Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1794: Desolate star

Chapter 1794 Desolate Stars

"Lao Yan, the monks in Fengxueling all came up from the Nether?"

Su Zimo asked.

"That's natural."

Lao Yan said: "Don't say it's Fengxueling. There aren't many upper-level aboriginal Shangxian on the entire Longyuan Star. These aboriginal Shangxian are almost all in Longyuan City."


Lao Yan seemed to think of something again, saying: "It doesn't matter what we call it, but if you go outside and see Xiu is higher than you, you still have to call" Shangxian "."

"Well, I've seen it with my own eyes. Someone was beheaded on the spot just because he called the other‘ Taoyou ’.”

Mentioning this, Lao Yan shook her head slightly and sighed.

Su Zimo groaned a little, and frowned, and asked, "Why are there almost ascending people on Longyuan?"

"You have just taken off and don't know yet."

When referring to this matter, Lao Yan's eyes passed a trace of maggots, saying: "The Dragon Dragon Star is the most remote star under Qingyun County, and the sky and earth are weak."

"In the eyes of the aboriginal fairy, we didn't even put our lower-bounds in the eye."

"Everyone who has risen and risen after 19 days of disasters will rise to these remote and desolate stars. I heard that only some people who have survived 29 days, 39 days, and 49 days are eligible for Qingyun. Practice elsewhere in the county. "

"What's the difference after a few days of disaster?"

Su Zimo asked again.

"big difference."

Lao Yan said: "Normally, after nineteen days of calamity, ascend to the upper realm, as long as you stay in the upper realm, adapt to the environment of the upper realm, and blend with the surrounding vitality, the realm will stabilize. It's first-order Xuanxian. "

"Similarly, after passing through the 29th Heaven Calamity, the state of stability is the second-order Xuanxian. Those who can survive the 49th Heaven Calamity have just ascended to the upper world, which is the fourth-order Xuanxian, with Miss Dao and Liang Lead the same rank! "

Hearing here, Su Zimo's heart flashed a flash of enlightenment.

Normally, after four or nine days of calamity, after rising to the upper bound, he sympathized with the surrounding heaven and earth, and should be a fourth-order Xuanxian.

But his ascension was forcibly interrupted by King Yunyou.

Later, he hid in the bronze Fang Ding and was swallowed by the starry black hole!

But in the starry black hole, let alone the vitality of heaven and earth, not even air, reiki, anything else.

Therefore, his realm has always maintained the first-order Xuanxian situation.

But now, he has risen to the upper bounds and landed on the star of Longyuan.

According to Lao Yan, as long as he stays in this Longyuan star for a period of time and sympathizes with the surrounding heaven and earth, the realm will quickly rise to reach the fourth-order Xuanxian!

It is also because the creatures who have passed through the nineteen days of disaster will rise to such remote stars as Longyuan Star, so Xia Qingying and other talents will predominate, thinking that Su Zimo has only survived nineteen days of disaster.

"The vastness of the upper world is full of heaven and earth vitality. Why is the heaven and earth vitality on Longyuan Star thin?"

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

"I don't know."

Lao Yan shook his head and said, "In fact, we are some of those who have been abandoned. Those high gods have never put those people who have risen from the lower world in their eyes, and let us live here and die."

"Brother Su, come with me."

Lao Yan said suddenly that he should step out of the door and look up at the distant sky.

Su Zimo also followed his gaze.

"Brother Su, did you see that?"

Lao Yan pointed at the end of the sky and said, "There is a huge shadow over there. I heard people say that Qingyun County is there! The heavens and earth there are ten times more powerful than Longyuan Star!"

When Su Zimo got out of the starry black hole, he had seen the huge shadow up close. It was a sun-shade, vast and boundless, very shocking!

"Everyone's wish to ascend to the Dragon Dragon Star is to leave here and go to the legendary Qingyun County."

"Why don't you leave?"

Su Zimo asked.

Lao Yan smiled bitterly: "Longyuan Star is still far away from the starry sky. If you want to cross the starry sky, it can only be done by the legendary Tianxian strongman."

Su Zimo was shocked.

Is it necessary to leave the Dragon Dragon Star and cultivate to the realm of Tianxian?

Lao Yan said: "Of course, I heard that there is a teleportation array in Longyuan City, which can also teleport people here, but the conditions for teleportation are too harsh."

"The vast majority of people on the Longyuan Star have never spent that life."

When mentioning this, Lao Yan's eyes passed a faint gloom.

"Think back then, in my lower bound, I was also the fierce Yan Huang! Everyone said that I was the reincarnation of Yan Wang!"

Lao Yan smiled bitterly: "But ascended to this upper world, it has not been reduced to this."

Su Zimo was silent.

As Lao Yan said, who is capable of ascension?

Each one is a Tianjiao evildoer of the Nether!

But these people soared up and were abandoned on this remote star. The heavens and earth were weak, the speed of practice was slow, and even their will gradually subsided.

"Lao Yan, how long have you been soaring?"

Su Zimo asked.

Lao Yan showed the color of memories, and after a little, she suddenly said, "It's almost ten thousand years."

For more than 10,000 years, Lao Yan just stayed in the realm of first-order Xuanxian!

The situation of Long Yuanxing is worse than Su Zimo imagined.

Old Yan said: "The years of 100,000 years are fleeting. I estimate that I have no chance to leave in my life."

Soaring to the upper world, Su Zimo can feel that his birthday has not changed much, it is still 100,000 years.

Su Zimo said: "In this way, the upper realm is really not good. Soaring up, Shou Yuan has not grown, but was abandoned on this desolate star. It is better to be invincible in the lower realm, free and easy."


Hearing here, Lao Yan suddenly lighted up, shining brightly, and the whole person was energized, and the decadence and depression of the talents were swept away.

"Brother Su, do you know that the babies born in the Upper Realm were born with the heavens and the earth, so they saved a lot of practice and started to cultivate from the first stage of Xuanxian!"

"Baby born in the upper world has a much higher foundation than the lower world! Future achievements will far exceed me!"

"I tell you, those descendants of the immortal descended, and I don't know how many heavenly treasures to use to assist, nourish, and fight the flesh and bones, as well as the superior meditation techniques, which can directly shape the gods. "

Lao Yan said with a smile: "Without concealing you, my son is just two months old. I plan to gather more Ning Yuandan, even if there are no natural treasures, I have to change a method of condensing the Yuanshen To lay the groundwork for him. "

"Although I have no hope of leaving Longyuan Star in this life, I hope he can go out and have a look at Qingyun County and go all out!"

Mentioning this, Lao Yan became excited.

Su Zimo also smiled slightly.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in front of him is not the Emperor Yan Huang, or Lao Yan.

He is just a father.

(End of this chapter)

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