king is a minion, lifelike, staring at scarlet eyes, murderous and majestic!

These demon kings rushed into the crowd and broke out with extremely amazing lethality!

A Mahayana ancestor of a **** of heaven taught supernatural powers and wanted to shake back the stone bear demon king who rushed over.

However, his magical power fell on the stone bear demon king, without causing any ripple at all, and was easily resolved by the thick fur of the stone bear demon king.

The stone bear demon king's body seems awkward and huge, but in a blink of an eye, he came to the body of the prince to teach him, leaning forward!

This is exactly the killing trick in the Great Wild Demon King's Secret!

The stone bear demon king is released, such as flowing clouds, more charm!

The Mahayana ancestor's expression was erratic, his body burst instantly!

Just being gently leaned by the King of the Stone Bear Monster, he was knocked apart!

His Yuan Shen didn't wait to flee, and the King of the Stone Bear Demon stretched out his huge and fat bear's paw, and patted down to shoot the Yuan God who taught the ancestor to death!

Another Di Shao ancestor also wanted to use the magic weapon to kill the python that came over.

But the python demon king circled up, quickly entangled the Dishajiao ancestor, with strength, and shattered the physical body of a Mahayana ancestor!


The python demon king opened his mouth wide and swallowed this ancestral ancestor into his belly!

Don't give him the chance to do tricks at all!

"Oh my God! What are these!"

There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd.

All the creatures present were stunned and shocked!

Although they have all heard of Dragon Phoenix Real Body, but not many people have seen the means of Dragon Phoenix Real Body!

"This should be a vision of Long Mo's bloodline!"

Said a monk who had experienced the First World War.


The monk paused and said, "This blood vision seems to be more horrible than during World War I!"

"I also found out that the number of these demon kings seems to be one more than in World War I!"

I saw that there was a six-tooth idol in the crowd, which was rampant, and no Mahayana ancestor could stop it at all!

Running on all fours, the ground shaking, the dust billowing!

Even some Mahayana ancestors could not stop the impact of this six-tooth idol in strength!

The elephant trunk flutters, and there will be a Mahayana ancestor falling from the air!

Ivory dances are sharper than any magic weapon!

At first, the monk pointed to a flash of golden light in the sky and suddenly said, "Not one! There are two more!"


Above the sky, there was a sharp and loud howling.

A golden light descended on the crowd, and the speed was astonishingly fast. The Mahayana ancestor below couldn't even react!

This golden light manifests itself, but it is a golden-winged Dapeng!

The two claws caught in the crowd, and the Tianling Cap of the two ancestors were broken with great precision, and their Yuanshen town was killed immediately!

Two Mahayana ancestors died on the spot!

Long Phoenix really shot this time, it was to stand up, to be deterred, to give the sword!

He just wanted to tell the people of Tianyi, Disha, and Penglai Island that even if they surrendered to the six fierce clans, they could not save their lives!

Long Huang Zhenshen did not test with these Mahayana ancestors at all, and directly sacrificed bleeding vision.

Eleven demon kings rushed into the crowd, killing the Quartet, and being invincible, no one can stop it!

Even some ancestors in the late Mahayana period did not dare to beat their edge!

On the battlefield, blood spewed, stumps of broken limbs fluttered, and there was a pity!

This is not the blood of an ordinary monk.

This is the blood of Mahayana ancestors!

This scene is even more tragic than when the five ancestors and the seventeen Mahayana ancestors of Xuanji Palace slaughtered!

Just before, the Xuanji Palace just fell to the seven Mahayana ancestors.

With this shot of Longhuang Zhenshen, eleven demon kings rushed into the crowd, and the killing ring was launched.

In just a few dozen breaths, the Mahayana ancestors of the three super super gates have fewer than a hundred people!

More injured ancestors!

This is an unacceptable loss for the three super super gates!

They chose to surrender to the six fierce clans in order to save their lives.

But I didn't expect them to die faster!

The three ancestors, Yueluo, Feibro, and Xu Jing, were so angry that they couldn't stand it anymore and shot!

A book friend asked what the fan value is, and a brief explanation is the title, deacon, and helm master behind your ID. Above the helm master is the church master, and above the church master is the law guardian, the elder, the head, and the guru. The most powerful is the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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