Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1671: Mahayana later!

Chapter 1671 Late Mahayana!

There are many mysteries in the creation of green lotus.

At the time of the seventh grade, the created green lotus grew into a complete form. Only one lotus platform can nourish the Yuanshen and let Su Zimo release many spells without interval.

When it reached its peak, it even spawned magical powers similar to Dripping Blood Rebirth.

When Qinglian entered the eight grades, Su Zimo already felt the mystery contained in it.

There are many great magical powers in Qinglian itself, and there are even peerless magical powers!

Of course, today Su Zimo is only in the middle of the Mahayana period. Even if he is the true body of Qinglian, it is not realistic to want to understand the supernatural powers.

However, in the mixed Yuandong sky, with the help of this impeccable power of Yuhuang, Qinglian's true body was constantly destroyed and reborn.

In the process, Su Zimo's understanding of this great magical power is getting deeper and deeper!

In a way, he is a green lotus in human form.

He is the easiest to perceive the magical powers created in the creation of Qinglian!

"Ten breaths have passed, and Arama is not dead yet?"

"It shouldn't be. Under this peerless supernatural power, even the first supernatural power list can't bear it, the soul has long been gone!"

Many Mahayana ancestors chased up and whispered.

"I don't believe you're not dead!"

Yuhuang constantly urges Yuan Shen, the world in Yuanyuan Cave, the sky turns, the force of terror tears Qinglian's true body, and constantly wipes out every inch of flesh and every vitality!

"Great cure!"

At this moment, Su Zimo's voice sounded in the sky of the mixed Yuandong!

In that rotating cave sky, an extremely huge magical power burst out, and endless vitality surged out of it!

After so many destructions, Qinglian's true body has reached its limit.

But at this moment, Su Zimo realized a great magical power in the forged green lotus, and at once, there was a vast vitality!

Just in a blink of an eye, Qinglian real body reunited!

Su Zimo once experienced the baptism of a magic storm in the Kunlun Market.

And that magical storm is a healing magical storm.

Other great magical powers are also bred in the green lotus, but Su Zimo's deepest understanding of healing magical powers is the first to be realized!


Yuhuang frowned, his eyes fixed.

He clearly felt that the deserted army could not hold on for a long time in his world of Hunyuan Cave.

But I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, the barbarity was in desperation and realized a great magical power, and it was still a great cure!

Qinglian Zhenshen was already exhausted.

But this great cure broke out, Qing Lian's body was full of vitality, and all injuries were healed!

The power of supernatural powers constantly baptizes Qinglian's real body and black-haired primitive god.

Su Zimo's physical body, blood, and power of the Yuanshen are rising rapidly!

Under such huge vitality stimulation, the fortune blue lotus is also growing rapidly.

Every time she is baptized with magical powers, the created green lotus will grow a bit.

After the baptism of great magical powers, Qinglian's real strength was only initially revealed!

Originally, the strength of Lunyuan Dongtian could instantly destroy Qinglian's true body.

But now, Bapin Qinglian is actually able to resist the power of Xunyuan Dongtian!

Although, Qing Lian was really scaly and bruised, blood was dripping, and numerous flesh and blood were torn, revealing the green jade bones and internal organs!

But the big cure is also frantically repairing Qinglian's body injury!

Hunyuan Dongtian can no longer completely destroy Qinglian true body!

This is just a realization of a great magical power.

Su Zimo would not dare to imagine how much this physical body would reach if he realized more about some great magical powers and continually baptized Qinglian.

Su Zimo, holding the Emperor's Seal, smashed it in the direction of the hole of Junyuan Dongtian!


No matter how strong the strength of Xunyuan Dongtian is, it can't smash people's seals!

The Emperor's Emperor stamped in the hole of the mixed Yuan and smashed a passage.

Su Zimo urged Yuan Shen, his body flickered, followed behind the Emperor's Seal, and quickly escaped from the mixed Yuandong sky!


Although Su Zimo was stained with blood, he laughed and said, "Diyu, thank you for your help, I can understand the great magical power in such a short time and step into the late Mahayana period!"


"The deserted martial arts has just stepped into the middle of the Mahayana period, so I realized the supernatural powers so soon!"

"After all, it is the creation of the green lotus, which has won the heavens and the earth, and there is another emperor, who gathers the luck of the world and repairs it by leaps and bounds.

"It took the Emperor to break through, such a spirit ..."

Many Mahayana ancestors just came over and saw this scene.

Su Zimo knows very well that even if he comprehends the great healing technique, it is only a great magical power, and he is still no match for the emperor who understands the supernatural powers.

He broke free from Dongyuan Dongtian, laughed, and turned away!

The magical power of the great healing technique continues to baptize Su Zimo's body, blood, and spirit.

This time, he condensed the misty wings, turned the thunder and thunder, exploded the golden light of the vertical ground, and the speed was even faster after Tianzutong!

Just in a blink of an eye, it has disappeared in front of everyone.

Many Mahayana ancestors who were present at the scene broke out with all their strength and could not catch up with Su Zimo!

"There are too many tactics in the wild!"

"One of them should be Tianzutong of the Buddha Gate."

"If this magical power is cultivated to the extreme, it will be a great magical power. It penetrates the sky and out of Qingming. It can't go anywhere!"

"Using wild martial arts accomplishments in Buddhism to cultivate Tianzutong to great magical power, it will not take long."

"Even if you realize the great magical power, you can't escape my palm!"

Yu Huang's face was ugly, with a long whistle, and he stepped on his feet, striding hundreds of feet away in an instant, rushing towards Su Zimo, the speed was terrifying!

Soon, Su Zimo and Yuhuang already left many Mahayana ancestors behind.

"Desolate, you can't escape!"

The emperor Yu mocked, seemingly walking in the court, but at each step, he could overcome the void and quickly approach Su Zimo!

This is a supernatural power that shrinks into inches!


Yu Huang shot, flicked away, and whistled in the air, and the three thousand silver wires spread out, leaving no room for Qinglian to escape.


Qing Lianzhen was pumped with a big heel, and most of her flesh and blood was drained, which was extremely miserable.

But Su Zimo could still laugh, saying: "Diyu, you are already scared! You know in your heart, I just realize a great magical power, you can't kill me, and when I return again, this is the day of your death ! "

Su Zimo's body sprang up with green brilliance and vitality. The flesh and blood extracted by the dust quickly grew out, and the wound was healing quickly!

Su Zimo did not entangle with Yuhuang and continued to escape.

Yu Huang was told by Su Zimo that it was the central thing. He couldn't let Su Zimo escape from birth, and he was chasing after him!

Su Zimo bowed his head slightly, and there was a gleam of cold light in his eyes!

He is not without means to kill the King!

But this is his hole card, and he doesn't want to reveal it now.

If Yuhuang wants to chase again, he can only use this hole card to kill Yuhuang town here!

(End of this chapter)

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