Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1913: Destroy mouth

Chapter 1913

The torture guard of the seventh-order earth fairy, the Yuanshen collapsed, the body withered, and fell on the spot!

The whole process, but a few breaths of time.

Xu Shi and Xu Xiaotian were shocked, eyes widened.

They were still shocked, kneeling on the ground.

They did not expect that Su Zimo dared to take action on the Seventh Step Immortal.

They even couldn't think of it, the torturing guard of the seventh-order earth fairy was actually killed by a seventh-order xuanxian on the spot!

Liu Tong next to him did not respond.

When Su Zimo shot, Liu Tong laughed and laughed.

But soon, Liu Tong couldn't laugh.

The moment his brother died, Liu Tong's smile froze on his face, his eyes were full of horror, unbelievable, and only one confusion remained in his mind.

how can that be?

Normally, it is really impossible.

With the help of two years like a sword and nine dragons with real dragons, Su Zimo could kill this seven-tiered land fairy with some luck.

Even if he comes again, he is not sure that he can kill this person!

The reason for the fall of the torturous guard was that Su Zimo was not put in his eyes, and he despised it first.

He had no idea about Su Zimo's hole cards and methods. He was cut off for 60,000 years and entered his twilight years. His reaction was also slow.

Therefore, he was beheaded for a second time.

Su Zimo beheaded this torture guard, Yuan Shen was consumed violently, and the magical power of the six-tooth idol has also collapsed.

During this fierce fight, the injuries in his body were affected again, and there was a burst of pain.

But now, this is not the time to heal.

Today is not over yet!

Su Zimo's gaze crossed, looking at Liu Tong not far away, his feet slumped, and rushing towards Liu Tong with the flare of the flesh.

Must kill Liu Tong!

The power of Su Zimo's Yuan Shen is almost exhausted, and he has not released any magical powers. He can only fight close to one another by virtue of his blood.

Liu Tong was so excited that he woke up.

Looking at Su Zimo, who was rushing over, Liu Tong's face turned pale, and he was so frightened!

He is a ninth-order Xuanxian, two levels higher than Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's Yuan Shen was weak and deeply wounded.

As long as he shoots with all his strength, he may not be able to block Su Zimo.

But at this time, in Liu Tong's mind, there was only the scene of Su Zimo's two-sword beheading to kill the Seven-tier Dixian!

He had forgotten that Su Zimo was a seventh-order Xuanxian, and had forgotten that Su Zimo was badly hit.

At this moment, he just wants to escape from here!


Liu Tong urged Yuanshen to release the fixation technique at the fastest speed and displayed it to Su Zimo.

If Su Zimo is at its peak, this fixation technique has little effect on him.

But at this time, he dragged his severely injured body, Yuan Shen was weak, and was actually set in place by Liu Tong, unable to move!

Seeing this scene, Liu Tong was overjoyed, and without hesitation, turned and fled.


Su Zimo didn't hesitate, he directly urged Qi and Blood, a wave of sea tide appeared in his body, the blue Qi and blood surged, and he immediately broke away from the restraint of fixation.

"Where to escape!"

Su Zimo sighed and chased the hall.

If he is at the peak, as long as Jin Peng's wings are released, in a blink of an eye, he can catch up.

But now, Liu Tong was desperately fleeing in the past, and Su Zimo pursued it with his physical power. For a time, it was difficult to get closer.

If Liu Tong was allowed to escape outside and be seen by other guards, I'm afraid this would not be concealed.


At this moment, the power of the supernatural power permeated, a huge mountain came, and nearly pressed Liu Tong underneath.

Liu Tong stopped in time, and the mountain peak blocked his way.

However, Xu Shi chased out from the hall and shot in time.

Xu Shi calmed down quickly from the shock of Fang Cai.

He soon realized that it must never be passed on!

Killing Guard died in Longyuan City, although he was not killed, but he is also incapable of escaping the death. At that time, it is likely that the family will be linked!

You have to kill Liu Tong before you can hide it!

Although Xu Shi's shot failed to hurt Liu Tong, he blocked the latter's escape.

With such a slight delay, Su Zimo had already chased and killed him. Without saying a word, he turned his palms and suppressed Liu Tong!

This palm is like a huge stone mill, with crushing and twisted forces erupting.

Big ass!

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Liu Tong had no choice but to bite his scalp and sacrifice a long knife from the storage bag and chopped it towards Su Zimo's palm!


Liu Tong's sword is the ultimate magic weapon.

But colliding with Su Zimo's palm, there was no blood burst, but it seemed to be chopped down on the stone, and a crisp sound came!

Not only that, Liu Tong felt an extremely fierce force, pouring into the body along the blade!

He was shocked, his mouth was torn, his blood was dripping!

In the melee, Qing Lian broke out of blood, even Liu Tong couldn't resist it.

Su Zimo drew his five fingers, clenched the blade, grabbed the long knife directly, and threw it backhand!

Liu Tong was too late to react, only to jump subconsciously.


The long knife turned into a cold light, and instantly fell into Liu Tong's chest!

This knife was originally aimed at Liu Tong's brows.

Because of Liu Tong's leaping, he avoided the deadly key.

Liu Tong's body was carried by the power contained in the long sword, and he slammed into the mountain behind, his eyes dimmed.

His heart has been pierced.

Although the Yuanshen did not die, the Xuanxian Yuanshen could not live long without leaving the body.

At this moment, Xu Shi came down and shot a palm on Liu Tong's Tianling Cover.


Liu Tong's eyes were rigid, Yuanshen shattered, and his body died!

Su Zimo gasped slightly.

Dragging his severely injured body, he shot again and again, making the injuries inside him worse.

At this moment, there was blood in his breath.

However, he still did not choose to heal the wound, but instead he was alert and focused on Xu Shi, not far away, without saying a word!

Killing guard, Liu Tong died one after another.

Today, Xu Shi is a second-order earth god, and he is the strongest person in this courtyard!

If Xu Shi shots at him and wants to destroy his mouth, it is very likely.

Xu Shi was also looking at Su Zimo.


Just then, Xu Xiaotian rushed out.

Xu Shi looked slowly and whispered: "Clean up here first, don't alarm others."

Su Zimo nodded, relieved.

The three joined forces to clean up the blood and the battle.

Xu Shi handed over the storage bags of Xingwei and Liu Tong to Su Zimo.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Xu Shi, the three quietly left the place and returned to the city's main mansion.

"What are you going to do?"

Su Zimo asked.

It is no small matter that a leader is dead.

What's more, there is a torturer who doesn't know the origin.

Xu Shi Shen chanted, "Brother Su, rest and heal first, leave it to me. As long as you and I don't say it, no one will know the truth!

In this matter, blood was stained on both hands.

It doesn't help anyone to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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