Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1728: Thousand Eyes Burial

Chapter 1728: A Thousand Eyes Burial

"Burning the sky to cook the sea!"

The Jinwu Fire Emperor had no time to think too much, and urged the Yuan Shen directly to release the peerless supernatural power, and wanted to drive the night spirit back.

But his speed is still slower.


A ghostly figure had come to his side, and his claws penetrated his body, and he was locked up!

Yeling opened his mouth wide, exposing the sharp fangs, and biting Jin Wuhuohuang's neck into two sections directly, blood spewed out and stained the void!

Jin Wu Huohuang's peerless magical power was not directly condensed, but was interrupted directly by the night spirit!

In fact, Yeling was badly hit because the King Wuhuo and Qianyanhuang joined forces.

Moreover, Ye Ling wanted to help Su Zimo, but was injured by the two emperor Jinwu.

Today, the Emperor of the Thousand Eyes joins forces with the Underworld Emperor and Wuying Emperor to fight against the Dragon Phoenix.

There is only one Jinwu Fire Emperor, and Yeling cannot be killed at all!

On the contrary, the Jinwu Fire Emperor was a little lost, and was caught by Yeling. He retaliated directly and almost killed the Jinwu Fire Emperor on the spot!


A golden crow flew out, galloping into the distance.

This is the Goddess of the Golden Emperor!

His Yuan Shen, still in mid-air, began to run the blood rebirth technique, reshape the flesh, manifested, shook his wings, and wanted to escape from this place.

But his physical body had just manifested, and a man appeared in front of him.

Three heads and six arms, Wu Huang Su Zimo!


Su Zimo picked up the bronze Fang Ding, and smashed it according to the head of Jin Wuhuohuang's head.

The Emperor Jinwu did not have a chance to respond and had no time to dodge, only the Yuanshen escaped again.


The physical body of Jin Wuhuohuang was smashed again by Su Zimo with a bronze square tripod!

Su Zimo sneered, and said, "I joined Yeling, do you still want to escape?"

Either Su Zimo or Ye Ling, with all their strength, would be enough to suppress Jinwu Huohuang.

The two of them joined forces. The Emperor Jinwu could only flee east and west. There is no way to heaven, no way to the ground!

His Yuanshen, who just fled and rebuilt his flesh, will be beaten by Su Zimo or Ye Ling, who will be crushed and broken to pieces!

In these short breaths, the Emperor Jinwu has reshaped the body four times in a row.

And his dodging space has become smaller and smaller, almost locked by Su Zimo and Yeling!

Can't escape, can't escape!

"Wu Huang, can you be merciless and leave me a way out?"

The emperor Jinwu finally couldn't hold it, crying for mercy.

Su Zimo looked cold and unmoved.

If Long Feng Zhenshen didn't realize the momentary beauty, Qinglian Zhenshen did not realize the third Peerless Supernatural Power, and rushed over in time, I'm afraid Yeling has fallen!


Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged, he waved his finger, and quickly wrote a 'prisoner' in the air.

Supernatural powers pervade.

A strange wave of power emerged in the air, and a prison was condensed, trapping the emperor Jinwu in it!

This is just a great magical power. Normally, Jinwu Huohuang cannot be trapped at all.

However, the Emperor Jinwu has only one Yuan God, and after successive battles, he reshapes the flesh, and this Yuan God becomes extremely weak.

Even this great magical power, Jinwu Fire Emperor cannot escape!

His Yuan Shen slammed into this side of the prison, the Yuan Shen trembled and burst into smoke.

Jin Wu Fire Emperor screamed again and again!


Heiman was empty.

Yeling shakes his long tail, pierces the prison, and pierces the emperor of the Jinwu Fire Emperor!

King Wuhuo, meteor!

Since the war, the five top emperors of the fierce tribe have fallen to two.

The remaining Emperor Witch King, Wuying Emperor and Qianyan Emperor have long been unwilling to fight.

The three emperors withdrew their magical powers and fled!

On the battlefield of the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, the void has been fought by the emperors, and has been fragmented, unable to leave through the void tunnel.

The three emperors can only leave this place by relying on their body law.

But the three emperors have different body speeds.

Now running hard, you can see the gap.

As the Raksha family, Wuying Emperor has the fastest speed, and fled to the sky almost immediately!

Unexpectedly, the Nether Witch Emperor released a mantra of supernatural powers, and the speed was surprisingly fast, right after the Shadowless Emperor!

Thousand-Eyed Emperor has the slowest speed, and falls last.

Although Emperor Qianyan also practiced the Book of Blood Alchemy, his blood sacral art has not been cultivated to the level of supernatural powers.

He naturally fell to the end.

"Yaling, stay here, and give me three of the Witch King!"

Su Zimo said in a deep voice.

Ye Ling's injuries are more serious. Staying here can help the emperors of the tribe, Shuluo Yan Beichen and others, and there will be no danger.

Su Zimo's two true bodies have just realized the supernatural power, and their combat power is almost at the peak.

Although the three Witch Kings took a step ahead, it was only a matter of time before the two true bodies caught up!

Su Zimo and Long Huangzhen chased the past in the direction of the three witches.

Dragon Phoenix has wings of Dragon Phoenix, Dapeng Golden Wing, and it's amazingly fast!

Although Qinglian's body speed is faster than that of Dragon Phoenix's body, she also has a lot of mystery techniques, which is closely followed!

It didn't take long for the two true bodies to quickly approach the Emperor of the Thousand Eyes!

The Emperor of Thousand Eyes realized that he could not escape at all!

If you continue to chase like this, it won't be long before he will be caught up by the two true bodies and killed on the spot!

"Desolate, I fight with you!"

In Qian Yanhuang's eyes, madness flickered, he suddenly turned around, reunited the Yuanshen, and erupted the supernatural power!

"A thousand eyes are buried!"


Thousands of eyebrows at the heart of the eyebrow burst suddenly, blood spewed, sending out an extremely horrible wave of power!

puff! puff!

Immediately after, the two eyes of Qianyanhuang burst, and three blood holes appeared on his face!

But the broken eyes and the diffused power gathered rapidly around the Emperor's Eye.

A vacant group of eyes appeared in the void, lined up in rows and rows, hovering behind Qianyanhuang, and opened his eyes!

Thousands of eyes were staring round, with raised eyes and bloodshot eyes, staring at Su Zimo and Dragon Phoenix who came over.

Su Zimo and Dragon Phoenix both felt a chill on their backs.

Whoever it is, staring at these thousands of eyes, will feel uncomfortable.

What's more, the power of these thousand eyes is really terrifying.

In ancient times, there was only one Emperor of the Tianyan tribe who practiced it. In the battle against the Emperor of the Ancients, he even injured the Emperor of the Ancients!

The reason why Qianyan Funeral Heaven is powerful is because it is necessary to sacrifice all the Dao and Fa in Tianyan's eyes in order to condense this superb magical power, which is terrible and can even be buried in heaven and earth!

You know, all the actions of the Tianyan tribe are in the eyes of the eyebrow.

This superb supernatural power is equal to the practice of emperor Qianyan's life!

The thousand-eye burial was released, and even if Su Zimo's two true bodies could not be buried, he would himself become a waste.

(End of this chapter)

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