Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1834: Dajin State

Chapter 1834 Great Jin Country

Su Zimo rode on the big yellow dog and walked with Yue Hao, Shen Fei and Gu Wenjun to Longyuan City.

On the way, Su Zimo probably saw the gains obtained by beheading Monk Xueyanggu, and he felt ecstatic.

There are more than 3,000 pieces of mysterious magic in these storage bags.

There are about 120,000 Ningyuandan in all storage bags!

Among the three seventh-order Xuanxian storage bags of Wuying Assassin, Su Zimo also found 13 Yuanling Stones!

It is learned from the three Yue Hao that on this Longyuan star, a Yuanling Stone can be exchanged for a total of 10,000 Ningyuandan!

The gains this time were tremendous.

Even if you do n’t go to Longyuan Star to exchange Ningyuandan this time, just these 120,000 Ningyuandan will be enough for Su Zimo to cultivate for some time.

Of course, Su Zimo didn't change his plan, he still planned to visit Longyuan City.

The only pity is that Chen Xuanyang escaped.

In Chen Xuanyang's storage bag, there must be more treasures and cultivation resources.

The immortals carried by the Blood Yanggu were all in Chen Xuanyang's storage bag, but unfortunately they could not be snatched by Su Zimo.

Along the way, Su Zimo inquired a lot about the upper world from the three Yue Hao.

According to Yue Hao, Long Yuanxing belongs to Qingyun County.

Qingyun County is a county under the command of the Great Jin State!

And within the jurisdiction of Cheongun-gun, there are more than a hundred cities like Yongwon Castle!

A Longyuan city rules the entire Longyuan star.

It can be imagined how vast the area dominated by more than a hundred cities should be!

And this hundred-plus cities are just a Qingyun County.

However, this Qingyun County will be many times bigger than the continent!

It's hard to imagine how big the entire Jin Dynasty is!

The Great Jin Kingdom is far away from the starry sky, above the huge shadow.

According to Yue Hao, the shadow is a continent without borders. What they can see on the Longyuan star is just the tip of the iceberg of that continent.

Dajin Kingdom is on that continent!

Gu Wenjun said: "Basically the monks on Longyuan Star want to leave here and set foot on that land."

"I heard that in other cities in Qingyun County in the Dajin Kingdom, the vitality of heaven and earth is many times stronger than here, and the speed of spiritual practice will be much faster."

Su Zimo asked: "What conditions are needed to leave Long Yuanxing?"

Longyuan Xing and the Great Jin Kingdom are separated by Wanli Xinghe.

Only Tianxian strong can cross the Galaxy!

But Xia Qingying once said to him that there is a teleportation array in Longyuan City, which can directly transfer monks to the continent at the end of the starry sky.

Yue Hao said: "There are two ways to leave Long Yuanxing. The first is to cultivate to Xuanyuan Realm."

"After becoming the ninth-level Xuanxian, you can go to the main palace of Longyuan City. At that time, someone will naturally teleport you to the Great Jin Kingdom."

Su Zimo nodded.

At present, it seems that Xuanxian Xuanxian is already the top powerhouse on Longyuan Star!

Yue Hao just said that the owner of Longyuan City is the nine-level Xuanxian!

However, if you want to cultivate to the ninth-order Xuanxian on the star of Longyuan, which lacks the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and has scarce resources for cultivation, it is simply difficult to ascend to the sky!

Yue Hao continued: "The second way is to spend one hundred Yuanling Stones!"

One hundred Yuanling Stones!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

You know, 10,000 tablets of Ningyuan Dan can be exchanged for a Yuanling Stone.

One hundred Yuanling Stones is one million Ningyuan Dan!

For ordinary monks, how can there be so many Ningyuandan.

More importantly, Ning Yuandan itself is a necessary cultivation resource for Xuanxian.

If the monk wants to improve his practice as soon as possible, he must take Ningyuandan. As a result, it is almost impossible to save one million Ningyuandan!

Su Zimo's shot this time, destroyed nearly 5,000 troops in the Blood Yanggu, and only got 120,000 Ningyuan Dan, which is regarded as twelve spirit stones.

Adding those 13 Yuanling Stones, it is only 25.

Su Zimo said: "This second method is not much worse than the first one, and it is very difficult for ordinary monks to achieve."

"Dao You are right."

Yue Hao smiled bitterly: "Only the big forces like Longyang Valley on Longyuan Star can precipitate through the accumulation of long years and scoop out one hundred spirit stones."

"As ordinary monks like us, hopeless for life!"

The crowd rushed day and night. About half a month later, they finally arrived in Longyuan City!

Standing in the distance and looking at this city, it looks like a huge ancient beast with a huge body standing on the horizon, which is extremely shocking!

It didn't take long for Su Zimo and others to come forward.

The walls of this ancient city, about ten feet high, are piled from huge bluestone, covered with mottled traces of years.

Shen Feidao: "On this Longyuan star, the height of Jiuzhang is the limit that Xuanjie can vacate. Therefore, the walls of Longyuan City have only ten feet."

In the upper world, not only is the space solid, but the earth is hard, even the gravitational force emitted by the earth is extremely powerful.

Although Xuanxian can be emptied, it can't fly too high, and the consumption of vitality in the body is extremely severe.

Even if it is the ninth-order Xuanxian, it can only soar to the height of nine feet!

In this way, the monks and creatures on Longyuan Star want to enter the city, and can only pass through the gate that is like the mouth of a beast.

On both sides of that gate, stood more than a dozen guards, with long swords hanging around their waists, one by one with a cold look, blocking everyone who entered the city and asking questions.

These guards are different, most of them are sixth-order Xuanxian, and two seventh-order Xuanxian!

Yue Hao said: "To enter the city, everyone has to pay a thousand tablets of Ning Yuan Dan, and these guards will give us each a token."

"Holding this token, you can spend a day in Longyuan City."

"After one day, this token will disappear. If you want to stay in Longyuan City, you have to pay a thousand tablets of Ningyuan Dan, otherwise, it will be bombed out by the guards of Longyuan City.

"Good guy! A day in Longyuan City will require a thousand tablets of Ningyuandan!"

Duan Tianliang muttered, "This is stealing money!"

The crowd stood far away and had not yet reached the gate.

But Duan Tianliang's words were heard by a gate guard.

The guard glanced coldly at this side, looking cold.

Duan Tianliang was startled, and narrowed his neck.

Su Zimo took a deep breath and said, "Let's go into the city!"

"it is good!"

Yue Hao and others should proceed.

Su Zimo said, "You are here with me, and I am paying you for Ning Yuandan who entered the city this time."

This time Su Zimo's army was destroyed when the army of Blood Yanggu was destroyed. This time, they learned a lot of useful information from the three Yue Hao. These Ning Yuandan should have come out.


The three Yue Hao were hesitant and were about to quit.

Su Zimo has taken out some Ning Yuandan from the storage bag and handed it to the guard at the gate of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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