Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1897: Amazing Charm

Chapter 1897: Celestial Charm

Xuanyin Mountain, the meeting hall.

A middle-aged man sits in the middle, with a gloomy look, with a whisker on his lips, like two eyebrows.

This man is the Lord of Xuanyin Mountain, Ding Ye, and eighth-order Xuanxian.

On both sides of the hall, there are still major commanders in Xuanyin Mountain, almost all of whom are seventh-order Xuanxian.

Ding Ye's left and right hands, sitting in two major protection methods, are eighth-order Xuanxian.

When Zuo Hufa saw everyone there, he stood up and asked his fist, "Lord, we are called today, but what happened?"

Ding Ye raised a rune between his fingers and said, "The evil wolf army and the goshawk are helping the two big robbers. They are attacking Fengxueling. I just received a letter of help from Fengxueling. What do you think?

The news spread, and the hall quickly fell into debate.

"After this Fengxueling destroyed the Bloodyang Valley, in recent years, it has risen extremely fast. I did not expect that it was caught by two big robbers."

"Huh! The fame of Fengxueling was nothing more than a Su Zimo, but now that person has fallen, Fengxueling doesn't deserve to be on par with us!"

Hearing the name 'Su Zimo', Ding Ye's eyes passed a hint of hatred.

His son Ding Yu was beheaded by Su Zimo in Longyuan Star!

Right protector Shen said: "Lord, we don't have to blame the two big pirates because of a snowy mountain."


Zuo Hufa nodded and echoed, "We have no friendship with Fengxue Ling, so we don't need to swim in this muddy water."

Ding Ye nodded and said, "However, we can go and see the excitement. You left the guard, you left the guard, the right guard took five hundred people, and I went to Fengxueling to see."

Ssangyong teaches.

The two men stood at the entrance of the main hall and stood side by side.

The person on the right, his hair was scattered randomly, and a long sheathed knife was tied on his back. He looked unruly. It was one of the leaders of the Ssangyong religion, Kou Yong.

The person on the left, with a handsome face, with black hair tied up, draped on his back, carrying his hands, exuded a calm and transcendent temperament.

This person is another leader, and Xu Wan's father, Xu Zhi'an.

"Dad, Cooper."

Xu Wan pouted: "Although Su Zimo is dead, some of Yue Hao in Fengxueling have some friendship with me. I, I want to save them."

Xu Zhi'an kept silent.

Xu Wan sighed in her heart.

She knew very well that Ssangyong did not need to rescue Fengxue Ling at all, which was really unwise.

Whether it can save the Fengxueling and not to mention, if the Ssangyong teaches, it will inevitably offend the two major bandits of the evil Wolf Army and Goshawk.

In the future, the Ssangyong Religion is likely to be targeted by two major robbers, and there will never be peace!

Kou Yong turned his head suddenly, looked at Xu Zhi'an, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you say?"

"My thoughts are the same as you."

Xu Zhi'an smiled slightly.


Kou Yong laughed loudly: "One generation, two brothers, you still know me best!"

Xu Wan couldn't help but ask, "Daddy, Uncle Kou, have you decided?"

"of course."

Kou Zhong patted the long knife on his back, and said with great pride: "Be prepared, and start with us, we will meet these gangsters!"

"Dad, how are you ..."

Xu Wan also couldn't believe it.

Xu Zhi'an said with a smile: "The four major pirates have mutilated Long Yuanxing for many years, but their whereabouts are uncertain, and it is difficult to wipe them out.

"Now, this is a rare opportunity. Two big gangsters are gathered together. Even if there is no Fengxueling, we have to fight a **** battle with this group of gangsters!"

In addition to Xuanyin Mountain and Ssangyong Sect, the other five major forces have also received help from Feng Xueling.

It's just that apart from the Ssangyong Religion, other forces have not done much.


Longyuan Star, the end of the abyss.

As soon as the two major rogues attacked the Fengxueling Fairy, Su Zimo, who practiced retreat in this mysterious space, had already awakened!

Su Zimo left a thought on this fairy array.

As long as Xian Zhen starts, he will be aware!

Su Zimo stood up, his face was cold and his eyes were like electricity.

Something happened in Fengxueling!

Before he left, he had instructed Yue Hao and Xia Qingying, and he must not start this fairy array until he had no choice but to do so.

Because, the fairy array needs to consume Yuanling Stone.

Once the Yuanling Stone is exhausted, this fairy array will lose its effect.

Su Zimo was ready to rush back immediately.

If the fairy array is operating normally, the energy in the Yuanling Stone is enough to support for decades.

However, if the external force continues to impact, the consumption of Yuanling Stone will also become extremely severe, and it may not be able to support it for a long time.

Over the years, Su Zimo has taken Ning Yuan Dan and cooperated with Yuan Ling Stone to cultivate his realm.

If it is normal practice, if you want to break through to the seventh level of Xuanyuan Realm, even Qinglian's true body, it will take hundreds of years, even thousands of years.

But three years ago, he had broken through the realm and cultivated to the seventh level of Xuanyuan Realm!

And his Yuanshen Realm has reached the terrible Xuanyuan Realm ninefold!

This process took him less than thirty years!

Of course, in the past 30 years, dozens of Yuanling Stones in his storage bag have also been exhausted.

Su Zimo looked back at the dilapidated palace in the distance and turned to walk outside.

Crossing a barrier like a water curtain, he returned to the abyss again.

Su Zimo glanced around, preparing to sacrifice a supernatural talent, and rushed to Fengxueling as soon as possible.


Su Zimo frowned, feeling something wrong around him.

In the abyss, the bodies of various earth immortals and heaven immortals are lying upside down.

These corpses seem to have been touched!

Although Su Zimo retreats in a mysterious space, he can perceive the movement outside.

And this person, has avoided his induction!

This is a strong man far beyond him!

Even so far, Su Zimo's consciousness has not sensed anything strange.

But he knew in his mind that this person would most likely be nearby!

"Come out."

Su Zimo looked dignified and said slowly.


A flirtatious smile came from behind, making my heart shake.

Su Zimo turned and looked.

I saw not far away, there was a charming and seductive woman, blinking watery eyes, looking at him with a smile.

Tianxian strong, charm Ji!

"It's amazing. How did the little brother find me?"

Charm Ji asked curiously.

"You haven't left yet?"

Su Zimo frowned, with a bad tone, and did not answer questions.

Unexpectedly, this charm Ji had been here for a full 30 years and did not leave!

Mei Ji was not upset and said with a smile: "After the end of the war, the slave family was unwilling after all, so they turned back and found that there was a missing body ..."

Speaking of which, Mei Ji stared at Su Zimo, and her eyes seemed to radiate a strange magic, softly said, "This body is you."

(End of this chapter)

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