Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1808: track

Chapter 1808: Trace

Chen Xuanyang's look remained unchanged, and it was a natural explanation: "Before that, the guards of Blood Yanggu engaged with this evil wolf army and lost several guards."

"The rest returned to Bloodyang Valley and told me that the little leader of this evil wolf army is a fifth-order Xuanxian."

"So it is."

Xia Qingying looked a little slower and nodded.

Only before, a terrible speculation flashed through her mind, but now it seems that this speculation may have caused her to worry too much.


When Chen Xuanyang saw Xia Qingying frown, he smiled, and whispered, "You haven't answered my question."

"As far as I know, there are hundreds of people in this evil wolf army, both in number and in combat strength, they are far superior to you, how could it ..."

The scene at hand is indeed difficult to understand.

On the battlefield, there are dozens of corpses of the evil wolf army thief, lying horizontally and vertically, and everyone in Fengxueling is almost intact!

Xia Qingying said: "It was one of my guards who shot and killed these evil wolf army thieves and led us to kill the evil wolf army."


Chen Xuanyang's eyes brightened, and he asked, "Your dear? Why didn't you hear Qingying mention it before? What is his cultivation practice? The fifth-order Xuanxian or the sixth-order Xuanxian?"

Chen Xuanyang asked several questions in a row.

Xia Qingying frowned slightly.

Just then, Liang Qiu said sourly: "Chen Gongzi, you overestimate him, he is a fourth-order Xuanxian."

"Fourth-order Xuanxian?"

There was a gleam of cold light in the depths of Chen Xuanyang's eyes.

If this person is a fourth-order Xuanxian, it is not that he overestimates this person, but underestimates this person!

Chen Xuanyang took a deep look at Liang Qiu.

In Liang Qiu's tone, the dissatisfaction and envy revealed were captured by him.

Chen Xuanyang held his fist slightly against Liang Qiu and said, "This time, Fengxueling can defeat the evil wolf army, and Liang Leader certainly played a vital role in it."

"Dare to dare."

Liang Qiu suddenly felt a flattery, said quickly.

Not to mention that Chen Xuanyang is the granddaughter of Blood Yanggu, it is a sixth-order Xuanxian to praise him, and it is no small glory!

Liang Qiu gave a cough, straightened his waist unconsciously, and said, "This time, we can defeat the evil wolf army. Thanks to the command of the young lady, Feng Xueling can work together.

Chen Xuanyang seemed to inadvertently ask: "Who is this person, why haven't you heard it before?"


Liang Qiu said: "He is just a descendant who has just ascended. It has been less than a year since we came to Fengxueling. He ..."


Liang Qiu was about to continue, interrupted by Xia Qingying with a light cough.

Xia Qingying held his fist in front of Chen Xuanyang and laughed: "Thank you very much for coming to help Xuanyang this time. We must now return to Fengxueling to blame his father on this and let him prepare early.

Chen Xuanyang groaned a little and said, "After all, the evil wolf army has escaped a lot. You can now go back. I can't rest assured."

"Qingying, come back to the Blood Yanggu with me, and I will **** you, and nothing will change."

Xia Qingying was hesitant.

She is going to Xueyang Valley to exchange Ningyuandan. If she returns empty-handed, she may disappoint some of the medicinal farmers in Fengxueling.

But she couldn't rest assured.

Chen Xuanyang seemed to see Xia Qingying's concerns and smiled slightly: "Qingying, rest assured, I can send my Majesty a fifth-order Xuanxian to go to Fengxueling to report a peace and prepare for Fengxueling."

"If a thief really comes, he can stay in Fengxueling to help defend the enemy."

Subsequently, Chen Xuanyang did not wait for Xia Qingying to answer, then looked slightly, Shen said: "Tan Hong, go and tell the truth about Feng Xueling about this place."

"Observe, Master!"

A sturdy man in a black jacket clenched his fists at Chen Xuanyang, steered the steed, and galloped towards Fengxueling.

"Let's go, Qingying."

Chen Xuanyang leaned slightly and made an invitation gesture.

Xia Qingying frowned slightly, still a little hesitant.

She thought for a moment, waved two Fengxueling guards, and whispered: "You two stay here, be careful and hide. If you see the guard Su back, you will take him to the Bloodyang Valley."

In Xia Qingying's mind, Su Zimo was still worried.

She didn't worry about Su Zimo's safety, but she thought that if Su Zimo returned to this place, there would always be someone to cope with.

After all, Su Zimo has not been to Xueyang Valley.

"Miss, if Guard Su does not return?"

A guard whispered, "I don't think Leader Liang is right. The guard Su may be afraid of the revenge of the evil wolf army and has fled."

"Don't think blindly!"

Xia Qingying sneered lightly and whispered, "You are here to stay until he comes back! If he doesn't come back ..."

After a pause, Xia Qingying said: "When I return from Bloodyang Valley, I will naturally bring you, and you two will work harder."


Two Fengxueling guards answered.

After making these arrangements, Xia Qingying turned to Chen Xuanyang and said with a smile, "Xuanyang, let's go."

"it is good."

Chen Xuanyang bowed his head slightly, and led an army of thousands of people in Xueyang Valley, escorting more than a hundred people in Fengxueling and heading towards Xueyang Valley.


After Su Zimo left the attention of Xia Qingying and others, he began to fly in the air, the speed soared, and chased after several escaped wolves.

Since this time he has already shot, he will not give himself, leaving no harm to Fengxueling!

These evil wolves, he must kill them all, in order to never suffer!

Only under the watchful eyes of Fengxueling, Su Zimo was not able to make all-out shots, and there were many methods that were not revealed.

Today, the evil wolves are scattered and fleeing, and they must wait for them to gather again if they want to wipe them out.

Therefore, Su Zimo just kept an eye on the fourth-order Xuanxian of several evil wolf soldiers, and hung slowly behind him, and did not rush to shoot.

He expected that there must be some means of communication in the evil wolf army to regroup the escaping Yu Kou.

The fourth-order Xuanxian of these evil wolf soldiers were extremely vigilant. On their way to escape, they changed their course several times, but they stopped from time to time to investigate.

as expected!

After a long time, these evil wolves determined to be out of danger, and then stopped, and found a rune from the storage bag, wrote a few words on it, and shred them directly.

The rune flew into the sky, sending out a divine light in the air, and then quickly converged.

These fourth-order Xuanxian jumped down from the black-scale demon wolf, pale, and panting slightly, still seeming to be in fear.

"That man shouldn't follow," one said.

"Relax, that man's speed is faster than the strength of our black-scale devil wolf. Even if he catches up, we will have cast him away for a long time."

Another said.

(End of this chapter)

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