Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1689: War

Chapter 1689 Battle

Over the years, Diyu has never given up looking for Su Zimo.

Emperor Yu escaped from birth, calmed down, and it was easy to understand that the word-killing tactics of the Emperor's Law must have dissipated and there was no threat to him.

Diyu is not crazy.

On the contrary, Diyu knew that this was his only chance!

If it is not possible to kill the deserted Emperor completely before the Emperor is defeated, and wait for the Emperor Deserted Emperor to be born again, it is his death!

He knows that Arima will never let him go!

In order to find the barbarity, he even invited the Emperor to come out!

On an oasis, Emperor Yu stood in the air, looking at Su Zimo's direction, his face was gloomy.

"The deserted emperor has no chance, Emperor Yu, let it go."

At this moment, a voice sounded in the void next to it, but no figure appeared!

Not one person in this oasis, but two people!

But the deed of another person is completely integrated into the heaven and earth, without flaws!

Hidden Kill Gate, Hidden Emperor!

Emperor Yu shook his head and said, "No, there is still a chance! What Wuran understands is only a supernatural power of healing, which poses no threat to us. As long as we join forces, we can kill the town of Wuwu!"

The Emperor shook her head slightly and said, "I'm late and don't want to take any more risks."

"Hidden Emperor, rest assured!"

Emperor Yu said: "In addition to you and me this time, there will be shots of the corpse emperor! As long as I wait for careful layout, the deserted martial arts will die!"

"What's more, even if it fails, it has no effect on you. By your means, if you want to hide it, who can find your place in the world!"

"Desolate Wu is a huge treasure. If we win, we can divide up the treasures on him! For the creation of Qinglian, for heaven and earth, if you can eat the lotus seeds, it is not impossible for Shouyuan to skyrocket!"

After a long silence, I remembered a voice in the air: "Okay!


Above the blue lotus platform, Su Zimo slowly opened her eyes.

He also felt a strong breath from the West.

He doesn't have to go to investigate, he knows, he must be a monk!

As soon as he became emperor, the Ming monk followed closely behind.

Su Zimo knows that this is the response of the monk to his emperor!

With the pride of the monk, how could he be put behind.

Su Zimo slowly got up, and the fortune-making Qinglian turned into a glow, all pouring into his body.

A powerful and unparalleled force, agitated in Qinglian's true body, bursting out of thin air, Su Zimo couldn't help but grow up!

After comprehending the Peerless Supernatural Power, the power of the Peerless Supernatural Power has changed the physical blood and even the Primordial God too much.

Qing Lian's true strength has at least doubled!

Under the baptism of many small magical powers, great magical powers, and even peerless magical powers, the forged Qinglian has also really been promoted to the top of the eight grades.

Somewhat unfortunately, the fortune blue lotus has not yet broken through to the level of Jiupin.

But even so, Qinglian's true body at the peak of Bapin is enough to shake the imperial weapon!

This howling Su Zimo is not only venting but also declaring war!

He sensed the injuries on Ji Fairy's body, and on those scars, there was still a breath of hidden magical magic.

He declared war on Emperor Yu, war on the Hidden Emperor, and war on everyone who wanted to put him to death!

Su Zimo came out of the mountain this time, even if Diyu didn't come to him, he would go to Diyu and settle all the grudges!

Su Zimo broke through the barrier, heading westward, striding toward the meteor without hiding his breath.

"Desolate Emperor, this is going to stand up!"

"Come up, there must be a battle!"

Many Mahayana ancestors in the ancient battlefield followed behind Su Zimo, and pursued them.

Although their speed is not comparable to that of Su Zimo, the breath of Su Zimo bursts out of his head, and a cyan glow bursts out of his head.

Many ancestors will not be wrong as long as they chase this blue glow.

After two hours.

Su Zimo's eyes were bright.

I saw the sky in the distance, bursting with a blood of extreme evil, soaring to the sky, and his blue glow was tit-for-tat.

Diyu is here!


At this moment, in the other direction, a loud noise trembled along the ground. It seems that someone is throbbing Tiangu!

Su Zimo glanced slightly.

I saw a tall, burly figure on the horizon in the distance.

On the shoulder of this figure, carrying a huge bronze coffin, was rushing towards Su Zimo's side!

This figure didn't seem to be walking, but jumped.

Every time you jump, it will span dozens of feet, land heavily on the ground, and leap again!

The sound of 咚咚 咚咚 is the sound of the person falling to the ground.

Before this person was near, Su Zimo smelled a strong carrion smell, which was disgusting.

"What corpse emperor."

Su Zimo's look remained unchanged.

Not to mention that only the Emperor Corpse and Emperor Yu appeared, even if there were ten eight emperors coming today, he would have no fear!

"It turns out that you are a deserter, and it doesn't look like anything. This is thin and tender, hehe."

The corpse emperor carried the coffin and came not far away, staring at Su Zimo and grinning, exposing a row of sharp yellow teeth.

Emperor Yu arrived here, filled with blood.

The fact that he practiced the Book of Blood Alchemy has been exposed, and at this time, he no longer covers it.

"Is it just you two?"

Huang Wu looked at the two, looking indifferent, and asked.

"We two are enough to kill you!"

Emperor Yu slowly said: "Desolation, you think you can be invincible in the same level by practicing endlessly? I tell you, you are still far behind!"


Emperor Yu shouted loudly.

Diyu withdrew the dust from the storage bag with his backhand, across the void, and pumped towards Su Zimo. The three thousand silver wires seemed to become countless sharp blades, and Su Zimo was to be cut into pieces!


Su Zimo looked indifferent, put his fingers close together, condensed sword tactics, and severely cut in the direction of Emperor Yu!


Suddenly, there were three thousand swordsmanship in the sword finger, hitting the three thousand silver wire!

Almost at the moment of the collision, the three thousand silver wires were cut off by the Heavenly Sword!

Many heavenly sword swords went up against the trend and stabbed towards Diyu!


A black shadow rushed in the oblique stab, just to stop the three thousand Tiansha sword sword gas.


Three thousand sword qi, all stabbed on the black shadow, there was a sound of Jin Ge fighting, Mars splashed.

But it was the corpse emperor who shot next, and threw the huge coffin in his hand, blocking the 3,000 days to kill the sword!


Three thousand swords slammed into the ancient coffin, and it seemed to awaken a very ferocious existence. There was a dull and angry roar in the ancient coffin!


A huge force hit the coffin and lifted the lid directly.

A war corpse with wings and meat wings jumped out of the coffin. It was tall, with blue-faced fangs, and a very long tongue.

This should be the body of a Rakshasa!

(End of this chapter)

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