Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1863: Soul fly

Chapter 1863 Soul Flying


Hearing this voice, Chen Xuanyang's heart trembled, and her eyes showed incredible color.

Even for the past fifty years, he was not unfamiliar with this voice, and guessed his identity almost immediately!

Su Zimo!

how is this possible!

This person disappeared for fifty years, how could he appear here at this point in time!

Chen Xuanyang still couldn't believe it and couldn't help looking around.

When the sound first sounded, it was still in the sky.

But when Chen Xuanyang turned around and looked over, Su Zimo's figure had come to the front of the army, and he was only a dozen feet away!

Su Zimo's expression was cold, his eyes were like a knife, and he felt a chill, as if he could pierce the heart of Chen Xuanyang!


Chen Xuanyang's discoloration was shocked. Su Zimo looked at it, and could not help recalling the scene from fifty years ago, his face changed greatly and his spirits fell away!

The big words he had just said were long gone.

This figure, like a nightmare, has been entangled in him for fifty years, in his memory, lingering!

No one can imagine the fear and influence that Su Zimo brought to Chen Xuanyang.

In other words, it is difficult to understand Chen Xuanyang's fear at this time without the monks who have not experienced the Battle of 100,000 Mountains and witnessed the next battle in Longyuan City.

Chen Xuanyang's heart almost jumped out of her chest!

He controlled the mount under him, and in panic, he turned and fled towards the Bloodyang Valley.

Fifty years ago, in the next battle of Longyuan City, Longyuan Star spread long ago.

Many monks in Xueyang Valley have also heard Su Zimo's fierce name.

Now seeing Su Zimo with his own eyes, he was also shocked.

The Blood Yanggu Army saw Chen Xuanyang flee without fighting and became restless.

The two sides have not yet fought, and everyone in Xueyanggu is a bit confused!

But after seeing Su Zimo's golden wings behind him, he was imposing, like a god, coming out of the air, unstoppable!

Wind snow ridge.

Xia Qingying looked at the galloping wind, the rushing figure, tears swirling in her eyes, could no longer control it, and spilled her placket.

She shattered the messenger Fuyu, only the last helpless move.

In her heart, she did not dare to expect Su Zimo to appear.

After all, there was no deep friendship between the two.

Will a person who has disappeared for fifty years come out of the mountain because of a rune?

Xia Qingying can see the wind and frost on Su Zimo's face.

I don't know how long this person has been running before he can reach Fengxueling at this last moment!

"Dad, did you see that?"

Xia Qingying cried and said, "Fengxueling has been saved, we are saved!"

No one responded.

Lord Fengxueling has passed away.

"Father, open your eyes and see."

Xia Qingying could no longer support him, and collapsed weakly on the ground, hugging his father's body and crying.

She no longer worried about herself, no longer worried about Feng Xueling.

She believes that the presence of this person will certainly protect Feng Xueling from this disaster!

Some monks who survived Fengxueling were excited when they saw Su Zimo.

Lao Yan fell into a pool of blood and was already about to lose consciousness.

But hearing that seemingly acquainted voice, he was shocked, like struggling to get up, struggling to sit up.

"Is it Brother Su? Brother Su has come back to see us!"

Old Yan smiled blankly.

"Protective law saves me!"

Seeing Su Zimo getting closer, Chen Xuanyang became more frightened and shouted loudly in his mouth.

He had a hunch. Su Zimo's shots this time will definitely kill him on the spot!

Su Zimo came at him!

Wei Shan looked dignified, but he still stopped Chen Xuanyang, and said in a deep voice: "You must not panic! You are the commander of the army. If you run away and the army is in chaos, how can you suppress this person!"

"You do not understand!"

Chen Xuanyang yelled, "This Su Zimo will kill me today, he will never let me go!"

"Young Master, we have as many as 20,000 troops in Xueyang Valley, and our three major protection methods, are we afraid he will be a fifth-order Xuanxian!"

A guardian said in a deep voice.

At that moment, Wei Shan seemed to notice something, and suddenly his face changed, exclaiming: "No! He is not a fifth-order Xuanxian, but a sixth-order!"


"This is impossible!"

The two major protection methods, including Chen Xuanyang, were all shocked and couldn't believe it.

Chen Xuanyang swallowed and said, "How is this possible? I met him for the first time sixty years ago. He is only a fourth-order Xuanxian!"

"Fifty years ago, he was only a fifth-order Xuanxian. Now he has cultivated to the sixth level of Xuanyuan Realm?"

The other two major protection methods also quickly spread the consciousness and made a circle on Su Zimo's body.


Sixth-order Xuanxian!

"Get away, don't stop me!"

Chen Xuanyang did not dare to stay here, waving his spear, riding his mount, rushing away from the crowd, and fled wildly towards the Blood Yanggu.

A monk Xueyanggu accidentally stood in front of him, Chen Xuanyang didn't think about it, stabbed him with a spear and rushed over!

"The cultivation I am waiting for is a realm. After all, he is better than him. How fearful!"

"Yes! I'm going to take a look today. What exactly does Su Zimo have?

The two major protectors shouted, jumped up, and shot at the same time, the magical secrets broke out!

For Su Zimo's cognition, they only stayed in some circulating narratives.

Therefore, their fear of Su Zimo is far less intense than that of Chen Xuanyang.

"The Blood Yanggu army obeyed the order and gave me my best shot to kill this person!"

Wei Shan took a deep breath and waved to order.

He knew very well that he could not retreat at this time.

If he also flees like Chen Xuanyang, the remaining Blood Yanggu army will be reduced to a piece of scattered sand.

With Su Zimo's body speed, he couldn't escape at all!

Only by fighting desperately can we have a chance to gain vitality!

As long as they can entangle Su Zimo, even if they use human life to pile up, to delay time as much as possible.

When Chen Xuanyang brings the news back to the Blood Yanggu, the owner will come and kill him!

But Su Zimo's speed is too fast!

Many blood-yanggu army had not yet reacted, and the golden wings behind him flew over the army's head instantly.

At this time, the magical secrets of the two main protection methods of Blood Yanggu had been condensed and shrouded towards Su Zimo.

After all, they are seventh-order Xuanxian.

The two major protection methods responded quickly, and shot ahead of time to seal Su Zimo's way out!

Wei Shan also condensed magical power in one hand, threw a bronze seal in one hand, and fell down towards Su Zimo's Tianling cover!


Su Zimo snorted coldly, ignoring the oncoming magical magic weapon, directly motivating the Yuanshen, and used the Dragon's secret method on the bronze Fang Ding-True Dragon Nine Flash!


I saw Su Zimo's figure flicker for a moment, and disappeared from the spot instantly!

When he reappeared, he had passed the barriers of the three defenders and came behind the three!

"Chen Xuanyang, you're ready to come!"

Su Zimo stared at Chen Xuanyang's back and sang loudly.

In this shout, Su Zimo used the Yuanshen, mixed with the roar of the roar of Dragon and Phoenix!

Taboo coercion is coming!

Chen Xuanyang's mount groaned, sitting paralyzed on the ground in horror, **** flowing, shivering!

(End of this chapter)

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