Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1747: Heaven and earth

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1747

Butterfly Moon is almost invincible in Su Zimo's heart.

But now, Yueyue has said it herself. With her cultivation, there can be no more than 50% of the land in the upper world!

It has not yet risen, but the vast mystery of the upper world has already brought Su Zimo a huge impact!

Dieyue said: "You are invincible on this continent today, and there is no opponent. But if you rise to the upper bound, it is almost the lowest level."

Su Zimo nodded and said: "The emperor of the Emperor once said to me that there are countless arrogant people in the upper world, who are capable of ascension and ascension. They are all the most powerful men in the lower world."

"It's not just the Ascension of the Nether."

Dieyue said: "In the Upper Realm, there are many Tianjiao who were born there. Once they are born, they are higher than the spiritual origin of the Lower Realm."

Su Zimo suddenly remembered one thing and asked: "What are the cultivation practices of the seven Wu clan who just came down from the upper world?"

"They are just a few witches."

Dieyue shook her head slightly and said, "Xuan Wu, in the upper world of the witch world, can be regarded as the bottommost being."

"But even the bottommost beings in the upper world can also suppress me easily."

Su Zimo smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The peerless magical powers I understand, even the mysterious magical powers of Xuan Wu."

Dieyue groaned a little, and said, "It's okay to tell you something now. Among the upper realms, the first realm you have to go through is the three realms."

Su Zimo was shocked and quickly listened.

He didn't want to miss any information about the upper bound.

After all, the more you know, the more likely it is that you will gain a foothold after flying high!

What's more, he has cultivated to the present state and knows nothing about the way forward.

Butterfly Moon Road: "These three realms are Xuanyuan Realm, Diyuan Realm, and Tianyuan Realm. The witch clan in Xuanyuan Realm is generally called Xuan Wu, and the person who cultivates immortals in Xuan Yuan Realm is called Xuan Xian. And so on. "

"Of course, the civilizations of the three thousand worlds are different, and the title may be slightly different, but the corresponding state will not change much."

Su Zimo nodded and asked, "Why are these three realms called Xuan Yuan, Di Yuan, Tian Yuan? What is mysterious?"

Butterfly Yue did not answer, but asked, "Xuan, earth, heaven, in this order, what can you think of?"

"Xuan, earth, heaven?"

Su Zimo thinks for a moment, before his eyes light up, he blurts out: "Xuanhuang Xuanhuang?"


Butterfly Yue nodded.

"I know!"

Su Zimo said: "Heaven and earth are yellow, in fact, this 'yellow' corresponds to the emperor in hundreds of millions of worlds!"

Dieyue bowed her head slightly, passing a trace of appreciation in her eyes, saying: "As for the" yuan "in Xuanyuan, Diyuan, and Tianyuan, it represents the source of the power of the upper realm-heaven and earth vitality!"

"The vitality of the heavens and the earth is similar to the reiki in the world of Xiaoqian, except that it is countless times stronger than the reiki!"

"You just said that a little magical power of Xuan Wu defeated your peerless magical power because his little magical power was integrated into the vitality of heaven and earth."

"No wonder."

Su Zimo was stunned and said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, blending into the vitality of the heavens and the earth can make the magical powers transform so much!"

Butterfly Moon said: "The so-called magical power method was originally passed down from the upper world. Only when it merges with the vitality of the heavens and the earth, can it exert its true power."

After a little groaning, Su Zimo asked again: "Does that mean that if I can master the vitality of the heavens and the earth, I can release my supernatural power at will?"


Dieyue shook her head and said: "Generally, monks in Xuanyuan Realm can only release small magical powers; Diyuan Realm can only release great magical powers; Tianyuan Realm can release peerless magical powers."

"In the first place, the power of heaven and earth that releases great magical powers or peerless magical powers is huge, the realm is not enough, and it cannot be urged at all."

"Secondly, the realm is not enough. The physical gods cannot bear the burden of releasing great magical powers and peerless magical powers."

Su Zimo kept these things firmly in his mind and tried to absorb as much understanding as possible.

Dieyue said: "Your vision should be broadened and long-term. In the upper world, there are not only magical powers, but also countless treasures and secrets, many of which I have never seen before."

"Not only does the upper world have supreme power, but there are also several major taboo secrets. If you can get one of them, it will be enough for your life."

Supreme Mastery!

The first four words he heard were from the storyteller.

But the storyteller also said that it was just a legend and he had never seen it before.

Today, from Yueyue's mouth, Supreme Mastery really exists.

And, just in the upper bound!

However, even the strongest in the heavenly realm can only release peerless supernatural powers. What kind of power do they have to release the supernatural powers?

Butterfly Moon seems to see Su Zimo thinking, saying: "After Tianyuan Realm, there is naturally a higher level, but that is too far away from you."

"Each of the great realms of Xuanyuan, Diyuan and Tianyuan has nine levels, and each level has a huge gap, and the gap between the three realms is even greater!"

Su Zimo asked: "Girl Girl, is your realm above Tianyuan Realm?"

"of course."

Dieyue nodded and said, "The emperor in your mouth is above Tianyuan Realm."

Su Zimo sighed.

He thought that by flying to the upper bound, he would soon be able to catch up with Butterfly Moon.

Unexpectedly, there is such a huge gap between him and Butterfly Moon!

The dialogue between the two was isolated by the butterfly's secret method, and it was not passed on to anyone else.

Dieyue's eyes fell on Qing Lianzhen, and she looked for a while, and said, "It's rare to grow to the top of the eight grades."

"Yeah, it's a pity that we never broke through and reached Jiupin."

Su Zimo said.

Qinglian really has been at the peak of Bapin for some time.

Even though Qinglian Zhenshen realized the three superb supernatural powers, she failed to break through the eight-pin boundary, and she seemed to have fallen into a bottleneck.

"Forged Qinglian, the only place in the world, I don't know how to grow."

Butterfly Yue said: "However, Jiu Pincai Qinglian is by no means the limit. The real peak is the 12 grade!"

"Moreover, the last four grades of Fortune Green Lotus will result in greater fortune! The potential for this avatar is by no means weaker than your Dragon Phoenix."

"Perhaps better than Dragon Phoenix!"

Butterfly Yue's evaluation of Qinglian's true body is extremely high!

In Su Zimo's heart, there are countless words that he wants to say to Dieyue.

But at this moment, Yueyue suddenly looked up, looked at the crack above the sky, and said gently: "Here it is."

As soon as the words fell, a repressive breath slowly poured into the barren continent through the crack!


A green river suspended above the sky, exuding a strong evil spirit!

Every drop of water in the river is bred with terrifying power, enough to kill any emperor on the continent!

Three more, sleep

(End of this chapter)

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