Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1802: set off

Chapter 1802 Departure

Even the most common remedies like Ning Yuandan are not taught by the immortals of the upper world, which means that most of the cultivation resources of the upper world are under the control of the major schools of Xianzong!

The rising souls of the Nether Realm want to use their own efforts and talents to ask the eternal life, it is almost impossible.

For example, Duan Tianliang, Lao Yan and others, although they have only passed through the nineteen days of calamity, their talents and qualifications are absolutely superior, but they do not have enough resources for cultivation, and they can only surrender to this Longyuan star.

Even thousands of years, thousands of years, repairs have not improved much.

And the blood of some of the children who lived in Shangxian, just after they were born, have countless resources. Tiancaidibao went to lay the foundation for them.

Even if the talent is ordinary, the cultivation of the realm can steadily improve.

Su Zimo thought for a while, and then asked: "Xueyang Valley is one of the eight forces of Long Yuanxing. Do they have anyone who can make Ningyuandan?"


Duan Tianliang shook his head and said: "The eight major forces of the Dragon Yuan Star were also established by many ascending monks in the Nether, and were not qualified to make elixir."

"Where did the Ningyuandan in the Blood Yanggu come from?"

Su Zimo asked again.

Duan Tianliang replied: "I heard that it was changed in Longyuan City. I don't know the specifics."

Longyuan City is the largest city on the Longyuan Star and the center of all major forces!

Only in Longyuan City, some aboriginal fairies are gathered!

Su Zimo nodded and turned back to the cottage.

In fact, his cultivation for the realm, as early as more than half a year ago, he has recovered to the fourth level of Xuanyuan Realm, which is the fourth-order Xuanxian.

This is not considered to be an ascension practice. It is only when you come to the upper realm, sympathize with the heaven and earth, and the natural recovery of the realm.

In the past six months, his cultivation has not been improved.

You know, the upper bound is no better than the lower bound, even the lowest Xuanxian has a lifetime of 100,000 yuan!

Even in the regions with strong vitality, the time unit for the cultivation of the souls in the upper world is always thousands of years.

The glory of the year in the eyes of the immortals of the upper world is like an hour in the past.

Xiuzhen Road is long, without a firm mind, it is impossible to go to the end of the road!

Ten days later.

In the morning, Su Zimo came to the door of Fengxueling.

Xia Qingying, Liang Qiu, and a number of wind and snow escorts also arrived one after another.

Su Zimo glanced.

There were about one hundred guards going to the Bloodyang Valley this time, and each one was riding a high-headed horse.

These days, Su Zimo learned from Duan Tianliang that there were only four hundred guards in Fengxueling.

And this time escorting two kinds of fairy grass, directly using a quarter of Fengxueling guards, we can see that Fengxueling attaches great importance to this trip.

Can become the guard of Fengxue Ling, are all third-order Xuanxian.

Most of these guards have never seen Su Zimo. There is a hint of curiosity in the eyes of this monk who has just been promoted to be a young lady's guard.

Xia Qingying is very conspicuous in the crowd.

She wore a big white cormorant, and the white horse underneath was extremely divine. There was no trace of mottled, and there was a unicorn on her head, which turned out to be a unicorn beast!

"Su Daoyou, here."

Xia Qingying saw Su Zimo and waved his hand to greet Su Zimo.

Xia Qingying's hand was also holding another **** foal, with red hair all over the body, smooth and bright, as if stained with blood, it was also extraordinary!

"This is a red blood foal and a rare **** foal. It has amazing foot strength and I will give it to you in the future."

Xia Qingying said with a smile.

In the upper world, because the rules are more advanced and more perfect, the space and the earth have become extremely firm and hard!

On the Longyuan star, Xuanxian can fly in the air, but the height generally does not exceed nine feet.

Once over nine feet, Xuanxian will endure tremendous pressure and fall from the air.

The monk's flight speed is much faster.

However, flying in the air, the consumption of vitality is also extremely severe.

Even the ninth-order Xuanxian can't fly very far.

Therefore, on the Longyuan Star, almost all the Xuanxian will use all kinds of monsters and creatures as their mounts.

According to legend, only the ground fairy can completely get rid of this attraction of the ground.

Moreover, the strength of Dixian's body is strong, and it can fly for a long time in the air.

As for Tianxian, it is a powerful existence that can cross the Galaxy!

Over the past year, Su Zimo tried it secretly.

Although he is only a fourth-order Xuanxian, the height of Qinglian's real defense against the sky can completely break through to nine feet, reaching a dozen feet!

Moreover, Qinglian's self-healing power is amazing.

This self-healing power is not only reflected in the healing of the wound, but also extremely terrifying for the restoration of the vitality of the world.

In other words, Su Zimo can maintain a high speed on the Longyuan star for a long period of flying in the air!

Of course, he didn't have to show this method.

Xia Qingying gave him this red blood foal, and he did not refuse.

Other guards showed envy.

Liang Qiu following Xia Qingying was expressionless.

His wrist was pinched by Su Zimo, and for ten days, he did not heal!

Such a shame and shame, Liang Qiu naturally remembered deeply in his heart, waiting for an opportunity, and then come to Su Zimo to settle accounts!

"Go on."

Xia Qingying patted the red blood foal and motioned for it to pass.

But this red blood foal looked at Su Zimo, but did not dare to come forward, and the horseshoe kept rising and falling, it seemed a little disturbed.

You know, even the ordinary mounts in the upper world have spirituality.

The red blood foal faintly felt Su Zimo's body, and it seemed to have a breath that made him extremely scared!


Xia Qingying said for a moment, and said, "What's going on? This red blood foal is very clever. Isn't it true?"

"It's nothing."

Su Zimo's body flickered, and in a blink of an eye, he had already turned over and rode up. The red blood foal did not respond at all.

"Let's go."

Su Zimo patted the red blood foal under him and smiled slightly.

This red blood foal trembled, how dare hesitate, holding Su Zimo first.

"How many cents to **** this time?"

On the way, Su Zimo and Xia Qingying walked side by side and asked.

Xia Qingying said: "Taking into account your dozen acres of mature fairy grass, Peiyuan grass and Yulin flower each have more than 111,000 plants."

Su Zimo nodded.

Normally, each acre of land can produce one hundred Peiyuan grass and one Yulin flower.

One hundred acres of fairy grass is a thousand acres of land, which are planted under the management of one hundred medicinal farmers.

Although the two kinds of immortals are mature once every 100 years, the immortals of Fengxueling are planted at different times.

In this way, every ten years, about 100,000 immortals can be harvested, and they will go to the Blood Yanggu to exchange.

"How many Ningyuandan can be exchanged for 100,000 plants?"

Su Zimo asked again.

Xia Qingying smiled bitterly and said, "It can only be exchanged for a thousand tablets."

"so little!"

Su Zimo frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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