Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1744: Erase all

Chapter 1744: All Killed

Hearing this sentence, Su Zimo only felt a bang in his head, and his heart thumped as if to jump out of his mouth!

Su Zimo has never heard anything so touching.

And from the mouth of Butterfly Moon.

But does this sentence mean that Butterfly Moon is coming to help him, or does it mean something else?

Su Zimo didn't know what he thought, his face turned red, and his mind was even more confused.

"What are you thinking?"

Butterfly Yue looked at Su Zimo with a smile, as if she could see through his mind.

Su Zimo's face turned redder.

"No, nothing."

Su Zimo looked cramped and said quickly.

Somehow, Su Zimo felt like meeting each other, and there seemed to be more smiles on Butterfly Moon's face.

You know, when Butterfly Moon taught his secret book of the Great Demon King in Pingyang Town, he always kept his face cold and barely smiled.

Su Zimo took a deep breath and tentatively asked, "Girl, butterfly, what does this third gift mean?"

"Actually, even before I left, I didn't expect that you could practice this step."

Butterfly Moon's look also became a little emotional.

She knows best that as a mortal, she has ordinary blood, no teachers, no resources, no support, and how difficult it is to rise in the cruel world of cultivation!

She departed that year, although it was left to Su Zimo's worry-free flower, the phoenix bone, and the secret book of the Desolation King.

But she also knew that Su Zimo was very unlikely to grow up!

Although Su Zimo once said that she was going to find her, she just smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Therefore, when Yueyue saw Su Zimo again, she saw that Su Zimo had already practiced this step, and she was extremely happy in her heart. The smile on her face naturally increased.

Dieyue continued: "When the twelve demon kings of the Wilderness secretly practiced, and when all the twelve demon kings were cultivated to condense the bleeding butterflies, I would realize that consciousness came on this vision.

In Su Zimo's eyes, there was a trace of solitude.

Prior to this, the blood vision he practiced, although it also condensed the bleeding butterfly vision, all seemed a bit illusory.

The twelve demon kings have all cultivated, but the blood butterflies condensed this time have formed the essence!

In other words, only when he cultivates twelve demon kings can he touch the true blood butterfly vision!

"Then you now ..."

Su Zimo looked at the Butterfly Moon, but stopped talking.

After all, the enemy currently has some words that he can't say clearly.

Butterfly Yue did not conceal, no worries, nodded, and said, "What you see now is certainly not my true body, at best it can only be regarded as a clone."

Said to be a lone, I'm afraid they are a little reluctant.

Today's Butterfly Moon is just a blood vessel vision condensed by Su Zimo, but it only awakens Butterfly Moon's consciousness.

The elder Feng next to him waited for several Upper Witch clans, and never dared to act lightly.

Now when I hear this sentence, the seven witch strongs look at each other and breathe a sigh of relief.

They are coming in true deity!

And the woman in front of her was just a bloodline vision, not even her avatar!

"Ha ha."

An upper world woman of the Wu tribe was jealous of Butterfly Moon's appearance. Now that she knows the origin of Butterfly Moon, she can't help but sneer, saying, "I'm a big man. It turned out to be just a bloodline vision.

Hearing the words of the witch woman, the smile on Dieyue's face gradually disappeared.

"A few black witches, dare to make noise in front of me!"

Butterfly Yue turned around, looked at Elder Feng and others, said a little, without hesitation, shot directly!

Without any magical tricks, Butterfly Moon just flatly stretched out her palm, crystal-like as a jade, shining with a white luster, and patted it towards the Upper Witch woman.

"Dead to me!"

This witch woman, as well as two next-world Witches, shot at the same time, three magical powers broke out!

"Dingtian curse!"

"Ultimate curse!"

"Tianluo curse!"

This little magical power is not a magical power released by the strong on the continent.

The supernatural powers of the upper realms seem to have undergone some kind of transformation, and they can even easily crush Su Zimo's peerless superpowers!

Three magical powers burst out at the same time, as if to destroy the world!

puff! puff! puff!

But these three little magical powers have just been released, they were crushed by the palm of the butterfly moon and crushed into nothingness, without causing any ripples!

Three little magical powers, let alone hurt Butterfly Moon, even failed to stop Butterfly Moon at all!


Butterfly Moon's palm fell ruthlessly, and the flesh of the three Upper Witches burst instantly and turned into a mist of blood!

The three gods of the Upper Witch Tribe failed to escape and were shot dead by the palms of the butterfly moon!

Heaven is shaking!

Emperors of all races, thousands of creatures with eyes widened, watching this scene incredibly!

In their eyes, those who are irresistible and unable to fight, like the gods of the Upper Witch clan, are as vulnerable as ants under the palm of this blood-robe woman!

Three shots with one palm!

"too strong!"

Long Yan dumbfounded his tongue, and couldn't help but swallowed, saying, "This is just a blood vision. How strong is your physical strength?"

For this scene, Su Zimo was not surprised.

"Fairy girl!"

The elder Feng was shocked, and Shen said, "You better not kill everything! If it is anxious, I will return this matter to the witch world!"

"If you know that there are good creatures here, then when they come down, they won't be our Xuanwu-level powerhouses!"

"Did you just call him a little animal?"

Butterfly Yue ignored the threat of Elder Wind and turned her eyes on the Elder Wind.

In Di Yue's eyes, Shenguang flickered.

The void around Elder Wind collapsed instantly!

The next moment, Elder Feng's body also began to collapse constantly, split into pieces, and turned into blood foam!

"I want to destroy this continent and blood flow!"

Elder Feng's Yuan Shen finally screamed a scream!

His primordial **** burned, and he did not know what secret method to sacrifice, turned into a stream of light, straight into the sky, and sank into the huge crack above the sky.

"You're done!"

The remaining three Upper Witches turned pale and looked at Dieyue, Su Zimo and others with a nervous smile.

"We in the Witch Realm will be here when they get the news!"

"By then, all of you, all beings on this continent will be buried with Elder Feng!"

The three Upper Witches looked stern and shouted.

"is it?"

Butterfly Moon looked indifferent, unmoved, and said lightly, "Go and bury him first!"

Butterfly's palm fell off.


The remaining three Upper Witch clans have been transformed into three groups of blood mists, with no bones left, and they are extinct!

There is silence in heaven and earth!

Thousands of creatures were shocked.

Just how powerful and arrogant the seven Upper World Malays are.

However, the woman in the blood robe came, almost tormented, and wiped out all the seven Upper Witches, all of them were spared!

Today, three more, let ’s sleep

(End of this chapter)

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