Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1837: Cusp

Chapter 1837

"Did you end in person?"

Su Zimo turned his gaze and looked at Ding Yu not far away.

Ding Yu slightly raised his head and proudly said, "This is nature. I will take back what belongs to me with my own hands and give it to Xiaoli!"

Su Zimo nodded without hesitation, and said, "Okay."

Yue Hao and others were silent.

They had seen Su Zimo's means with his own eyes. Even if it was a direct fight, Ding Yu was not necessarily Su Zimo's opponent.

Ding Yu was extremely confident and did not put Su Zimo in his eyes.

In his opinion, Su Zimo agreed so happily, because under the pressure of Liu Tongling, Su Zimo had no second choice!

Liu Tong led a slight nod and was very satisfied.

In his eyes, both Ding Yu and Su Zimo are just two subordinates.

It is just that Ding Yu's subordinates have some interest.

The practice is boring, especially on the remote Longyuan star in Qingyun County. Even if they are the defenders of the Great Jin Dynasty, there is not much entertainment.

Being able to watch this group of people fight each other and fight for their lives is one of their few pleasures.

"This monk in blue shirt looks familiar!"

Just then, a voice sounded from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, I only heard another person say, "This person seems to be the one who was hunted down by the evil wolf army, named Su Zimo!"

"It does look a bit like that."

"it's him!"

There was a sound of discussion in the crowd.

At this moment, I don't know how many eyes all fell on Su Zimo's body. There were hot, hostile, greedy, murderous, and sympathetic.

The reward of one hundred thousand capsules of Ningyuandan, any Xuanxian will be tempted!

More and more monks gather here.

Under the watchful eyes of so many people, Yue Hao and others standing beside Su Zimo felt pressure and flustered.

It's hard to imagine what kind of pressure Su Zimo was on the cusp of the wind!

A few people subconsciously looked at Su Zimo, and they were shocked.

In this case, Su Zimo was still calm, and seemed to feel no hostile eyes. He was calm and calm.

"This person's heart and courage are really rare."

Among the crowd, a Huang Shan woman nodded slightly and said softly.

Beside the Huangshan woman, there were dozens of monks around, faintly protecting the woman.

Behind the woman of Huangshan, there is also a majestic middle-aged man, who looks powerful and has bright eyes.

"Miss said yes, this person is a bit unusual."

The middle-aged man whispered.

Not far from the yellow shirt women, there was a group of people.

The man in the middle is also a beautiful woman. She looks prominently and is guarded by everyone. She is wearing a light blue and long floor skirt, and there is a glimmer of electric light in her eyes.

The woman in the blue skirt seemed to have heard the words of the woman in the yellow shirt, and suddenly smiled, and said, "Sister Xu said well, but unfortunately, this person's cultivation is lower, now he offended Ding Yu and was rewarded by the evil wolf army. Hunting down is really not worth it. "

The Huangshan woman smiled, without arguing, asking instead: "Sister Yuan is here for that thing?"

"It's natural."

The woman in the blue skirt laughed, "Don't all of the eight forces gather at Longyuan City at this time for it."

Huang Shan woman said: "Not necessarily. As far as I know, the people in Xueyanggu did not come."

"Sister Xu, I saw you at Dark Night Square. I hope you can show mercy when you get there."

The woman in the blue skirt said a word and turned away.

The conversation between the two people could not be distinguished among the noisy and confused people.

But Su Zimo possessed Qinglian's true body, and his ears were terrifying. In this noisy crowd, he clearly captured the conversation between the two!

Although the conversation between the two was short, they revealed a lot of information.

This time, it seems that some treasures were born and will be auctioned on the Dark Night Square, so the eight forces of Long Yuanxing gathered together!

Looking at this posture, the eight forces attach great importance to this treasure.

The people sent here are also important people in the major forces.

Such as Ding Yu in front of him, Jiang Li, and Chen Xuanyang, who had his arm broken by Su Zimo, are all masters of the major powers.

"Oh it's you?"

Ding Yu heard the surrounding discussions and couldn't help laughing, saying: "It seems that the reward of 100,000 tablets of Ning Yuandan should be given to me by Ding Yu! Hahaha!"

In Ding Yu's view, Su Zimo was already a dead man.

"You better not leave the city."

Ding Yu looked at Su Zimo with a smile and said, "I don't know how many eyes are staring at you now. Once I shot, I can guarantee that you will be torn to pieces by many monks!"

"Only in the night square, fight with me, you have a chance to live."

After saying this, Ding Yu laughed loudly and left proudly.

As he said, he was not worried about Su Zimo leaving Longyuan City at all.

Today, Su Zimo's identity is exposed. I don't know how many people have to take action on Su Zimo for the reward of the 100,000 Ningyuandan of the evil wolf army.

In Longyuan City, the crowd couldn't shoot.

But once you leave Longyuan City, you can kill at will even at the gate!

With Ding Yu's departure, the crowd gradually dispersed.

But in fact, there are still many monks wandering around here, watching Su Zimo's whereabouts.

Yue Hao and others all looked dignified.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable to them.

Even if they can survive the nightmare of Dark Night Square, once they leave Longyuan City, they will be hunted down by many monks.

"Su Daoyou."

Just then, Su Zimo whispered behind him.

Su Zimo turned and looked.

I saw a group of monks walking not far away, headed by Huang Shan, with a faint smile on his face, arching hands towards Su Zimo Yao Yao.

Yue Hao glanced at the pattern on the cuffs of these monks, his eyes were slightly condensed, and he whispered, "These are the people of Ssangyong.

Ssangyong teaches, one of the eight forces.

Ssangyong Sect was co-founded by two eighth-order Xuanxian. It is said that the two are worshiping brothers, with some dragon blood flowing in their bodies, which is powerful!

For example, the top forces on Longyuan Star generally have unique logos on clothing and tokens.

On the two cuffs of Ssangyong Teach, there is a dragon on each of them.

"What's going on, how come all the major forces on Longyuan Star came to the city at this time?" Shen Fei muttered softly.

The Huangshan woman came forward, with a smile: "Xu Wanxia is from Ssangyong."

Gu Wenjun conveyed the word of God: "I heard that one of the leaders of Ssangyong taught is the surname Xu."

"Under Su Zimo."

Su Zimo also bowed back in return, his eyes revealing the meaning of inquiry.

Xu Wan smiled slightly and asked: "How confident is Su Daoyou in the war tonight?"


Su Zimo said ambiguously.

Xu Wan said, "If the Taoist believes me, I can secretly send the Taoist out of the city to avoid this battle."

Su Zimo gave Xu Wan a deep look.

Xu Wan's eyes were sincere and she didn't dodge.

This somewhat surprised Su Zimo.

In the current situation, I don't know how many people want to take his life in exchange for the high reward of the evil wolf army.

Unexpectedly, there were people willing to help him!

(End of this chapter)

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