Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1691: Overlord

Chapter 1691: Overrun Corpse Emperor

Even if Emperor Yu comprehends the three superb supernatural powers, he cannot suppress them!

The sky was broken, Diyu was shocked, and his face was ugly. Without hesitation, he fled after turning around.

Su Zimo stole the imperial seal, operated Tianzutong, erupted golden light, ethereal wings, wind and thunder, and so on. The speed soared, and he pursued and killed the Emperor.

The Rakshasa war corpse was chased by the imperial seal, and now finally got rid of the threat and stood on the spot without catching up.

The corpse hesitant, and chose to give up.

"Desolate climate is here, and I'm afraid no one can kill him."

The corpse murmured quietly, turned the direction, ready to leave here, and continued to retreat, so as not to be caught by the deserted military.

The moment he turned around, he saw someone.

This man was wearing a plain robe, with long hair scattered, covering most of his face, revealing a pair of eyes, deep and bright, and seemed to contain infinite wisdom.

This is an emperor!

The emperor in the ancient battlefield, he has almost seen, but never seen this person.

"who are you?"

Corpse Emperor squinted slightly and asked slowly.

"The one who killed you."

The plain robe man said lightly.

The corpse emperor's heart froze.

In the ancient battlefield, if there is really any top emperor who is not hidden in the world, maybe.

"Look, it's the ancestor of the sun and the moon!"

"It's not the ancestors. They have just been crowned as emperors. They are now a royal family!"

At this moment, many Mahayana ancestors have rushed over to see this scene and talk about it.

The man in the robe was the monk.

"Just been crowned?"

The Corpse Emperor put down his heart and sneered, "It turned out that I only realized one superb supernatural power. Even the deserted martial arts couldn't take me, what's your reason!"

The Daming Monk did not argue with him, and walked towards the corpse emperor.

"Raksha, kill him!"

The Emperor said coldly.

Only then was the King Huangyin kept chasing and killing, and the raging Raksha war corpses snarled and rushed towards Daming Monk.

The palm of Daming Monk was patted on the storage bag, and a small temple was already held in his palm, throwing it forward, the temple expanded rapidly and became ancient and mysterious!

Taichu Ancient Temple!

This ancient temple emerged, and the Raksa war corpses rushing in were directly locked in!

Later, the Daming Monk didn't take a look, and directly closed the Taichu ancient temple.

"Hahaha, you are so ignorant, how can your dilapidated temple ..."

The corpse's words suddenly couldn't go on.

Normally, the strength of this war corpse is enough to break most magic weapons. There is no space magic weapon to accommodate this war corpse!

Just the bones on the war dead, the evil power in the blood is enough to abolish many magic weapons.

But the Emperor Suddenly found that his contact with the Raksa war corpses had been cut off!

Taichu ancient temple.

The Rakshasa war corpses roared to the sky, their bodies were filled with an extremely evil atmosphere, and they constantly hit the walls of the ancient temple, and the entire ancient temple was shaking violently!


The walls of the ancient temple lit up, emitting a sacred light of Buddha.

Four tall phantoms manifested on the wall, standing against the sky, each holding different weapons, glaring at the Raksha war corpse in the ancient temple, looking majestic!

Buddha's Four King Kong!

The four King Kongs seemed to have come alive, manifested on the wall, beat out the weapons in their hands, and suppressed them on the body of the Raksha war corpse!

Although the Raksha war corpses have no spiritual knowledge, they do know that they want to shake their wings and break free from the siege of the Four King Kong.

But I heard that King Kong rotated the treasure umbrella in his hand. The treasure umbrella covered the sky and emitted a mysterious halo, like a chain of chains, falling on the body of the Raksha war corpse.

Rakshasa war corpses can't break free at all, but were confined to their place!

The dragon in Guangmu King's hands roared, rushed out, and hit the body of the Raksha warrior, smashing all his bones!

The most powerful of the Raksha clan is speed, physical blood, which is comparable to the dragon clan.

The growth King waved the sword in his hand and fell forward!


The Rakshasa war corpse was cut into pieces by this sword, turned into many corpses, and fell down!

King Kong ’s King Kong waved his pipa, and a sound of Jin Ge fighting appeared. There seemed to be thousands of troops manifesting, rushing towards the Raksa war corpse, and the meaning of horrific iron blood killing broke out!

This army of soldiers came rushing and crushed the Raksha war corpses directly, leaving no bones!

Even if the Rakshasa war corpse is torn apart, the corpse emperor can re-sewn and stitch it together using secret methods.

However, he was repressed and turned into blood powder, and he could not recover!

This corpse has completely disappeared!

Outside the old temple.

Daming Monk looked calm and said lightly, "You don't have to perceive the call, your war corpse has been destroyed by me!"


Corpse Emperor still can't believe it.

Daming Monk no longer explained, stepped forward, qi and blood burst out, instantly urged to reach the state of blood like the tide, and suppressed it with a palm toward the corpse emperor.

The corpse emperor looked embarrassed, and resentfully said in his heart, "The deserted martial art is the created green lotus. I can't hurt him, can't I hurt you!"

The corpse emperor stretched out his hands, and Mori's long green nails popped out, grabbing at the arm of Daming Monk.

The monk did not shy away, this palm continued to suppress.

The corpse's nails first touched the arm of Daming Monk.

He was about to stab in, but felt the muscle tremor on the arm of Daming Monk, and an extremely terrifying force broke out!

collapse! collapse! collapse!

The nails of the corpse's fingers are broken!

At the same time, the palm of Daming Monk fell on the corpse's Tianling cover!


The corpse's head was cracked, and thick blood flowed out.

The Emperor of the Corpse Emperor escaped ahead of time and was not shocked to death by the Daoist monk.


The monk suddenly opened his mouth and vomited the Brahman.

The whole void shuddered with it.

Normally, it is difficult for this Sanskrit to cause any harm to the emperor.

But the mystery of Buddhism restrained him from such evil and filthy things.

In addition, the body of the corpse emperor has not yet condensed. The Yuanshen was exposed to the Sanskrit sound, and was almost scattered by the Sanskrit sound of the Ming monk!

However, the monk did not go after the corpse emperor's god, and sat cross-legged.

The light on the Corpse Emperor God gradually faded.

The death curse is over, the corpse emperor's **** has disappeared!

A passing spell, transcending the corpse king!

Many Mahayana ancestors watched the battle in the distance, and each ancestor looked with emotion when he saw this scene.

At that time, the two leaders of the Supernatural Powers were crowned.

Unexpectedly, one of them had just born and killed a king!

"I heard that the Emperor Wu went to chase the Emperor. I don't know what the outcome of the war was over there."

"Who is the Emperor?"

"Of course it is the deserted martial arts! The deserted martial arts stands, Bu Wu is born, and in the world, except for the deserted martial arts, who deserves the title of Wu Huang!"

(End of this chapter)

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