Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1938: This road is not broken

Chapter 1938: This Road Is Not Broken

"King of Heaven."

Su Zimo sneered slightly.

The ultimate beneficiary of this incident is Jin Wang.

The King of Sentences shot and conspired against this prisoner without receiving any punishment. Instead, he gained the favor of King Jin, and it was difficult for King Jin to elute the relationship!

Today, after hearing such a shocking secret, Su Zimo was still shocked, and still had some doubts.

"Is this ten perfect array so powerful, can I trap a Supreme Immortal?"

Su Zimo frowned and asked, "Even if the strong man was conspired and the breakthrough failed, he is still the Supreme Immortal. As long as his cultivation is still there, the path will never die ..."

Speaking of this, Su Zimo's expression moved, he seemed to realize something, and suddenly couldn't go on.

Tang Ziyi nodded and said, "Yes, you are right. When this person broke through, he was conspired by the King of Penalty and was severely wounded."

"The King of Penalty was worried that this man would recover from his wounds, and would seek revenge on him, so he shattered this man's morals."

Su Zimo was shocked.

As early as in the Nether, through Butterfly Moon, he came into contact with Daoguo.

For Ziguo, Su Zimo didn't know much about it, just clear that this Taoguo is the foundation and essence of the true fairy.

Fragmentation of Taoism means that the whole course of this body is ruined once!

In the future, there is no possibility of re-cultivation.

This is too bad for monks.

From then on, it became a mediocrity, and it was considered a death.

If the Tao heart collapses and Yuanshen is depleted, I'm afraid it won't last long.

"How long has this senior been imprisoned?"

Su Zimo asked.

"Hundreds of thousands of years."

Tang Ziyi said faintly, "This city of thunder, this place of ten hells, was built for him."

Su Zimo's mind flashed a thought.

It was just that the news he heard was too shocking and he did not think deeply.

"Hundreds of thousands of years, he has been imprisoned here, and he has lost the Tao fruit. I am afraid this person has already died."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly.

They have been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years, let alone lost their Taoism. Those who have suffered such a blow, even if they are normal people, cannot bear it at all.

There is no darkness, no future, no time, all surrounded by boundless loneliness and humiliation.

This pain is unimaginable!


Tang Ziyi replied slightly.

Su Zimo indignantly said: "The King of Heaven's Punishment has abolished this man's Taoism, and he must suppress his captivity here. He will never stand up forever, it is too vicious.

Tang Ziyi didn't speak, but deep in his eyes, he passed a touch of unseen sadness, and soon disappeared.

Su Zimo suddenly thought of the answer to a question.

That was a question he had only asked Tang Ziyi, but the latter had not answered.

The hunting party has been held for so many years. In addition to the outside fairy watching and fun, there is no other purpose.

When learning this secret hundreds of thousands of years ago, Su Zimo realized that this hunting meeting had a more important purpose.

That is, insult to the former Supreme Immortal and destroy Daoxin!

Now that you want to build a fairyland and shelter the underworld creatures, I will let you see for yourself that these underworld creatures will kill each other in these ten infernos!

Let you see for yourself that the creatures of the Nether are like a group of captive beasts, and we are at the mercy of our destiny, and you are powerless!

Let you live forever and ever, bear this kind of inner torture and suffering!

Let your faith collapse and your heart break!

The captive of this Supreme Immortal is not only the ten perfect arrays, but also the blood and corpses of many lower monks who have fallen on this land for hundreds of thousands of years!

This is almost 10,000 times more vicious than murder, hundreds of thousands of years of repression in captivity!

Su Zimo just shuddered when he imagined it.

Tang Ziyi said: "Actually, whether it's Juecheng, Shijue, or the hunting party, it has another meaning.

"That is to deter all monks and souls. Whoever has the same thoughts and wants to build an immortal kingdom for the underworld souls, this Supreme Immortal is his end!"

"Heavenly King is telling the world, who will follow this footstep of this Supreme Immortal, who will die!"

Tang Ziyi said: "It turns out that the King of Heaven's Punishment succeeded."

"For hundreds of thousands of years, no one on the continent of Shenxiao has dared to stand up and say a word for the souls of the Nether World."

"When this Supreme True Immortal failed, this road was also broken."

Su Zimo said suddenly, "There is no break on this road."


Tang Ziyi looked slightly.

Su Zimo said slowly: "This road, I will continue. Even if this road is broken, I can continue it!"

"You can't continue, the road is broken, and half a step forward is the abyss."

Tang Ziyi shook his head slightly.

Su Zimo said: "Even if the road ahead is a mighty abyss, I have no fear, I just fell to pieces and no regrets!"

Tang Ziyi was shocked and looked at Su Zimo incredibly, his expression moved.

At this moment, Su Zimo's tone is firm and his eyes are persistent. The brilliance shown in those eyes seems to be better than the stars, shining brighter than the sun and the moon!

There was a strong injustice in Su Zimo's heart.

At that time, he was in the sky, and when he saw that the world could not practice, but was bullied by practitioners and slaughtered by demons, he had such a strong injustice.

At that time, he made a big wish, and finally established martial arts, and Fukuzawa was born.

And this time, Su Zimo wanted to change his life for the underworld!

Because he came from the Nether.

Monkeys, spirit tigers, greens, night spirits, little foxes, and golden lions, his brothers are also from the Nether.

Bei Mingxue and Xiaoyao, his two disciples also came from the Nether.

All his acquaintances soared from the Nether.

He felt the same kind of bullying, injustice, and suffering that the underworld souls experienced!

After hearing this Supreme Immortal's experience, this kind of unequal thoughts stirred up in Su Zimo's chest, no matter how difficult to suppress!

There is an injustice in my heart, and I will exhaust this injustice!

"I am a barbaric, from the Nether. One day, I will create a pure land for the Nether creatures."

Su Zimo clenched his fists and slowly said, "In the future, I will let all beings in the upper world know the name of the barbaric!"

"you you……"

Tang Ziyi was not convinced and wanted to say something to hit Su Zimo.

But at this time, Su Zimo's pride and ambition revealed a strange feeling in her heart, which is beyond words.

For a moment, she was stupefied in situ, but she looked at Su Zimo for a moment, looking a little lost.

After half a ring, she seemed to realize something, quickly turned her face, and whispered, "You're far behind."

Su Zimo also knew in his mind that this road in the upper world would be more difficult and more dangerous.

With his current strength, let alone say that it is extremely difficult to create a pure land for one party, and to have his own cone in this great Jin Dynasty.

This man in prison was so amazing and brilliant, but in the end, he ended up in this ending and it was better to die.

As Tang Ziyi said, he was too far behind.

In the cave, there was a long silence.

Su Zimo and Tang Ziyi stood opposite each other, but each had his own mind, and no one spoke.


Just then, Su Zimo's ear suddenly heard a sigh.

This sigh, vicissitudes of life, seems to come down from the years, with a moving deep emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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