Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1817: Farewell

Chapter 1817: Farewell

He opened his mouth and froze.

Tears flickered in the eyes of the big yellow dog, and his face was sad and angry.

"Let's go, don't fret."

Su Zimo patted the dog's head under him, and said, "If it weren't for the lack of a mount, you would already be the same as those few people."

The big yellow dog remembered the tragic situation of a few of his companions before he died, and he couldn't help hitting a spirit.

Anyway, if you can save your life, you will have a chance to escape!

The big yellow dog thought so, ready to succumb to Su Zimo first, and then find another opportunity to escape.

At this point, the big yellow dog squinted its teeth, spread its legs, and ran towards Fengxueling.

Sitting on the big yellow dog, Su Zimo opened the storage bag of the Seven Shadows, glanced at him, and couldn't help laughing.

There are a lot of things in these seven people's storage bags.

In addition to a few magic weapons, there are more than 20,000 tablets of Ning Yuan Dan's magic books.

Taking into account the more than 10,000 capsules Su Zimo collected from the evil wolf army before, there are nearly 40,000 capsules of Ning Yuan Dan on his body!

In addition, there are a lot of fairy grass in the storage bags of these people.

Together with the fairy grass collected from the evil wolf army, there are a total of three million!

Even if redeemed in Xueyang Valley, you can also exchange for 30,000 Ningyuandan.

If you can go to Longyuan City, you can even exchange 300,000 Ningyuandan!

Of course, so far, Su Zimo has not used these immortals.

Just 40,000 capsules of Ningyuandan is enough for him to cultivate for a while.

When the sky was light, Su Zimo had arrived at Fengxueling by riding a big yellow dog.

This time, Su Zimo did not alarm anyone, sneaked into the snowy mountains, and came to the wooden house he once was.

At this moment, there was a fat man lying in the door and whistling and sleeping, it was Duan Tianliang.

Su Zimo came here to prepare to take Duan Tianliang away.

This man knew his secret and could not stay in Fengxueling.

Either kill this person or bring him to his side.

In addition, Su Zimo was about to leave Fengxueling, and there was no one around him to do chores like Lingtian.

Duan Tianliang was sleeping sweetly, and suddenly felt a warmth on his face, as if there was something moist and soft, and he was shaking on his face.

He opened his eyes subconsciously, seeing a big yellow dog, shaking his wet tongue, and licking on his big face!

"Fuck your mother! Where's the wild dog!"

Duan Tianliang cursed, and he scrambled up from the ground, and became energized in a moment.

After Duan Tianliang got up, he did not hesitate, patted his palm on the storage bag, and found a **** iron ball, raised his head above him, magnificent, and screamed: "Wild dog, look at your grandpa's Junqiu! "


When Duan Tianliang saw Su Zimo on the big yellow dog, he caught it instantly.


Duan Tianliang blinked, then realized something, coughed a little, covered up the embarrassment, and smiled, "Boss, you came back so early in the morning? Hehe, I don't know it is you ..."

Duan Tianliang put away Wan Jun's ball without a trace, and stepped forward, praising: "Boss, where's your mount, it's ... unusual!"

Duan Tianliang also wanted to reach out and touch the head of the big yellow dog.


The big yellow dog grinned, and stared at Duan Tianliang with a poor expression.

"Oh, you have a bad temper."

Duan Tianliang sneered slightly, and swept away the big yellow dog.

"Xuanyuan Realm is fivefold!"

Duan Tianliang was startled.

You know, Su Zimo is just the quadruple Xuanyuan Realm.

Where did he think that the cultivation of a mount is even higher than the master!

Duan Tianliang took a few steps backwards and smiled charmingly: "Boss, you really have a vision. This mount is extraordinary at first sight. It must be noble blood and belong to the best of the dog race!"

Duan Tianliang was quite proud.

He was quite particular about these words, not only praised Su Zimo, but also praised the big yellow dog.

"Wang! Wang! Wang!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Duan Tianliang had finished speaking, the big yellow dog was in a hurry, barking at Duan Tianliang, almost going to bite Duan Tianliang!

The big yellow dog was originally the fifth-order Xuanxian of Blood Yanggu, which dog family.

Duan Tianliang said that he was naturally angry.

"Stop it!"

Su Zimo frowned slightly and patted the dog's head.

The big yellow dog whimpered, and did not dare to snor, but grinned at Duan Tianliang's teeth, revealing a fierce look.

Duan Tianliang was even more confused. I didn't know what he said and how to stimulate this big yellow dog.

Su Zimo said: "I have said goodbye to the young lady and I am leaving Fengxueling."


Duan Tianliang froze, blinked, and asked tentatively: "What kind of manpower is missing from the boss, or should you bring me?"


Su Zimo nodded and said, "I'm here to bring you back this time."

Duan Tianliang was crying bitterly in his heart, but his face was ecstatic, saying: "My Duan Tianliang, how can you make the boss so trusted, I ..."


Su Zimo interrupted him and said, "You clean up and leave."


Duan Tianliang calmly responded and flew away.

Su Zimo patted the big yellow dog and walked in the direction of another Lingtian. Before long, he saw another wooden house.

At this time, a middle-aged man was carefully pushing out the door, it was Lao Yan.

When Su Zimo first arrived in Fengxueling, the first person he met was Lao Yan.

Although the two did not meet very much, Lao Yan told him a lot of things, and he was very concerned about him at the beginning. These Su Zimo were in his heart.

"Brother Su?"

Lao Yan looked up and saw Su Zimo not far away.

The dog barking just came to wake him up, and he got up and went out to take a look, but unexpectedly hit Su Zimo.

"Brother Su, haven't you followed the young lady to Xueyang Valley, and you came back so early?"

Lao Yan greeted him and asked a little surprised.

Su Zimo nodded and said: "I came back alone, and this time I came, I said goodbye to you."

"Why, Brother Su are leaving?"

Lao Yan was a little worried, and said, "You have just been promoted to the protection of the young lady. Why are you going so fast? But what conflict with the leader Liang?"

At first, the suspicion between Liang Qiu and Su Zimo was seen by everyone.


Su Zimo shook his head slightly and did not want to talk more about this matter. When Xia Qingying returned, everyone would know.

Su Zimo said: "Lao Yan, here is a book of meditation for children, for you."

Su Zimo worked out an exercise book from the storage bag and gave it to Lao Yan.

This exercise method is obtained from the shadow of Blood Yanggu.

Su Zimo has clear grievances.

Even in the eyes of others, he only remembers a small favor.


The palm of Lao Yan trembled slightly.

You know, in order to get such a practice, he still has to spend tens of thousands of years of Ning Yuandan to be able to redeem a copy.

Now, Su Zimo has given him such a valuable exercise!

(End of this chapter)

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