Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1615: Bookstore

Chapter 1615 Book Collection

"Tao, Taoist."

Elder Zhanlong had a pale face, and his voice shuddered unconsciously, and he smiled loudly, "I seem to have no injustice with you, right? Why are you here?

Elder Battle Dragon can see that this mysterious man in purple robe does not seem to kill innocent people.

At least, the monks of the Tianxun religion stayed honestly and did not take the initiative to challenge, and this person would not find them.

The martial arts deity said: "I want to take away all the techniques and mysteries of Heaven's Teaching."

"How does this work!"

The Elder Battle Dragon was shocked and said silently.

The secrets and techniques of each sect door are the foundation of this sect door, and outsiders cannot read it, let alone be taken away!

What's more, this mysterious man in purple robes does not mean to take away one or two exercises, but all the secrets of exercises!

This is simply to cut off the inheritance of the God of Heaven!


Another elder Shen chanted: "These mysteries are the foundation of my God of Heaven, and no outsider is allowed to get involved!"

The third elder also gritted his teeth and said, "You have taken away all the mysteries of Gongfa, how can I continue to inherit it!"

"I'm not discussing with you."

The Budo master said lightly, "I'm telling you something. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree."

Plain tone, but with unquestionable strength!

For a time, the three elders of Battle Dragon did not know how to refute.

The martial arts master turned his eyes and landed on Tiankui Peak among the 36 main peaks, slowly descending.

The elder Zhanlong looked at the back of the martial arts deity, his expression changed, and there was a flash of murder in his eyes, and a moment of hesitation.


The martial art prince paused his figure, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said softly, "Yes, remind you, don't try to provoke me. Otherwise, I don't mind sending you on the road!"

"As for your inheritance of God of Heaven ..."

The martial arts master paused for a moment, with a mocking smile, and said, "It will be broken if there is no break. There is nothing to regret. God of Heaven, is not worthy of being listed in Xianmen."

Having said this, the deity of Martial arts continued to descend towards Tian Kuifeng.

The master of martial arts understands the 100 classics and smelts all the ways.

If you want to break through, the best way is to incorporate more exercises and secrets, and continuously integrate into the martial arts furnace!

At the beginning, the deities of martial arts killed Emperor Vatican, the deceased half-ancestors, and other people, and obtained some secret techniques, among which there are powerful techniques such as "Big Blind Yuan" and "Sword of Earth Killing Sword".

Smelting these exercises will greatly help him improve!

At that time, this method was discovered by the deity of Budo.

However, in these years, some of the magical skills he had obtained before smelting did not leave.

Now that the race of the nations is held, the martial arts deputy learns of some of the events that happened in the meeting, and then he sets off to descend on Tianyiism and prepares to take away all the mysteries of Tianyiism.

Since the Tianyi religion chose to surrender to the six fierce clans, the martial arts deities took away their mysteries and completely cut off their heritage!

The martial arts deity did not open the killing ring.

Because not every monk who teaches in heaven is evil.

The vast majority of monks and disciples in Tianxuanism may not know that the priests, ancestors, etc. of Tianxunism have chosen to submit to the six fierce clans.

It is not necessary for ordinary monks to condemn sin and heavenly religion as a result.

"Elder Battle Dragon, what should I do?"

A half-ancestor looked at the back of the martial arts master and frowned, "Hurry up and notify the lord, if this person is really asked to take away all the techniques and mysteries of Zongmen, this is no less than a disaster!"

"hold on."

Elder Zhanlong groaned: "The leader and many ancestors are attending the race of the ancestors in the Xuanji Palace.

After a pause, the Elder Zhanlong sneered slightly, looking at Tiankuifeng's library, and said, "You really think that there is no such thing as our ancestor!"


The half-ancestor next to me exclaimed, shut up quickly, and secretly said, "Mahayana ancestors shouldn't stay in the ancient battlefield to realize the magical powers, how can they be guarded in Zongmen?"

"There are Mahayana ancestors in Zongmen? Why have I never known?"

Another half-ancestor also showed shock.


The elder Battle Dragon laughed and said, "This person, you have all seen it."

"Have we all met?"

The two ancestors were even more surprised.

Elder Zhanlong slightly raised his head, his gaze fell in the library, and said, "It's in that library."

"The Library?"

A half-ancestor looked tentatively and asked, "Is the elder guarding the library? Isn't he fit and powerful?"

Elder Zhanlong glanced at the same person and said, "Who do you think is qualified to guard the heavy ground of the Library?"

"Elder Sun is already the Mahayana ancestor! His Shou Yuan will run out. Even if he stays in the ancient battlefield, he can't realize anything, so he returns to the ancestral gate and chooses to keep it in the library."

The other two half-ancestors appeared in astonishment.

Elder Zhanlong held his arms and said gloatingly, "When the mysterious man enters the library, he will find that there is a big surprise waiting for him!"

The library of Tianshu religion is on Tiankui Peak among the 36 main peaks.

This library is extremely old, ten feet tall and has seven floors. It is full of ancient books and secrets, and has a long history.

The Budo master came to the library and did not hesitate to enter the door.

The door opened, and an ancient, dusty atmosphere blew towards us.

The martial art deity stepped into the library, and the figure fell into the darkness. The door behind him slowly closed and disappeared into the sight of Elder Battle Dragon and others.

The Budo master entered the first floor hall of the Library, and did not rush to walk around. He looked around the hall and finally fell into a dark corner.


After a while, a hoarse cough came from this dark corner.

It seemed that someone slowly stood up from the ground, stirred up a dust, and walked out of the darkness.

This is an old man with gray hair. He is not tall, with thin bones, leaning on his body, and can only go up to the waist of the martial arts deity.

The old man held a bare, crooked wooden stick in his hands, staggered, bowed his head, and unkempt hair dangled from his forehead, panting slightly, saying, "What book are you reading?"

"I don't read books."

Budomoto looked at the old man with a smile and said, "I want to take all the books here."


The old man sighed and said, "Young man, it's just too greedy."

"If you really want to read these ancient books, you can come at any time. But if you want to take these ancient books, hey, you can't eat it alone."

"Young man, listen to me and persuade me that my appetite is so big that I'm going to die!"

The Master of Martial Arts smiled slightly and said, "Old man, I would also advise you that you are already old and you should go to enjoy your old age. Nosy business is also life-threatening."

(End of this chapter)

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