Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1664: Di

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1664

This skinny little ancestor released Hell Road, the surrounding scenes changed instantly, countless ghosts, horrible, bloody, and dark!

Hell Road is regarded as the most ferocious supernatural power among the three evil ways.

The beast canal can turn people into beasts.

Hungry ghosts can throw souls into the hungry ghosts and be eaten by countless hungry ghosts.

And once you fall into hell, you will never see the sun!

This is an endless abyss, no one can break free.

But in the moment Su Zimo's palm bloomed this blue lotus, all the scenes in **** collapsed!

The whole **** was pierced by the glow of the blooming green lotus!

The skinny little ancestor's face changed greatly.

Only then did he realize who he had encountered!


The slender ancestor whispered, "You are desolate!"

Although he was indifferent to the things on the continent, the noise at the conference of the ethnic groups was too great, and even the emperor of ancient times came down in person!

In addition, the Emperor lowered the decree and passed it on to the deserted martial arts.

Even if he practiced retreat in the ancient battlefield all year round, he knew about it!

The creation of green lotus is the treasure of heaven and earth.

This is one of the biggest characteristics of Arama!

I heard that Huang Wu killed the Quartet at the Wanzu Conference, and even killed some Mahayana ancestors. This thin ancestor did not dare to fight against it, and fled when he turned!


The skinny little ancestor flickers, his feet are mana, and his speed is fast. A series of phantoms emerge, and he runs towards the distance!


Another magical power!

This is one of the six magical powers of Buddhism!

Moreover, if this little magical power is cultivated to the extreme, it can reach the level of great magical power, which is one of the most famous ways of Buddhist monks!

The wings of Su Zimo emerged from behind, a thunderbolt of light emerged from the whole person, and the golden light of vertical ground was released at the same time, the speed climbed to the limit!

Misty Wings, Wind and Thunder, Longitudinal Golden Light, Three Major Surgery Techniques Erupt at the Same Time!

And among these three major martial arts, they also issued extremely powerful magical powers.

After Su Zimo stepped into the Mahayana realm, the golden light in the longitudinal direction has completely transformed and become a little magical power!

The flash of golden thunder and lightning flashed away, chasing after the thin little ancestor!

The distance between the two was quickly drawn closer.

The slender ancestor looked back and was startled.

But with dozens of breaths, Su Zimo has already hunted him!


Su Zimo flicked with his fingertips, a white sword light burst out, and it came instantly, piercing the body of the thin little ancestor!

Heavenly Sword Comes!

Blood glowed.

The killing sword anger erupted in the thin ancestor's body, and the ancestor's physical body instantly turned into a mist of blood!

The slender little ancestor saw that the situation was not good. Long before the advent of heavenly sword sword energy, he had already escaped from the gods.


The slender ancestor's Yuanshen ran away, using the blood rebirth technique, and wanted to reunite the flesh.


At this moment, Su Zimo's voice sounded, and his apathy was abnormal.

Among the blood mist transformed from the skinny ancestor's flesh, the heavenly sword energy erupted and the endless sharpness erupted, annihilating the vitality of this blood mist!

The flesh of the thin little ancestor has no vitality to be strangled by the heavenly sword sword gas, and there is no drop of blood with vitality left!

The premise of dripping blood to rebirth is to have a drop of blood.

Now, the skinny little ancestor has only one panic!


A thunderbolt descended vertically and hit the primitive **** of this skinny ancestor directly.

Although the thin little ancestor did not directly kill, it also destroyed its primitive god.

With such a delay, Su Zimo's figure came down, stretched out his palm, and detained the thin ancestor's Yuanshen, without hesitation, directly released the soul-searching technique!

A huge ball of light emerged from Su Zimo's palm.

Each line of black silk pierced the primitive **** of the thin little ancestor, and continuously drew his memory.

Su Zimo closed her eyes, searching for the most useful part of the skinny ancestor's memory!

After a little while, the primitive **** of the skinny little ancestor withered completely and faded.

And Su Zimo's soul-searching technique is also a great harvest.

This thin little ancestor really killed many people here through the broken stone stele just found, and thus got six magical powers!

Tianzutong was the one who succeeded in killing a suspended monk.

Today, Su Zimo has memorized all the six little magical powers, and is preparing to find a hidden place to retreat.

In this ancient battlefield, all Mahayana ancestors spent most of their time comprehending supernatural powers.

Su Zimo is no exception.

Su Zimo returned to the broken stone monument, printed all the characters on the stone monument in his mind, his body gradually sink into the desert, disappeared, and began a long retreat.

It was not long before Su Zimo's figure disappeared, and a person appeared suddenly in the void not far away!

I don't know when this person came, how long I stayed here, I actually concealed Su Zimo's induction!

This is a man in a plain robe, with long hair fluttering, covering most of his face. Vaguely, there seems to be a bloodstain on the brows.

Daming Monk!

The monks of the Ming Dynasty entered the ancient battlefield earlier than Su Zimo!

He looked at the direction in which Su Zimo disappeared, and remained silent, before his eyes fell on the broken stone monument, and he also printed the rune on the stone monument in his mind.

The monk knows that Su Zimo possesses a keen sense of spirit, which is hard to detect, and he dare not lean too close!

He was in the distance, looking at the stele for a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Desolate, you have finally caught up with me, I will wait for you in front."

Daming Monk said a silent whisper in his heart and turned to leave.


at the same time.

In a relatively well-preserved palace in the ancient battlefield, a middle-aged man sat in the middle, high above him, eyes closed, and a majesty and royal domineering overlooking sentient beings all over his body!

This is a true emperor!

At this moment, four Mahayana ancestors walked in from the door. The robes were similar, all from the mixed Yuanzong.

Two are in the middle of the Mahayana, one is in the late Mahayana, and one is in the Mahayana.

Mahayana satisfactorily named Diyun, 33rd in the magical powers list!

"Meet Emperor Yu!"

The four ancestors of Yuanyuanzong stepped into the hall and saw the middle-aged man standing tall, with awe in his eyes, bowing down and saluting, saying loudly.

The imperial family is a clan of the cultivation world!

Although the number of Emperor's clan is not as big as the three great families, there are ancestors and emperors in the emperor's vein!

The emperor is the oldest family, inherited from ancient times.

According to legend, the ancestors of the Emperor were the first to establish an empire on the continent, and their descendants were extremely distinguished and protected by God.

The emperor inherited forever, and almost every life will give birth to a peerless demon!

Like this life, there are such evils as Emperor.

Unfortunately, he was killed by Su Zimo and died in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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