Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1739: Supernatural power

Chapter 1739: Super Power Fighting

The biggest weakness of the Wu tribe is their weak body and ordinary blood.

But nowadays, the upper clans of the Wu tribe use the means they are not good at to wipe out a Jinwu tribe emperor.

"This power ..."

The storytelling old man paled and murmured, "I'm afraid that Dragon Phoenix is ​​forbidden, and I can't bear such a palm!"

"Flying into the upper world, it will bring such a great transformation!"

Human emperors were shocked.

At this moment of work, Long Fengzhen has been caught by Elder Feng!

Long Huang Zhen's body was calm, and there was no wave and fear in her eyes.

The scene of the genius was also in his eyes.

Moreover, Long Huang Zhenshen realized that even if he was forbidden by blood and physical, he would never stop the power of these upper world witches!

But he didn't plan to capture it!

Even if he died, he had to pull an Upper Witch tribe to accompany him!

The other six witches are hunting down the remaining fierce emperor, and have not yet returned to this wind elder, now is the best opportunity!


Elder Feng's eyes looked at Dragon Phoenix's real body recklessly.

Dragon Phoenix is ​​huge in size and covered with crimson red armor, burning with blazing flames. Even in the presence of Elder Feng, it is still imposing!

"It looks like you're still a little dissatisfied."

Elder Feng smiled slightly and said, "In front of me, put away this look of me!"

As soon as the words fell, grabbing the dark green hand of Long Huang Zhenshen, it suddenly tightened, and a terrifying force broke out!

Dragon Phoenix groaned.


The green smoke billowed.

The flame of the dragon and phoenix on him extinguished instantly!

The two pairs of wings behind were crushed by this huge palm, dripping with blood!

Under the squeeze of this dark green hand, Dragon Phoenix really shrinks, and soon returns to a human form!

"Say it."

Elder Feng looked at Long Huang's real body, and asked lightly, "Where is your Qinglian real body?"

"I can tell you, can you let me go?"

Long Phoenix Zhenshen said suddenly.

He said this only to paralyze the elders and let him drop his guard.

"no problem."

Deep in Elder Feng's eyes, a sneer was passed, and even the dark green hands of Long Huangzhen's body were released.

"Say it."

Elder Feng smiled slightly.

"Old dog, you die for me!"

In the calm eyes of Longhuang Zhenshen, a sudden murderous attack suddenly appeared!

"Inverse scale!"

Dragon Phoenix really does not hesitate to directly sacrifice this element of mystery!

Of course, it is just a meta-mysticism, and it is impossible to threaten the powerful in the upper world.

At the same time as offering the inverse scale, Dragon Phoenix really urges the gods to form a peerless supernatural power!

I saw Long Huangzhen stretch out his finger, pointed away towards the wind elder, and sipped softly: "Moments in a flash!"

An extremely horrifying force shrouded in the direction of the wind elder, without trace and substance.

Neither the naked eye nor the consciousness can see the form of this power.

This is the power of time!

Years have no form!

Every sentence that the elder Feng Feng just said can be heard clearly.

Elder Feng once said that if he could get the good fortune green lotus, his life would increase.

This means that there is certainly not much left in this wind elder!

This instant fragrant offering is absolutely devastating to Elder Feng!

When the Dragon Phoenix real body sacrifice the elementary mystery ‘reverse scale’, the elder wind still looks calm, and the mocking color in his eyes becomes more and more obvious.

When Fanghua came, the elder Feng frowned slightly.


Elder Feng felt it for a moment and frowned, "It's actually the power of time!"

"It is indeed the blood of the Dragon and the Phoenix. Actually, in the lower world, you can feel the power of time! Moreover, this seems to be a peerless magical power!"

At this time, Long Huang Zhenshen looked dignified.

The performance of Elder Feng was a little too calm!

Although he saw the flashy elders, the elder Feng was a little moved, but there was no panic and fear, and it seemed that he did not put his peerless magical power in his eyes at all!

"Ha ha."

Elder Feng smiled and said, "Dragon Phoenix, although your blood is good, in this lower bound, you are just a frog at the bottom of the well."

"Today, let you see what the real magical power is!"

The words did not fall, the elder Feng recited a spell in his mouth, and a very pure and powerful power burst out from his body!

This power is overwhelming, fused with this spell, and sends out an extremely scary magical power!

Elder Feng pointed towards the front and drank softly: "Icy spell!"

"Icy spell?"

Hearing this spell, Dragon Phoenix was stunned.

Over the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, the emperors of the human race, storytelling elders, Long Ran and others also froze, puzzled.

You know, the Frost Mantra is just the most common little magical power of the Wu tribe.

This wind elder actually released a small magical power to fight against the momentary power of the peerless magical power?

The confusion in the hearts of everyone has not yet dissipated, and they have seen an extremely shocking scene!

The inverse scales flew from the eyebrows of Longhuang Zhenshen, and before flying to Elder Feng, there was a layer of frost on it!

Click! Click!

In a blink of an eye, a crack appeared on the inverse scale!


The next moment, the inverse scales cracked into nothingness!

Click! Click!

Immediately after, a denser sound came from around Elder Feng!

In the void around the Elder Wind, a frost cracked pattern emerged, dense and dense!

Years are invisible.

But this ice spell fell, but the power of years was frozen in the void, unable to fall!


Many emperors froze, stunned.

Long Huang Zhenshen was shocked and confused.

His peerless magical powers and the elder wind's little magical powers were completely crushed!

How could this be?

Although Dragon Phoenix Zhenshen did not understand the spell, the spell of the ice spell recited by the elder Feng was not the same as the spell of ice spell recited by the Emperor of the Wakang continent.

The only difference is that when the elder Feng condenses this little magical power, an extremely pure and powerful power is emitted from his body!

It is this power that is fused with the Frost Spell, which has completely transformed this little magical power.

Even the flashy moments are frozen into ice!

"Is this the power of the upper world?"

In the eyes of Longhuang Zhenshen, there was a loss.

Even if all his hole cards were exhausted, he could not hurt the elder Feng!

This gap is really too big!

He has no chance at all!

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, the remaining six Upper Witch tribe also came back, seeing this scene, sneer again and again.

"This nymph wants to fight us?"

"This is the frog at the bottom of the well.

"Elder Feng, if you want me to see him, detain him directly and perform soul-searching! Why waste words with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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