Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1849: Step exercises?

Chapter 1849: Step Exercises?

The destructive power of the Spike Copper Stick is extremely great, and in the hands of Su Zimo, it is extremely terrifying lethality!

Hit by this Langfang copper stick, even the powerful flesh of the black-scale demon wolf, will have a few extra blood holes!

More than a dozen wolf riders rushed forward and lost more quickly!

In a blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen bodies on the ground.

Those black-scale demon wolves were not spared either, they were penetrated by the wolf-fang copper rods, or they were broken by muscles and bones.

"This Su Zimo is really not afraid of dying. In the presence of thousands of wolves, he dare to kill."

"What can you do if you don't do it? You can let him go?"

On the walls, many monks were talking.

Leader Liu Tong hummed quietly and said coldly, "It's just a beast fighting and dying."

Hearing Liu Tongling's bad tone, the discussion around him gradually became much smaller.

Under Longyuan City.

The faces of the two leaders became extremely ugly.

A dozen monks were discounted, which was not a big loss for the evil wolf army.

The most important thing is that now on the city wall, the people in the major forces, the city leaders, and the powerful men with heads and faces on the dragon yuan star are watching this scene.

"Boss, don't get involved with him."

Si Fang frowned, and said, "Our army rushed up, and with the help of our black scale demon wolf, one person and one foot, we could trample him into flesh!"

"Okay, just as you say!"

Three heads pointed at Su Zimo Yaoyao and yelled, "Kill me!"


Many evil wolf soldiers could not bear it for a long time. When they heard the command of the three masters, they yelled, looked excited, and rushed out!

The devil wolf is running, the dust is rolling!

The evil wolf army has been on the Longyuan star for many years, and it is one of the four major rogues, not without reason.

Tens of thousands of troops launched at the same time, like a huge torrent, with a terrifying momentum, surging forward, exhaling a terrible momentum!

Not to mention standing under the city, even the many monks standing on the wall are slightly discolored, and their expressions are dreadful.

Who can survive this torrent?

"it is good!"

Faced with the torrent of torrents, Su Zimo laughed loudly, and said loudly, "Let ’s wait and see my means today!"

Su Zimo's eyes were magnificent, he slowly lifted off, and there was an appalling breath in his brows.


Su Zimo suddenly opened his mouth and snarled at the tens of thousands of evil wolf soldiers who rushed over!


This whistling sound is like a dragon's yin and a phoenix's sound. It is extremely horrifying, and utters endless majesty, as if you can order the demon to look down at all beings!

Many monks on the city wall were shocked.

At this moment, they even had an illusion.

The one who floated in mid-air was not a man, but an ancient horrible beast, with a huge body, his wings flapping, and his body burning with flames!

Roar of the Dragon and Phoenix!

In this Qinglian real body, although there is no blood of Dragon and Phoenix, it is impossible to suppress the blood of other fierce beasts, but there is the Dragon Phoenix phoenix, which can completely release the breath and roar of the taboo Dragon and Phoenix!

Many human monks in the evil wolf army are normal and have not been affected much.

After all, tens of thousands of people are gathered together, and howling, the momentum is large enough to minimize the lethality of Roar of Dragon and Phoenix.

Some fifth-order Xuanxian just trembled, frowned slightly, and felt tingling in their ears.

But their black-scale demon wolf seemed to be greatly frightened.

In the high-speed Pentium, suddenly his limbs became weak and collapsed to the ground, one after another looking terrified and trembling!

Some monks rode on the backs of wolves, unguarded, and were flung out and dropped to the ground.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of evil wolves are in a mess.

"Animal, you get me up!"

"What are you afraid of, I'm here!"

Numerous evil wolf soldiers scolded, urging the black-scale devil wolf underneath.

Su Zimo sneered slightly, without giving these evil wolves an opportunity to directly run his mind and urge the Yuanshen.


Around him, three different flames suddenly rose!

Every flame radiates extremely terrible temperature and breath!

Black road fire, demon ghost.

Golden road fire, sacred and peaceful.

Red road fire, burning hot.

Many of the spells in the lower realm are difficult to release in the upper realm.

Because of these spells, once the heaven and earth vitality is merged, the level of the spell is not enough, and the heaven and earth vitality cannot bear, and it will immediately collapse.

But these three kinds of fires cultivated by Su Zimo are different!

For ten years, Su Zimo has tried to integrate the vitality of the heavens and the earth into the Sanmendaohuo.

The fire did not go out, but perfectly integrated with the vitality. The more it burned, the more powerful it became.

In fact, the samadhi fire cultivated by Su Zimo has already departed from the original law.

Su Zimo practiced all the way, the three ways of immortal Buddha and magic, all involved, and extremely accomplished.

These three fires have been integrated with his practice and his foundation!

The deeper the repair on Xiandao, the more powerful the fire on Xianmen Road will be.

The Buddha's way of fire is the same.

The three-door fire will increase with his cultivation, and his strength will also rise!

Like today, among these three fires, the power of Buddha's fire is obviously stronger than that of Xianmen and Momen.

Because in this golden Buddhist fire, there is the meaning of the Prajna Nirvana!

Although there is still a distance between Su Zimo and the evil wolf army, many evil wolf soldiers have felt this horrible heat!

Within a few breaths, many of the evil wolf soldiers were already flushed and sweating.

Some wolves could not stand it, and even took off the heavy armor on their bodies.


In Yan Fei's eyes, there was an unexpected joy, and he nodded slightly, praising: "The fairy method of this flame, I am afraid that the grade is not low!"

Liu Tong led his face expressionless and said nothing.

Jiang Li from Tianhuodian looked dignified.

The Temple of Heavenly Fire can stand on the star of Longyuan, which is known for its way of fire.

Her father, who possessed a technique called "Skyfire Techniques", had superior yellow ranks and was extremely powerful.

Jiang Li was well-known to his father.

But the moment Su Zimo's three groups of flames emerged, Jiang Li realized that each of these three groups of flames was more brilliant than the "Skyfire" he practiced!

"At least this Xuan Gong practiced by this person is also Xuan Xia Xia Xia, most likely Xuan Xia X X Xia."

Jiang Li murmured softly.

As soon as her voice fell, I saw Su Zimo waving his hands under the city of Longyuan. The three flames of different colors collided together to form a huge hot ball of fire!

Between heaven and earth, the temperature rises suddenly!

It seemed like a scorching sun, falling under Longyuan City, the fire was soaring into the sky!

Under the reflection of this firelight, Jiang Li's face was a little pale, his expression shocked, and he trembled: "This, this, this exercise, is it the level ..."

(End of this chapter)

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