Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1893: Stormy

Chapter 1893

Time flies. Thirty years have passed since the incident of Long Yuanxing.

At that time, it was a shocking event unprecedented on the Longyuan Star, and the creatures on the entire star were shaking and terrifying!

The abyss change, first attracted many earth immortals, and then Tianxian appeared.

In the end, the legendary true immortal strong man came, and provoked a golden dragon with a length of thousands of feet!

The battle in the starry sky brought too many shocks to the creatures on Longyuan Star, making them unforgettable all their lives.

This battle also brought a lot of influence to Long Yuanxing.

On the Longyuan star, there are a lot of mysteries falling in the abyss.

It is said that another leader of Longyuan City fell into the abyss.

Until now, that abyss has been the forbidden area of ​​Longyuan City, and no creature dares to step into it!

After the war, many land immortals and tianxian have already dispersed.

But many monks and souls in Longyuan City dare not act lightly.

Regardless of the eight major forces or the four major robbers, they almost chose to remain dormant, for fear of any devastation.

Thirty years have passed, and there are no more land immortals and celestial celestial beings.

Many battles and fights among the monks were re-enacted, and some forces began to move.

In a mountain range, the ancient woods are lush.

Under the darkness of the night, between the mountains and forests, there was a gleam of green light, extremely permeating, and the air was filled with an air of killing.

"Feng Yan, why did you come to me?"

A sound suddenly sounded, and it came down from a height.

Above the branch on the top of the ancient tree, stood a figure, and as the branch undulated and swayed, the whole person seemed to stick to it.

In the darkness deep in the forest, a huge shadow gradually came out, which was actually a black scale devil wolf with a height of several feet!

On the back of this black-scale demon wolf, there is a monk, who is the master of the evil wolf army with the ‘wind wind’!

"Cangya, forty years ago, the Blood Yanggu was destroyed. Have you forgotten it?"

Feng Yan asked.

Cangya is the way of the eagle to help the master!

"Ha ha."

Cangya stood at the top of the ancient tree, chuckling, and said, "In recent years, you have come very close to Xueyang Valley and cooperated with them. My Cangying Gang has nothing to do with Xueyang Valley."

Feng Yan said: "That's right. But don't forget that when the destruction of Qingtianzhai, Fengyungang and Juyi Mountain Villa, you and I did a lot of work!"

"Now, the lord of Fengxueling is the remnant of these three great forces!"

Cangya was silent.

Feng Yan continued: "Now, after Fengxueling has destroyed the Bloodyang Valley, it has swallowed it up, and its strength and reputation are constantly rising."

"If you really wait for Fengxueling to become a climate, do you think those remnants of that year will let you and me pass?"


Cangya snorted and said, "Fengxueling can have the reputation today, it's all because of Su Zimo, who was born in the sky."

"Now, Su Zimo has fallen into that abyss for thirty years. The wind and snow ridges are so small, so how can you say that!"

Feng Yan said: "In my opinion, it's better to eliminate Fengxueling as soon as possible to avoid raising tigers. What's more, that Fengxueling destroys the Blood Yang Valley, and within the territory, I don't know how much training resources have been accumulated."

"Destroy Fengxueling. These training resources are evenly divided between you and me, enough for our two armies to cultivate for many years, and their strength will also increase greatly."

In the dense forest, another person stepped out, and Shen said, "As long as our two armies join forces, we will be able to flatten the wind and snow with the destruction and destruction!"

The one who speaks is the second master of the evil wolf army.

"Oh? You've cultivated to the eighth level of Xuanyuan Realm!"

Cangya's consciousness swept away in the second master's consciousness, slightly surprised.

"Cangya helps the eyesight."

The second man smiled slightly and said, "Don't say that Su Zimo has fallen. Even if he is still alive, including the deputy leader of your gang, our four eighth-order Xuanxian can join hands to kill it!"

Cangya swaggered and said firmly, "Even thirty years ago, even the immortal and the heavenly immortal were inevitable. He is a sixth-order Xuanxian, and in the abyss, he must die."

"If he's alive, hell."

Feng Yan asked, "So, Brother Cangya agreed?"

Cangya groaned slightly, then nodded, and said, "No problem, ten days later, our two armies will gather to settle on the snowy mountains!"

"it is good!"

Feng Yan laughed loudly.


Wind snow ridge.

For thirty years, for the monks in the upper world, all of a sudden.

In recent years, although the number of people in Fengxueling has continued to increase and their strength has been steadily increasing, there is no obvious change in the state of cultivation of everyone in Fengxueling.

Feng Xueling Lord Yue Hao is still only seventh-order Xuanxian.

The biggest change is that Yue Hao and Xia Qingying have become married and married.

After extinct the Blood Yanggu forty years ago, the two were already secretive and had good feelings for each other. Now they are a natural companion.

Outside the main hall, the snow and the wind roared, and it was vast.

Yue Hao looked calm, standing at the door, looking at the snow outside, silent, a hint of anxiety loomed between the eyebrows.

There were light footsteps behind him.

"Fu Jun, what are you worried about?"

Xia Qingying saw what Yue Hao had in mind, came to his side and asked softly.

Yue Hao turned his head and smiled at Xia Qingying, but did not speak.

"Are you worried about Su Daoyou?"

Xia Qingying asked again, and then sighed softly: "Well, Su Daoyou hasn't heard anything for so many years, I'm afraid it's more fierce and less fortunate."

"Brother Su is my life-saving benefactor. I didn't stop him at the time, leaving him alone and involved in danger."

Yue Hao bowed his head slightly, a little blame.

"I don't blame you for this. With Su Daoyou's disposition and means, if he wants to go, who of us can stop him." Xia Qingying comforted.

Yue Hao said: "Although Feng Xueling has been developing steadily and its strength has been continuously improved in recent years, there has always been a huge hidden danger."

"Fengxueling was able to gain a foothold on the Longyuan Star, and after destroying the Bloodyang Valley, no one dared to challenge it for ten years. It was because of Brother Su's fierce name.

"Now, Brother Su is unaware of life and death. Feng Xueling lacks a top powerhouse like Xuanxian Xuanxian, for fear of disaster."

Xia Qingying smiled and said, "You are in Fengxueling, you should cultivate as soon as possible, and strive to break through to Xuanyuan Realm as soon as possible."

Yue Hao shook his head and said, "With my current practice, if I want to reach the eighth-order Xuanxian, it will take at least a thousand years if the resources are completely sufficient ..."

"I am worried that Fengxueling will not be able to support that time."

"how come?"

Xia Qingying laughed: "We have just rebuilt for decades, and we have no deep hatred with the major forces. I believe they will not attack Fengxueling for no reason."

Yue Hao looked into the distance and whispered softly: "I am not worried about the major forces, but the two gangsters ..."

(End of this chapter)

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