Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1687: Desolate Emperor

Chapter 1687 The Emperor Wuhuang Emperor

Under the list of supernatural powers, Su Zimo worshiped the Qi Huang slightly, and said goodbye to Lin Xuanji and Ji Fairy, etc., and went away.

Many ancestors looked at Su Zimo's back with emotions.

Everyone knows clearly that the moment the desolation comes out of the mountain again, it will be crowned!

No one in this ancient battlefield can threaten him!

On the continent, the era of barbarism has arrived.

Although Su Zimo left, many Mahayana ancestors still gathered under the magical power list, and the battle over the magical power was not over.

In addition to the top spot, they will have a fierce fight against the rest of the seats.

But with the previous battle, the battle of the remaining seats on the magical list became a bit tedious.

In ancient battlefields, calm is restored.

Su Zimo found a secret place, laid down a lot of matrix laws, and was ready to learn the magical powers.

He is still in the late Mahayana period.

Even if someone inherits the emperor's heritage and wants to directly understand the supernatural powers, it is impossible.

At the top of the supernatural power list, in addition to accepting a superb supernatural power, there are 36 great supernatural powers to pass on.

Su Zimo is going to comprehend these great supernatural powers and achieve Mahayana first.

Supernatural understanding is gradual and gradual, and cannot be accomplished overnight.

It seems like the peerless supernatural power is endless. If you want to understand this peerless supernatural power, you must first understand the great cure!

It is possible to perceive endlessly only when the consciousness of the great cure is reached to the extreme.

Many supernatural powers are condensed from many small magic powers and great magic powers.

Without understanding these little supernatural powers and great supernatural powers, it is impossible to directly understand the supernatural powers!


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, nearly a thousand years have passed since the Nationalities Congress.

For thousands of years, thousands of people have coexisted on the continent.

Although the territories belonging to the human race have shrunk a lot, due to the inheritance of martial arts, there are more and more human race practitioners, and many sectarian forces have risen.

The world is born, everyone can practice!

Su Zimo's long-cherished wish on the ruins of the State of Yan, in front of his elder brother Su Hong, has been completed.

It is almost foreseeable that this development will take less than 10,000 years and the human race will usher in a glorious world of self-cultivation!

Terran luck has begun to reverse.

On the continent, despite the occasional fighting between the various ethnic groups, it is not a major event and is within the controllable range.

In the ancient battlefield, in a hidden secret room, the light was dim and there was no light.


A dazzling ray of light suddenly burst into the back room.

Those are the eyes of a person.

Su Zimo slowly opened his eyes, and the supernatural power in his body was surging, almost reaching a critical point!

For hundreds of years, he has uploaded the thirty-six great magical powers inherited from the list of magical powers, and realized everything!

Not only that, but in the storage bags of Emperor Sha, Bei Canghuang and others, he also got some magical practice methods.

Today, the number of great magical powers he has realized has exceeded fifty!

As early as three hundred years ago, he had broken through to Mahayana perfection.

Later, he did not rush to understand the supernatural powers, but continued to lay a solid foundation to understand the great magic powers as much as possible.

To this day, Su Zimo feels a chance.

He has many inheritances of peerless supernatural powers, but whether it is the bridge on the other side or the killing tactics, they all come from the outside world.

There is only one peerless supernatural power, which is bred in the body of the created Qinglian.


To be precise, this superb supernatural power, Su Zimo doesn't even have to comprehend. With the continuous growth of Qinglian's true body, understanding this supernatural superpower is complete!

Because, he and the good fortune Qinglian, have no longer distinguished each other.

Today, Su Zimo is about to be crowned!

Su Zimo closed his eyes again, and all kinds of feelings about the endless flow flowed in his heart.

If someone was by the side, he would be surprised to find that Su Zimo had disappeared and replaced with an emerald green jade lotus.

The stem of the lotus is erect, the lotus leaves are huge, crystal clear, and the veins on it are clear, as if there are blood lines.

Above the lotus stem, there is a pink bud.

Qinglian shook slightly, exuding blue glow, reflecting the entire secret room like daylight.

The whole void is like a lake, with ripples.

I don't know how long.


This strain of Qinglian shook it slightly, with a very small amplitude, but a wave of blue halo was swayed, and a tremendous force broke out!

Above the lotus stem, that pink bud blooms!

The petals opened one after another, circle after circle, and the whole process was extremely stunning.

Seventy-two lotus petals, eight full turns!

At the moment when the lotus bloomed, a huge and vigorous vitality permeated, constantly spreading and soaking around.

I saw a man sitting in the middle of the lotus flower.

This man has a clear eyebrow, black shawl, smiling, and his skin is as delicate as a newborn baby, shimmering.

The person even exuded a faint fragrance.

This scent is very natural and smells refreshing.


A majestic force was poured in from Su Zimo's heavenly cover, and he was baptized madly by his blood, even by the black-haired god!

Su Zimo's breath is rising rapidly.

Peerless supernatural power reborn!

At the same time, in the battlefields of ancient times, many ancestors and emperors broke through the barriers and looked towards this side.

"This breath ..."

"Is someone tyranted?"

Several ancestors got together, looking uncertain.

"Look over there!"

Someone is pointing away.

In the distance, it was originally a desert, but at this moment, in this desert, countless vegetation and vegetation grew wildly!

In an instant, this desert became an oasis!


An old ancestor whispered: "Only if the peerless supernatural powers are endless can we have such a powerful power!"

It's not just here, everywhere in the ancient battlefield, such an amazing scene is being staged!

In countless dense forests, the branches of countless ancient trees spread, and some of the trees on the verge of death were rejuvenated and came alive!

Ji Fairy pale and opened her eyes.

She was assassinated by the hermit who killed the door a few days ago, and was severely wounded. She used the exquisite steps to survive and survive. She was retreating.

At this moment, a huge and vigorous vitality suddenly poured into her body.

The injuries on her body were healing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Even her Yuan Shen injury was moisturized by a greenness, slowly recovering, and healing was only a matter of time!

Ji Fairy couldn't help laughing, and whispered softly, "Zi Mo, are you ... you have to be careful. Over the years, Emperor Yu has realized a peerless supernatural power."

"He has realized three superb supernatural powers. He is like a mysterious emperor and is looking for you frantically! Not only him, I heard that he also invited the emperor who hides the door."

(End of this chapter)

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