Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1926: Hunting club

Chapter 1926: Hunting Meeting

"how can that be?"

In the air, the Iron Man looked shocked.

Below this mining area, two extremely scary creatures were dug out, and the snow-white butterfly almost killed him!

Tianxian like him almost died of blood under this mine, and the mysterious Xuanxian came out alive!


Jing Yue Zhenxian chuckled.

"Report your name!"

Liu Yu, the city's owner, Liu Shen asked in a deep voice.

In the face of such a battle, under the eyes of all, Su Zimo could not leave the place, but could remain calm and arched, "In the lower Su Zimo, from the lower world, I have seen you all immortals."

"It turned out to be a subordinate."

Hearing Su Zimo's words, the eyes of many powerful men brushed a scorn, and slightly swiped.

The monks present were, at the very least, Dixian.

Although Su Zimo is a ninth-order Xuanxian, he cannot reach the eyes of these people at all!

In response to the crowd, Su Zimo looked in his eyes.

The environment of the upper world is more difficult than he imagined.

No matter what you achieve in the Nether, no matter how many days you have spent in the sky, no matter what your talents are, as long as you are a person in the Nether, you will be despised, mocked, ridiculed, bullied, and even enslaved here. !!

Because in the eyes of these monks in the upper world, the monks who have soared up have not been treated as people!

Su Zimo was silent.

With his current practice, self-protection is impossible, and there is no way to change the situation.

Liu Yu's eyes were so sharp that he looked at Su Zimo's body and found nothing special.

This ninth-order Xuanxian is ordinary to the extreme, and even looks a little weak, like a mortal scholar, harmless to humans and animals.

Su Zimo had already hidden Qinglian's true blood.

On the Longyuan Star, even if he showed Qinglian's blood, it may not be recognized.

But it is different on the Shenxiao continent.

What's more, the gray-haired man headed by the man is unfathomable, and it is most likely the legendary Qingyun County Shiori!

"You a mysterious fairy, how could you come out alive?"

Liu Yu squinted his eyes and asked quietly.

On his body, there was coercion belonging to the Tianxian strongman. It seemed that Su Zimo responded incorrectly, and he immediately shot and killed it!

Ryukyu City is an important city under Qingyun County.

Being able to sit in the seat of the Lord of the City of Ryukyu is naturally a decisive killer, and I don't know how much blood is in his hands.

"It's probably luck to be alive under the hood."

Su Zimo looked calm and said, "Originally, I was going to be killed by a blood-red spider, but a snow-white butterfly suddenly woke up. The two ancient creatures fought ..."

Su Zimo told the scene below the mining area, but skipped the white butterfly to heal him.

These words, without any false lies, were told from Su Zimo's mouth, giving a feeling that it was because of the war between the two souls that he was able to survive by staying out of the matter.

"A bullshit!"

Liu Yu suddenly yelled.

Su Zimo was startled, but he calmed down quickly and looked at Liu Yu, but didn't dodge in the slightest, calmly.

In fact, Liu Yu only vaguely felt that Su Zimo was wrong, but there was nothing wrong with it, and he couldn't tell.

"A servant, in front of me, dare not be honest!"

Liu Yu stretched out his palm and gathered his vitality. He immediately surrounded Su Zimo and dragged himself in front of him.

Tianxian's power is too strong, Su Zimo is unable to resist at all.

"Let me see what your soul memory is all about!"

Liu Yu looked cold-hearted, and was going to detain Su Zimo's Yuanshen and perform the soul-searching method.

Rather kill wrong, don't let go!

For a ninth-order Xuanxian and a subordinate, Liu Yu released the soul-searching method without any pressure or scruples.

Su Zimo's eyes were cold.

If someone searches for the soul, all his secrets will be revealed.

The only thing he can do is to explode!

"Forget it."

Just then, Jingyue Zhenxian suddenly said, "Leave this person to me."

Liu Yu froze a little, and said, "Master Junshou, I always feel that this child is a bit weird, and there may be some secrets on my body. I'd better give this to me after searching for the soul ..."

"Withstanding the search of souls, even if people don't die, they are almost useless."

Jing Yue Zhenxian said lightly, "What's the use of me if I want a wasteful man."

"Master Junshou, do you want to ..."

With a move in Liu Yu's heart, he had guessed the intention of Jingyue Zhenxian.

Jingyue Zhenxian ignored Liu Yu, but looked at Su Zimo and said, "You can come out alive from such a mining area, and you are really lucky."

"I'll give you another chance. If you can still have such good luck and survive, I will give you a chance!"

"Thank you Mr. Shiori."

Su Zimo bowed his thanks and lowered his eyes.

In his heart, he did not relax his vigilance, nor did he give thanks to Qingyun County.

Although this Qingyun County guard rescued him, he obviously had another purpose, whether it was good or bad, he didn't know yet.

"Take him down first and take care of him."

Jingyue Zhenxian said, "I'll have to wait here for a few days to find out where the ice butterfly is."

Soon, more than a dozen celestial guards came to Su Zimo, guarded him, and headed for the city of Liuguang.

Although these earth immortal guards did not lock Su Zimo's hands and feet, they always kept on, and never gave Su Zimo any chance to leave!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

If only one or two earth gods are okay, he can always escape the birth by some means.

But under the care of more than a dozen dixian, one of them is a nine-step dixian, he could not escape from this place alive!

Seeing Su Zimo's departure, Liu Yucai asked, "Master Junshou, will this son be thrown into ten hells?"


Jingyue Zhenxian nodded slightly, smiling, and said, "Since he said he was lucky, I will see how much he can make in the ten terrible prisons."

"Looking at his weak body, I don't think it will last long, and he will be buried inside."

Liu Yu also laughed.

After a little, Liu Yu hesitated a little and asked in a low voice: "I heard that the" Hunting Meeting "this time was very dynamic. I found a lot of eighth-order and nine-level Xuanxian in the major cities. Not just for fun? "

"What do you want to say?"

Jingyue Zhenxian was expressionless and asked a question.

Liu Yu whispered: "This hunting meeting was held suddenly, but it was a little strange, but what's the secret, I don't know if the county guardian can ..."

"You'd better not ask about Motosuke-gun!"

Jing Yue Zhenxian's cold tone interrupted Liu Yu directly.

Liu Yu promised, sneered, and dare not refute.

After a short pause, Jingyue Zhenxian looked a little slower and said, "You don't have to think much about this hunting feast, as usual, you will be invited to watch the main cities."

"If you are interested, you can come together."

(End of this chapter)

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