Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1685: Kill the Emperor!

Chapter 1685 Kill the Emperor!

A war broke out in the air, and Su Zimo didn't take any action.

The great magical powers he realized didn't exceed ten, so he calculated his hand and could not affect the whole battle situation.

Su Zimo just took something out of his arms.

It was a long scroll, and there seemed to be some writing on it.

"this is……"

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuanji gazed at his eyes, and said quietly, "People's law?"

I saw Su Zimo holding the roll of crickets with both hands and slowly unfolding on top of his head.

I saw a line of scarlet writings on this snow-white long urn, all written by blood!

"The human race declines, and the emperor is incompetent! I heard that there was a barren march rising from the sky, and a martial art was established, and Fuze was born! My emperor decided to pass on the barren martial arts! When the barren march is conquered, it is the emperor, and the world has the same respect!"

These bright red handwritings reappeared, and the void seemed to sound the voice of the emperor, and its majesty was awesome!

On top of this roll of long urn, there was an extremely terrifying power, which made Diyu and others feel a palpitation!

"The Emperor's Decree!"

Some Mahayana ancestors recognized the origin of the scroll and exclaimed.

Many Mahayana ancestors stared at the scroll, and the handwriting on the scroll.

Between the lines, it seemed as if the big red letters were sent out--kill!


There was a sudden scream in midair.

The Emperor Bei Canghuang of the Tianyi religion was shaken, and the whole person was suddenly cut into pieces and turned into a broken blood clot!

The Emperor of the Canghuang Emperor had just escaped, and then he shivered and was chopped off by a slaughter of killings, and the gods were destroyed!

Under the eyes of all, Bei Canghuang fell!


Many ancestors took a sip of air-conditioning, and changed colors!

Until then, they realized that the words "kill" issued in the imperial edict of the Emperor were not their illusion at all.

It really happened!

In the imperial edict of this person, there is hidden the peerless magical power of the ancient emperor—kill the word!

Until this time, many Mahayana ancestors came to understand why the deserter did not flee.

It turned out that the Emperor dropped the decree and left such a powerful backhand for the deserted Wu!

The **** "kill" characters appeared in the air, condensing without dispersing, permeating the cold and horrible killing intention!

The world is shaking!

This void seems to have been cut into pieces by these 'kill' words!

The 3,000 weak waters of the broken sea emperor were cut to pieces by a word killing method, the magical powers were scattered, and the horrific killing intention fell on the broken sea emperor instantly!

The broken sea emperor's body shook, his eyes dim for a moment, and the whole man fell from the air.

In his knowledge of the sea, the Yuanshen has completely disappeared!

The murderous character was killed, it was killed!

The emperor's Huangquan water, although extremely filthy, was also beheaded into nothingness in front of the killing tactics!

Emperor Yu's Hunyuan Dongtian was also cut into pieces by a **** 'killing' character and collapsed on the spot!

The chess emperor also got out and ran away!

What three thousand weak water, what refers to Huangquan, what mixed Yuandongtian, in the face of the ancient emperor's killing words, all were killed!

You know, even when the sky was so arrogant and invincible, the Emperor, who recognized himself as the eternal emperor, was also killed on the spot by a killer.

Not to mention, just these kings.

This supernatural power of killing characters is not released by the emperor.

But every handwriting on the imperial edict of the emperor is written by the emperor of ancient times with the blood of the emperor of the gods and other people, and it contains powerful power!

The emperor of the ancient people passed the seal of the emperor to Su Zimo with the intention of sharpening Su Zimo.

But the emperor of ancient times, it is impossible for people to bully Su Zimo at will!

Others only think that this is just an ordinary law, but only Su Zimo knows it. This is the last card that the emperor of ancient times gave him.

In fact, Su Zimo could not urge the killing tactics of the Emperor's law.

Only by the power of peerless supernatural powers will the word killing formula be revealed!

At the beginning, hundreds of years ago, when Emperor Yu chased Su Zimo, he wanted to sacrifice the emperor's law.

But once this hole card is exposed, others are prepared and the threat is greatly reduced.

Today, Emperor Yu and others want to take advantage of the battle for supernatural powers to kill the barbarity.

Why did Su Zimo not have the same idea!

He has hidden the imperial edict for so long, just for today!

The imperial decree of the emperor was fully unfolded. In the blink of an eye, the two emperors Bei Canghuang and Po Haihai fell, leaving only Emperor Sha and Emperor Yu.

The killing words on the imperial decree of the emperor have not yet dispersed, killing them towards the town of two!

The emperor hurriedly withdrew the bone gun, put it in front of him, and stabbed in front of the word "kill". At the same time, a big bell was sacrificed from the storage bag and hung above his head.


The bone gun collided with the word 'kill' and a crackling sound was heard. The bone gun broke and broke on the spot and fell from the air.

And this word killing tactic hasn't stopped, but hit the bell directly!


A loud noise!

The bell rang long, and the big bell shattered on the spot.

The two magic weapons have been destroyed in succession, and this method of killing words has also collapsed.

The emperor spit out blood, his blood on his face faded, and he fled desperately towards the distance.

Although he lost two major magic weapons, one of them was his destiny magic weapon, but fortunately, he blocked the killing blow and escaped!

At this moment, I saw Su Zimo sneer slightly, and suddenly threw the Emperor's imperative in his hand and broke away.

The imperial decree of this man descended directly on the head of the emperor.

The Emperor had just escaped, and before he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a gloom before him, and a long cricket with blood on it was enveloped and wrapped in him!

In the imperial rule of the emperor, all are written by the blood of the top emperor of the fierce tribe.

The emperor was surrounded by the imperial edicts of the emperors, and before the Yuanshen had time to escape, he was hanged into a mist of blood, and the gods were destroyed, and he died on the spot!

Before the emperor died, the last thought was to regret it.

Not regret coming here, but regret, did not follow Zidian Huang and others to hunt down the man in the robe.

In the blink of an eye, the four emperors were all alone.

Emperor Yu's Junyuan Dongtian was chopped up with the killing word trick, and he realized that he was wrong, and fled when he turned around.

"I want to escape!"

Su Zimo stared at the back of Emperor Yu, and once again controlled the imperial rule of the Emperor, shrouded in the direction of Emperor Yu.


The imperial edict of the emperor came out of the air, and instantly fell on the top of the emperor's head. Countless scarlet writings seemed to jump out of the edict of the emperor, to tear the emperor!

Emperor Yu looked dignified.

He saw with his own eyes that the emperor was embroiled in the imperial edict, and his bones were left.

He knew very well that if he got himself in, he would be buried here!


There was a strange blood glow in Diyu's eyes.

"Blood Puppet Dafa!"

Emperor Yu directly exploded the blood sacral art in the Book of Alchemy, burning nearly half of the blood, the speed soared, turned into a light, escaped from the package of the Emperor's Law!

(End of this chapter)

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