Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1720: The end of the crossbow

Chapter 1720

Dragon Phoenix really shivered!

The five pieces of flesh were torn off by the ghosts and ghosts, and he could clearly feel that the blood and vitality in his body had been reduced accordingly.


Long Huang Zhenshen seemed to feel something, her look changed!


His birthday is decreasing!

The five ghosts and evil spirits biting this one will not only devour the vitality and vitality of Longhuang Zhenshen, but also his longevity!

Of course, this speed of devour is far less terrifying than the years.

A bite of a demon skeleton can also devour the life of Dragon Phoenix for about a thousand years.

The speed at which Shouyuan is exhausted seems to be slow.

However, if five Yin Demon skeletons bite at the same time, it means that Dragon Phoenix will lose 5,000 years of life in an instant!

What's more terrible is that these five ghosts of the evil spirits always lie on the dragon and phoenix, and continue to bite, they can't be thrown away at all.

Even though Long Phoenix has a lifetime of hundreds of thousands of years, it can't stop such consumption!


The sorceress sneered slightly, his eyes were green, and he said, "Desolation, do you think that only you know the magical method of reducing Shou Yuan?"

Stab it!

The Witch King hasn't finished this sentence yet, and the five ghost skeletons once again opened their mouths and tore off a large piece of flesh from Dragon and Phoenix!

With less than two breaths, Long Shouyuan's birthday has been reduced by 10,000 years!

Since realizing the "desolation", Long Huangzhen has killed many powerful enemies with this powerful hole card.

His years sword even killed the emperor!

But he never felt so strong in his body.

In less than two breaths, Wannian Shouyuan disappeared!

This feeling is uncomfortable.

Powerless and crazy!

Dragon Phoenix really did not dare to procrastinate, and tried its best to stimulate blood!


There was a loud noise in his body!

A powerful demon king came down, his claws were sharp and lifelike, and he roared from the sky, exuding great coercion!

Bloodline vision erupted, and five ghosts of the ghosts were instantly ejected.

"Break me!"

The blood emperor urged the sea of ​​blood, setting off waves of shocking waves, which constantly impacted the eleven demon kings around Dragon Phoenix.

boom! boom! boom!

Eleven demon kings fight with the sea of ​​blood, and a loud noise erupts!

The blood emperor's countless blood vines are directly inserted into the ground, and the "Lianjing Demon Script" is run, and the scattered blood veins are wildly refined and gathered in the blood sea!

The strength of the Sea of ​​Blood has not weakened, but is getting stronger!

Even the eleven demon kings were irresistible, the light was dim, and cracks appeared on their bodies.

Before long, these eleven demon kings will be devoured by the sea of ​​blood!


Dragon Phoenix really urged Yuanshen and drank softly.

The eleven demon kings burst into disintegration under his will, and turned into a full-bodied demon spirit. On top of his head, turbulent changes!

In a blink of an eye, among the surging demon spirits, a butterfly the size of a butterfly appeared!

The butterfly stretched its **** wings, printed with two rounds of bright full moon, like a pair of eyes, staring at the emperor present.

Compared with the eleven demon kings before, this blood-colored butterfly is far worse.

But the moment the blood butterfly emerged, the stormy sea of ​​blood originally calmed down!

Looking at the endless sea of ​​blood, as if frozen by an invisible force, solidified, motionless, there is not even a wave on the sea!

Seeing this scene, the blood emperor was not surprised.

He had heard long ago that a blood-stained vision of desolate blood would eventually lead to a blood-colored butterfly, extremely powerful.

The blood emperor's brows flashed, and a scarlet blood gourd flashed all over.

This is his destiny magic weapon!

The blood emperor bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a fine blood, and spilled it on the blood gourd.

The blood gourd trembled and the blood was shining!

"go with!"

The blood emperor sighed, tossed the group of blood gourds into the air, came to the top of Long Huang Zhenshen, the gourds face down, and aimed at the **** butterfly.

"Give me!"

The blood emperor controls the blood gourd, and the gourd mouth sends out a terrible suction, the power of magical power comes, and the **** butterfly is dragged into the blood gourd!


Seeing this scene, the blood emperor grinned and said, "I already prepared the means to deal with your blood butterfly!"

"I care if you are a blood vessel vision, or a beast and demon. When you enter my blood gourd, if you take three breaths, you will turn into blood!"

As soon as the words fell, the blood emperor seemed to feel something, his eyes fell on the blood gourd in his palm, his face changed!

The blood emperor directly threw the blood gourd in his hand, and Yuan Shen turned into a blood light, but he abandoned the flesh and left!

Just after all this was done, the blood gourd burst in the air, sending out a terrible force!

Under the sweep of this force, the blood vine's flesh of the Blood Emperor was directly shaken into a mist of blood, and no one was intact!

If it wasn't for the blood emperor's Yuanshen, he would escape in time. This time, the blood emperor would be buried in it, and his death would disappear!

The Witch King's pupils contracted slightly, and they were secretly shocked.

Even he didn't expect that the blood butterfly was so terrible that even the blood emperor's magic weapon could not be trapped!

Of course, after the blood gourd exploded, the blood butterflies also gradually dissipated.

In the eyes of Longhuang Zhenshen, there was a regret.

Still worse.

These top emperors have rich combat experience and have a keen sense of life and death that others can't match.

Coupled with their many cards, it is extremely difficult to kill!

"Desolation, you destroy my destiny magic weapon, I want to drink your blood and eat your meat!"

The blood emperor ran the blood rebirth technique, reuniting the flesh, his face was pale, his expression was haggard, and he shouted!

Although he escaped, the destruction of his destiny magic weapon still caused him a lot of trauma.

The blood emperor danced with many blood vines, rooted in the ground, and re-run the Blood Scripture, refining blood and repairing injuries.

At the same time, the blood emperor urged the boundless blood sea and launched the final offensive against the real dragon dragon!

"Your blood vision is gone, I see how you can resist!"

The blood emperor's face was cold and cold, the blood in his eyes flickered, and he was murderous.

"Desolation, you, a taboo, will die today!"

On the other side, Wuying Huang said coldly, slowly.

He also saw that Dragon Phoenix was at the end of the crossbow, and there was no way to support it!

The King of Shadows has no reservations and directly condenses a peerless supernatural power!

"Phantom Slash!"

The Emperor of Wuying replied lightly.

Around Dragon Phoenix's true body, dozens of shadowless emperors suddenly appeared, holding double knives.

At the beginning of the Nationalities Conference, Emperor Fengsha Rakshasa had released this superb magical power to the emperor.

However, it was easily resolved by the emperor of the ancients, and it was killed.

Wuying Huang is not worried.

After all, the taboo Dragon Phoenix has not yet grown to its peak, far more than the eternal emperor.

Not to mention whether Long Phoenix can see where he really is.

Even if it can be seen, the taboo Dragon Phoenix can't stop his cut!

Peerless magic phantom cuts, there are two major killing tricks.

Phantoms can confuse opponents.

The last outbreak was the ultimate killing!

(End of this chapter)

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