Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1718: Blood face reproduction (sixth)

Chapter 1718 Blood Face Reappearance

With these cursing powers, the light has been dim, and the color has become a lot lighter.

But this is after all a supernatural power!

The remaining cursing power quickly gathered, and in a blink of an eye, they condensed into a green light ball!

This ball of light is like the eyes of the Witch Witch, staring at the real dragon and phoenix not far away, revealing cruel eyes!

At this point, the curse of eternity has broken through the eleven demon kings.

No more power, can stop it from obliterating the Dragon Phoenix Primal God!

Although its power has been exhausted a lot.

Even if the Dragon and Phoenix Primordial can't be wiped out directly, it will be enough to destroy it!


This dim green ball of light slammed in the direction of the Dragon and Phoenix Yuanshen!

Dragon Phoenix Yuanshen suddenly opened his eyes.

Just when the dim green light ball was about to hit him, he suddenly withdrew, flickering, hiding behind a glowing light ball not far away.

Beside the Dragon and Phoenix Yuanshen, there is also a light ball suspended.

This is the Secret of the Desolation King, the last inheritance in his knowledge of the sea!

Not surprisingly, this light ball shattered, the twelfth demon king will manifest, and he will also get the last magical power of the great demon king's secret book!

If he can comprehend this magical power, his combat power will certainly skyrocket, and it is likely to change the trend of this war!

In fact, just when the curse of eternity broke through the eleven demon kings, Long Huang Zhenshen had regained consciousness and woke up.

His primordial spirit can completely leave the flesh and avoid the power of the eternal curse.

But he did not do so.

Among the flashes of light, Long Huang really came up with a crazy idea!

He will use the power of the eternal curse to smash the last light ball of the Great Demon King's Secret in the sea of ​​knowledge!


Sure enough, the faint green light ball cursed by the eternal world collided with this inherited light ball firmly!

The Dragon Phoenix Yuanshen was nervous, staring at this scene and waiting for the final result.


The two photospheres collided. What kind of stimulus did the blazing photosphere feel? They sent out a ray of **** light and directly pierced the green light ball!

The light ball cursed by eternal life, in a blink of an eye, is already full of sore holes, billowing blue smoke!

The two forces collide, and the curse of eternity is completely crushed!

Dragon Phoenix Yuan Shen was stunned.

Just in a blink of an eye, the eternally cursed light ball was completely refined, leaving only the green smoke, floating in the sea of ​​knowledge, and soon disappeared!

And the heritage ball of light is still showing no signs of fragmentation and regaining its peace.

Although the eternal curse was almost perfectly resolved by this ball of light, Long Huangzhen's eyes passed a trace of disappointment.

"I didn't expect to succeed."

Long Feng really frowned slightly, and secretly yelled, "Is this light ball really to be broken when it is over, and to inherit it?"

The thought was fleeting, and Long Phoenix really didn't think much.

Butterfly Yue left such an arrangement, perhaps with her intention.

If everything is natural, you don't have to force it.

Long Huang Zhenshen recovered her consciousness, and in her eyes, she felt a disappointment unconsciously.

The opposite Witch King is already a little embarrassed!

The Witch Witch stared at his eyes, and looked at Dragon Phoenix's true body in disbelief.

His eternal curse was released, but he failed to obliterate the dragon and phoenix?

Knowing what is happening in the sea, the Hades can't feel it.

He was puzzled, and Dragon Phoenix really just realized a six-tooth magic power, how could it resolve his eternal curse!

What made him feel most embarrassed was that Dragon Phoenix really survived from his peerless magical powers, and was still a little disappointed?

The blood emperor and the shadowless emperor, both aware of the eternal curse from the sorceress emperor, thought that the real dragon and phoenix would die, and were somewhat relaxed.

And Long Huang Zhenshen has sobered up!

"Be careful!"

The Witch King screamed suddenly.

Long Huang Zhen's body flickered, and he came to the blood emperor in a moment, grasping fiercely at the stem of his blood vine!

The **** of the blood rattan family is hidden in the stem of the blood rattan.

At the same time, Dragon Phoenix really urged Yuanshen. In one of his Dragon Phoenix's claws, a gray long knife was condensed, and it was chopped towards the Shadowless Emperor not far away!

Great magical power, years are like swords!

Huh! Huh!

The blood emperor responded very quickly, waving many blood vines, entangled in the real body of the dragon and phoenix, chopped and torn by the dragon and phoenix!

Taking advantage of this slight delay, the Blood Emperor urged the Yuanshen to gather a peerless supernatural power!

"Ghost Blood Shield!"

A huge blood and water shield condensed on the top of the blood emperor's head, like a mirror, sparkling with twinkling light.

"The Blood Scriptures!"

Dragon Phoenix was in a state of mind and body.

The Blood Emperor even practiced the Book of Blood Refined Magic!

At this moment, Long Huang Zhenshen finally determined one thing.

The sudden rise of the Blood Emperor, Wuying Emperor and Qianyan Emperor is no accident!

Even behind the fierce emperor, there is that **** face!


The sharp claws of Dragon Phoenix's real body hit heavily on the blood shield of the Nether, and a loud noise erupted, causing countless blood and water splashing around.

It is also a ghost blood shield. The blood shield condensed by the blood emperor is too strong!

It is by no means comparable to Yuhuang and others.

Dragon Phoenix really urged the power of six teeth, but also failed to penetrate this blood shield!

Dragon Phoenix really leaped into the air, and the surface of Blood Shield returned to calmness.


There was a wave of blood on the surface of the Blood Shield, and a strange blood face appeared on the surface of the Blood Shield, grinning in front of the real dragon Phoenix!


The back of Dragon Phoenix's real body was chilling, and the hairs were all up!

When he looked away, the surface of the Blood Shield returned to calmness, and the blood face had disappeared. It seemed that everything just before was just an illusion of Dragon Phoenix's true body.

On the other side, Wu Yinghuang saw a long grey knife falling down at him, and he could not help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

In his induction, this was just a supernatural power.

Although the smell of this long gray knife was a bit weird, the great magical power was no threat to him!

He can shatter it at will!

"Looks like Dragon and Phoenix are forbidden!

The shadowless emperor mocked, mockingly, poking out his palm, and grabbing at the long grey knife.

The Witch King's attention was in the blood emperor.

The ghostly blood shield condensed by the blood emperor also made him feel an inexplicable throb!

But in a short time, he could not think of anything.

When the Witch King regained his gaze, his eyes narrowed slightly, just to see Wu Yinghuang's bare hands and fists, grab the long gray knife!

The Emperor Wuying has never been to the Wanzu Conference, and I don't know what the long gray knife is.

But the Witch King has seen with his own eyes that this gray long knife is terrible!

That's the power of time!

Thousands of years ago, even the Emperor of the Gods couldn't stop the power of this sword at the conference of thousands of people!

It is 30,000 years of life!

"Don't touch that knife!"

The Witch King immediately reminded him.

"It's just a supernatural power, what ..."

Wuying Huang casually replied, the palm has fallen on the long gray knife!

No, let's sleep. Thank you for a reward of ten thousand book coins for a leaf ~

(End of this chapter)

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