Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1828: Orchid Fate

Chapter 1828 Orchid's Death

Ten silver orchids emit a pungent aroma, and when they come into contact with the divine light rays emitted by the shield of the tortoise, they burst instantly!

Each orchid sent out more than a hundred silver needles as thin as a cow's hair, and instantly fell on the shield of the tortoise!

The Shield of the Turtle is a talented supernatural power imparted to Su Zimo by the Butterfly Moon.

Su Zimo and the orchid lady are two little realms.

If the Orchid Lady has a powerful magical power, the shield of this turtle can only resist it.

But the terribleness of these ten silver orchids is not in the power, but in the silver needles that are as thin as hair!

If these soft silver needles are scattered in the air, they will erupt extremely terrible lethality.

But on the shield of the tortoise, it can't penetrate it at all!

On the contrary, the more than a thousand silver needles were quickly splashed around by the shock of the Shield's eruption!

At this time, more than a thousand monks in Blood Yanggu had just rushed up, and some people had not been able to get closer and suffered such a devastating disaster!

One silver needle was immersed in these Blood Yanggu monks.

Because the silver needles are tiny and puncture the flesh, everyone doesn't even feel any pain, just a little itching.

But these monks in Blood Yanggu didn't take a few steps, the poison in this silver needle had spread all over the body, and even went straight to the sea!

By the time these monks notice something strange, it's too late.

Their faces had already become silvery white, as if they had been covered with a layer of silver frost, and fell down softly, their eyes were staring, and they would not stare!

Some monks reacted in a timely manner, and immediately escaped from the battlefield.

But in this upper world, there is no flesh, and there is only one god, which is no different from that lonely soul and ghost.

Some monks were extremely alert, using the mysterious magic weapon in their hands to block a lot of silver needles and survived.

But even so, at least this shot by the Orchid Lady has killed 500 monks in Xueyanggu!

Seeing this scene, the short-haired big man was so excited that he couldn't help laughing: "Ha ha ha! Old demon, you are really decisive and you are so **** yourself!"

"If you come a few more times, I see that there are more than 4,000 people left in Xueyang Valley, and they will all be killed by you!"

Many monks in Blood Yanggu also know that the scene of genius was completely an accident.

In other words, don't blame the orchid lady.

But even so, many Xueyanggu monks have stopped and are afraid to step forward, for fear of being affected by the battle between the orchid lady and Su Zimo.

"Junior, you count me!"

The orchid lady looked somber and stared at Su Zimo, who was approaching her quickly, with a resentful tone.

"You look down on yourself so much, I don't want to count you?"

Su Zimo's eyes were magnificent, and he said coldly, "I only want your life!"

The words did not fall, Su Zimo suddenly stretched out his palm, as if condensing into a huge grinding disc in the air, suppressing towards the orchid lady, fierce momentum!

Big ass!

This is a mastery of the lower world mixed Yuanzong. It was long under the control of the martial arts master and merged into the martial arts furnace. It has been taught to this Qinglian true body before ascension.

"court death!"

The orchid lady was also not afraid, she stretched out her seemingly white and fragile palm, and patted it against Su Zimo's palm.

"Brother Su, be careful!"

The short-haired man hurriedly reminded: "This old demon is full of poison and can't have contact with her!"

He was about to jump up and prepare to join Su Zimo, but suddenly felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

"not good!"

The short-haired man was shocked in his heart: "It's a trick!"

The orchid lady had just released a orchid. Although she missed him, she passed by his eyes.

He just inhaled the aroma of the silver orchid and was already poisoned.

This toxicity is not too strong, and it will not threaten his life for the time being.

But even so, it was difficult for him to join the battlefield for a while, and he could only carry qi and blood to fight against the toxicity in the body!


At the same time, many monks in Blood Yanggu also stood in the distance, sacrificing a magic weapon, and smashing it towards Su Zimo's vest and head.

Suddenly, Su Zimo was already under attack and fell into siege!


Su Zimo's Da Hun Yuan's palm collided with the orchid's palm.

Between the electric light and the flint, Su Zi's head did not return, and he waved his robe sleeve with his backhand, and suddenly raised a handful of yellow sand, forming an impenetrable barrier behind him!

boom! boom! boom!

Hundreds of magic weapons hit the yellow sand, and they failed to penetrate it, and they fell from the air.

Nine days to die!

And the other side.

The moment the Orchid Lady played against Su Zimo, she realized that it was not good!

In the palm of Dashuiyuan, a terrible twisting, crushing, and eroding force burst out, surging out!

The Orchid Lady is not a monk who cultivates body, her body is weak, even if she is higher than Su Zimo in her realm, but in the melee combat, she can't resist the true body of Qing Lian, and she can't stop the power of the lunatic palm!

The moment they fought, they had already won.


The orchid lady screamed screamingly, the flesh and blood hand was blurred by the flesh and blood, almost broken from the wrist!

Lan Lanniang's body was violently withdrawn, holding back her pain, staring at Su Zimo, gritting her teeth and saying, "Junior, you are dead!"

"Without three breaths, you will die with poison!"

The poison contained in her palm is even more terrible than the poison on the silver needle!

Although the orchid lady was injured, she believed that Su Zimo would die!

"Ha ha."

Su Zimo chuckled and shook his head: "I really want to let you down. You can't hurt me with this little poison!"

Nine products made of green lotus, full of flawlessness, not poisonous.

Not to mention the foreign poison, even the impurities contained in Ning Yuan Dan will be discharged by Qinglian's true body!

The orchid lady was still standing not far away, waiting for Su Zimo to die.

But I saw that Su Zimo was surging with blood and blood, and the meteor strode over, his face was rosy, his eyes were sharp, there was no sign of poisoning at all!


In the eyes of the mother-in-law of orchid, there was finally a trace of panic.

She suddenly discovered a terrible thing!

It seems that all her means have no effect on the blue shirt man in front of her!

Seeing that Su Zimo's distance is getting closer, the fear in the heart of the orchid mother is also growing.

Finally, she screamed, let go of all faces, and fled after turning!

Faced with a fifth-order Xuanxian, she, a seventh-order Xuanxian, chose to escape!

But she failed to escape, but felt that something was under her feet.

The orchid lady looked down.

I do not know when, her feet were covered with a verdant green grass and vines, limiting her firmly to the place!

Jiupin made the green lotus. With a single thought, you can easily mobilize all the plants in the jungle!

"It's over!"

In the head of the orchid mother, this thought flashed, and she felt a pain in her head.

The next moment, I completely lost consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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