Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1784: King Yun You

Chapter 1784: Cloud You King

With one palm, many stars and celestial bodies are destroyed like a shattered and rotten body. This power is completely beyond Su Zimo's perception!

The cruelty behind this makes Su Zimo's heart cold!

In the eyes of the palm master, those creatures on the stars are as dead as grass, without any hesitation, all killed!

And this palm is obviously directed at him!

Su Zimo could not have imagined that he had not yet risen to the upper bounds, how could he cause such a terrible enemy!

He didn't even think about it, just when he was soaring, he encountered such disasters!

In other words, this person has even anticipated his ascension time, one step ahead, and shot to kill him!

This person is very clear that if Su Zimo were to fly to other interfaces, he might not be able to kill Su Zimo!

Su Zimo's eyes widened.

Shrouded by the breath of this super hand, he couldn't move!

This horrible palm hasn't really arrived yet, just the breath of pressure from the palm can completely restrain Su Zimo!

Su Zimo's heart felt a sense of weakness.

This is an absolute suppression in strength!

Even when he faced the advent of the strong in the upper world, he never felt that way.

"Hehehehe ..."

Just then, in the starry sky, there was a cold laughter suddenly.

"Amate, we meet again!"

The voice sounded again.

Su Zimo looked shocked!

This sound is quite familiar.

"It's that person!"

A figure flashed through Su Zimo's mind, and her heart sank.

At that time, the strong men from the upper world came to the sky, and in the end, a white-shirt man who called himself "the king" appeared, and even in one thought, he could find the existence of Qinglian true body on the sky.

Moreover, I learned from the butterfly's mouth that the man who fell on the continent was only a clone of the white-shirted man!

Dieyue also said to Su Zimo that this person has a very high status in heaven, and can break the earth and seal the king!

Unfortunately, this person encountered Butterfly Moon, was destroyed this avatar, and was also taken away by Butterfly Moon.

Today, this fruit is in the hands of the deity of martial arts.

Dieyue once told Su Zimo that if he ascended to heaven, be careful of this person.

But Su Zimo didn't expect that he hadn't been able to ascend to the upper realm, and this person could not bear it anymore and shot him in advance!

"My lord no matter what relationship you have with that blood butterfly, she destroys me as a clone, and I will count this account on your head!"

The voice of the man in the white shirt rang again, his voice cold and full of resentment.

Su Zimo knew clearly that the man in white shirts came here not only for revenge, but also for his true body!

Sure enough, just listening to the white shirt man said coldly: "I originally intended to be your dragon and phoenix clone and be raised as a fairy pet, but since my clone was destroyed, you must also be buried with me!"

"Rest assured, I won't kill your real body of Qinglian immediately, I will also turn your real body into a magic elixir to practice!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw this huge palm and slowly closed it.

A horrible pressure descended on Long Huang Zhen!

Click! Click!

In the body of Dragon Phoenix Real Body, there was a sound of bone fracture in an instant!

Ubiquitous pain, deep into the pain of the soul!

Dragon Phoenix could not move at all. Under this force, the bones in the body were broken a little, and the vitality was extinct!

In this process, although the Dragon and Phoenix Yuanshen couldn't move, it was in an extremely uncomfortable situation, feeling the severe pain from all parts of the body!

Under the tremendous pressure, Dragon Phoenix has begun to deform and distort!

By this white shirt man's means, I am afraid that with just one finger, Long Phoenix can be crushed to death.

Now, the man in white shirt slowly destroys and destroys the real body of Dragon and Phoenix, just to torture Su Zimo, and to let Su Zimo experience such pain and despair himself!

Dragon Phoenix Real Body Linjia has been reduced to powder.

But in just a dozen breaths, the bones of Dragon Phoenix have been crushed by this horrible force!

These more than a dozen breaths seemed to Long Huang Zhenshen for hundreds of years.

Long Huang Zhenshen wanted to shout and vent, but couldn't do it, and could only bear this pain silently!

Soon, this devastating pressure penetrated into the viscera of Dragon Phoenix's real body!

Even Linjia, flesh, and bones couldn't withstand this kind of strength. In the blink of an eye, the five internal organs of Longhuang's real body were shaken into pieces of flesh and blood, with no vitality!

Dragon Phoenix was really bloodied, and was no longer in shape. It was almost squeezed into a **** flesh ball by this powerful force!

"Hehehehe ..."

The white man's laughter continued to ring.

Seems very satisfied with this masterpiece of his own.

"It's a pity that the blood of Dragon and Phoenix is ​​bloody."

In this starry sky, another voice suddenly sounded.

"It's just a beast that has risen from the Nether. It's no pity. This humanoid green lotus is the real treasure!"

The white shirt man replied.

Although Su Zimo's sight has been blocked by the super big hand above his head, obviously there is another person in the sky besides the white shirt man!


Suddenly, the voice whispered, "This respect, can actually resist your power, hasn't it been completely abolished yet?"

"What is this broken tripod, broken into this look?"

The man in white shirt also said something, and seemed a little confused.

At this moment, in the starry sky, another oblique force suddenly broke out in the oblique stab, hitting the palm of the white shirt man!


The two forces collided with a loud noise, and the surrounding starry sky shook slightly.

"King Yunyou, as an immortal king, you are so unbearable that you have intervened in the ascension of the souls of the Nether World!"

Immediately after, a woman's drinking came from the stars.


The man in white shirt snorted, "Where is the crazy woman, how does the king behave? You are not qualified to put a beak! You can't stop it!"

Having said that, this woman's intervention and confrontation with the king of Yunyou made Su Zimo feel light.

Although the suffocating death breath still surrounds him, he is temporarily relieved from the state of imprisonment and resumes action.

The Dragon Phoenix Primordial did not hesitate to escape from the broken and broken Dragon Phoenix Real Body directly, and hid in the bronze Fang Ding, galloping towards Qing Lian Real Body.

The physical body of Dragon Phoenix Real Body is already extinct, and it is completely disconnected from Dragon Phoenix Primordial Spirit, there is no need for cure.

"Blood Rebirth!"

The Dragon Phoenix Yuanshen hid in the bronze Fang Ding, and quickly operated the supernatural power, trying to reunite the flesh.

But his supernatural power, just released, just collapsed!

There is no flesh and blood around the dragon and phoenix!

Noticing this scene, Su Zimo's expression was cold, and a heart gradually sank to the bottom of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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