Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1916: Miner

Chapter 1916 Miner

According to the information on the map, even in the city of Ryuguang, even the immortals cannot walk in the sky.

Only Tianxian has this qualification!

On the Longyuan City Star, let alone Tianxian, not even the earth fairy strong one can see one.

And in this Ryuguang city, Tianxian strong is everywhere!

Any Xuanxian who comes to such a city will feel small.

Some Xuanxian who did not know where to teleport from, left the hall and saw such a scene, they were all in their place, their expression was shocked.

The guard guarding the gate of the hall saw this scene, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and a bit of scorn was revealed between his eyebrows.

Among many mysteries, Su Zimo is the most calm one.

That year in the abyss, let alone the immortals and heavens, even the true immortals came.

The scene at hand is nothing.

Su Zimo didn't stay in the city for a long time, he probably turned around, and went straight out of the city, galloping all the way to a mountain range outside the city.

Wuning Mountain.

A mountain range outside Ryukyu City is endless and almost surrounds the entire Ryukyu City, like a natural barrier.

In the mountains, there are a variety of ancient trees and trees, as well as many birds and beasts.

Su Zimo is going to open a cave house temporarily on Wuning Mountain, retreat and practice. He will refine and absorb more than 300 Yuanling Stones in the storage bag before making plans.

Not long after, Su Zimo was looking for a relatively hidden cave halfway down a mountain peak.

Su Zimo took the shot and expanded the cave slightly as his own simple cave house.

Later, at the gate of Dongfu, he arranged a lot of hidden and obstructive methods to portray the large array of tortoise shells a little bit, only to feel relieved.

After doing this, more than half a year has passed.

Su Zimo came to Dongfu, sat cross-legged, took out a Yuanling Stone from the storage bag, ran the Prajna Nirvana, and began to practice!

On the continent of Shenxiao, the vitality of heaven and earth is indeed much stronger.

Su Zimo just started practicing and immediately felt it.

In such an environment, his speed of practice will rise to another level!

Time flies, cold and hot.

In an instant, Su Zimo came to the Shenxiao continent, and it has been more than 100 years.

That day, he woke up from the retreat.

For more than 100 years, more than 300 Yuanling Stones in the storage bag have all been absorbed and refined.

However, his cultivation for the realm is still no breakthrough, or the Seventh Level of Xuanyuan Realm.

At the beginning, Su Zimo broke through from the Yuan Dynasty to the Seventh Level, using less than a hundred Yuanling Stones.

Today, more than 300 Yuanling Stones have been refined, and he still fails to break through.

With the deepening of cultivation, if you want to break through, you will need more and more Yuanling Stones.

Qing Lian's needs are even more terrifying!

For a hundred years, Su Zimo has hardly moved from his position.

At this point, Yuan Lingshi was exhausted. He slowly got up, wiped off the dust on his body, removed the fairy hole in the cave mouth, and left the place.

You have to find a way to get a lot of Yuanling Stone, and his cultivation can be promoted quickly.

Su Zimo left Wuning Mountain and kept on his way. About half a day later, he returned to the city of Liuguang.

He came to a long, wide street in the city.

"Xuan-level ancestral ancestral ancestral ancestors recruit scorpion miscellaneous service, the realm of cultivation must be above the seventh level of Xuanyuan Realm, and the treatment is generous!"

"Twelve Yuanling Stones were sold for the trial content of Xuan-level Zongmen Wuchen Zong!"

"I have prefecture-level ancestors here, the trial content of Fenghuomen, a thousand Yuanling Stones!"

On both sides of the long street, some monks shouted loudly.

If you really know the trial content in advance, there is a chance that you will be prepared to worship the ancestors.

"The trial content of Fenghuomen? Really?"

"Don't think about it, even if Xuanxian enters the prefecture level gate, he is just a miscellaneous slave and has no status at all."

"What's more, the Fenghuomen is also the top ten ancestors in Qingyun County. Even if we know the trial content, we can't get through."

Many Xuanxian looked around and hesitated.

Su Zimo did not stay in this area and continued to move forward.

After walking for a while, Zongmen's shouts gradually faded.

On both sides of the long street in front, there were rows of cold-looking immortal soldiers, with sharp eyes, exuding a breath of iron blood!

This killing spirit can be baptized only on the battlefield.

In front of these immortal soldiers, there are many xuanxian lined up, different cultivation, one after another on a jade tablet, leaving some information and imprints of God's knowledge, and then came to stand behind these immortal soldiers.

The faces of these monks were pale and pale, and they seemed to be worried about something.

This area is extremely quiet and the atmosphere is depressed!

Many fairy soldiers remained silent.

The Xuanxian and the monks who came here did not dare to say a word.

Not long after, a whole thousand people had been recruited behind a fairy soldier!

"You follow me!"

The immortal soldier stood up and took the thousand Xuanxian away from the place.

Su Zimo once heard Xu Shi say.

On the continent of Shenxiao, there are three great immortals.

Dixian and Tianxian's means are too powerful.

There is a tacit agreement among the three great immortals, which is an unwritten rule.

If conflicts and disputes occur in the three great immortals, they will use Xuanxian to fight the war, fight for territory, and resolve the conflict.

And most of these Xuanxian are the ascended people of the lower world.

In the eyes of many immortals, these people from the Nether fall, nothing, like a group of dead ants, like a group of harvested grass and mustard, can not shake the foundations of the three immortal kingdoms.

In fact, this is the game between the three great immortals.

To sacrifice Xuanxian, sacrifices the people in the lower world to determine the outcome of the game.

According to Xu Shi, although joining Ning Yuan's frontier army, although Ning Yuandan is abundant, the mortality rate is extremely high!

The one thousand people who just left, and finally one hundred people can come back alive, it is already good.

No one cares about their lives.

As a person from below, Xu Shi was able to sit down step by step to the position of the Lord of the City of Longyuan, but in fact, he was killed all the way on the battlefield of the frontier!

After fighting tens of thousands of years in the frontier, and giving countless credits, he finally received the reward from Qingyun County Jun.

But even so, he is worthless to many Shangxian eyes.

Su Zimo paused slightly in this area and continued to move forward.

Even if he joined the frontier army, he would not get the Yuanling Stone.

It didn't take long for Su Zimo to leave this area. On both sides of the long street in front, there were heavy figures, gathering some monks from Xuanxian.

At the edge of this area stands a huge token with the words "Miner" written on it!

Su Zimo breathed a sigh of relief.

He came this time to focus on the Yuanling Mine outside the city of Liuguang.

And the best way to get closer to Yuanling Mine is to become a miner!

(End of this chapter)

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