Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1792: Medicine farmer

Chapter 1792 Medicine Farmer

"Who are you? Where did it come from?"

The young woman's eyes were bright and she looked at Su Zimo and asked.

"In Xia Suzimo, the Pingyang continent from the lower world."

Su Zimo's words were half true and half false.

There was nothing to hide from his name, and even if he said it, it wouldn't attract much attention.

Although King Yunyou is his enemy, he does not know his name.

But when he first arrived in the upper world, everything around him was unknown.

Out of caution, Su Zimo concealed the Tianhuang continent and replaced it with the name of Pingyang Town, where he was born.

There are hundreds of thousands of small worlds in the lower bounds. Even if he is making up, the woman in front of him cannot find any flaws.

"How did you fall from the sky and fall here?"

The young woman asked again.

Su Zimo said: "When it was soaring, something unexpected happened. I don't know where it is? I heard that the upper world is vast and there are 3,000 worlds. I don't know which interface of the upper world?

Regarding his experience when he was soaring, Su Zimo only said something lightly, then turned the topic and asked.

When everyone around Su Zimo looked like this, they all laughed.

They have had this experience before.

Just flying up and down here, everything in the upper world is new and unknown to them.

Liang Tong led the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked slightly disdainful.

The young woman did not show anything, and said, "Here is the star of Longyuan, a star under the jurisdiction of Qingyun County."

"The land under your feet belongs to the domain of Fengxueling."

Long Yuan Xing? Cheongun-gun? Fengxueling?

Su Zimo looked wrong.

Is a star under the jurisdiction of a county?

How big is this Qingyun County?

"As for which interface here belongs to the upper world, I don't know ..."

The young woman hesitated, and said, "Because, I haven't left Longyuan Star yet."

Su Zimo froze, looking subconsciously.

The others were calm, and there was no doubt about what the young woman said.

In other words, these people do not know which interface of the upper world is here, nor have they left Longyuan Star!

"Why don't you leave?"

Su Zimo asked.

"Huh! Ignorant!"

Hearing this sentence, the leader Liang sneered, and said, "Don't say it is Long Yuanxing. You can walk out of the Fengxueling range alive in your life, even if you are capable!"

When the young woman originally talked to Su Zimo, Duan Tianliang didn't dare to interject.

He inspected the situation, saw Liang Tong's sarcasm, and quickly jumped out, pointing at Su Zimo: "What soil bun from Pingyang mainland, are you joking about our young lady! I think you are owed!"

Duan Tianliang turned and hugged at the young woman: "Miss, rest assured, this person will give it to me, and I promise to give him the honesty and service!"

Someone nearby couldn't see it, and said in a round field, "He has just soared. I don't know the situation, and he can't blame him."

"Little brother, I tell you, I have been soaring for tens of thousands of years, and I have never left Longyuan Star."

"Yeah, you don't know what interface is here, it doesn't make much sense. In our life, it would be nice to have a chance to visit Longyuan City once."

Everyone said.

Su Zimo's expression shook, and his heart was shocked!

You know, the people who can soar are the arrogant demons of the Nether, but these people haven't been able to get out of Longyuan Star for tens of thousands of years!

Until this time, Su Zimo really felt the vastness and mystery of the upper world.

"Miss, why explain so much to this person, just leave it to these medicinal farmers."

Liang Leong whispered.

The young woman nodded slightly, looking at Su Zimo and said, "Anyway, you have to compensate for this broken field."

"In the rules of Fengxueling, the first-order Xuanxian should start from the medicinal farmer and plant two kinds of fairy grasses, namely Peiyuan grass and Yulin flower."

"Normally, every medicinal farmer needs to plant ten acres of land. If you break the thirteen acres of land, the 13 acres of fairy grass will be left to you."

"You will not be able to leave Fengxueling until these two acres of grass are mature. Of course, you can also choose to stay. Fengxueling treats everyone equally."

"If you can cultivate to the second-order Xuanxian, you can be a deacon in Fengxueling and manage the medicine farmers."

Hearing this, Su Zimo looked at Duan Tianliang not far away.

The young woman smiled and said, "You think so well. Duan Tianliang is one of the deacons of Feng Xueling. If you have any doubts, you can ask him."

"Miss, don't worry."

Duan Tianliang patted his chest and said, "This person will give it to me!"

The young woman frowned slightly and said, "He has just soared and was seriously injured. Let him rest and heal for a while, and don't worry about planting."

"Yes Yes."

Duan Tianliang quickly nodded to reconcile, but secretly sneered in his heart: "Smelly boy, you spoil me for more than ten acres of Lingtian and see how I torture you!"

The young woman said goodbye to everyone and left.

It didn't take long for the young woman to leave, but she did not know what she was thinking of, and turned and walked back.

She came to Su Zimo, took out a jade bottle from the storage bag, and a fuyu, handed it over, and said quietly: "There are some elixir in this jade bottle, which may be helpful to your injury. "

"In the lower realm, cleaning dust is only a small spell. But in the upper realm, dust removal is an immortal skill. You have n’t practiced it yet. Take this dust remover first. Go back and clean up the dirt on your body and heal yourself. "

Su Zimo moved slightly.

Although this move was nothing, it made him feel warmth in his heart.

He just just soared and never knew the woman in front of him.

For a stranger, this woman can also have goodwill, which is also extremely rare in the world of cultivation.

"Little brother, take it, Miss is nice."

A handsome middle-aged man next to him said with a smile.

"Don't hold it, just hold it."

Seeing that Su Zimo was still motionless, the young woman took the initiative to pull up Su Zimo's dirt-covered palm and put the medicine bottle and dust catcher on it.

This act of young women is also very natural and quite free and easy.

More importantly, even if Su Zimo was staining her hands, she was not half disgusted.

Originally, Su Zimo was still hesitant to stay in Fengxueling.

By his means, if he wants to leave, at least this section of Tianliang must not stop him!

Until this time, he made a decision to stay in Fengxueling for the time being, to be as familiar with everything around him as possible, familiar with Longyuan Star, and then make plans!

At this point, Su Zimo suddenly laughed at himself.

He had thought that flying to the upper bound must be extremely dangerous and scary, and he would inevitably fight the Quartet to kill him!

Collision with countless Tianjiao!

Compete with the strongest in the world!

But he never expected that he would rise to the upper bounds and would come to farm ...

(End of this chapter)

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