Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1943: Honest man

Chapter 1943 Honest Person

Ying Fei led his Majesty into the cave and stopped short before taking a few steps.

"Boss Eagle, what's wrong?"

An Xuanxian asked.


Ying Fei's eyes flickered, staring at the dark place in front, slowly opening, and spit out two words.

Many monks were shocked, and suddenly became tense, alert.

At this moment, a figure slowly emerged from the darkness in front of him, walking slowly, gradually becoming clear under everyone's attention.

This is a handsome man with a blue shirt and a thin figure. If he holds another tablet in his hand, it looks no different from the weak scholar.

This blue shirt monk was all over and clean, and looked a bit out of place in a brutal and **** environment like Shizhe prison.

Many monks have experienced many **** fights, and they are filled with murderous spirits. One by one, they look fierce and evil. The blue shirt men are compared with them.

The tense nerves of the crowd gradually relaxed.

Ying Fei didn't care.

He was very clear that those who could come to these ten infernos were not easy to deal with, and he would not be easily confused by the appearance of this blue shirt monk.

"Just one person?"

Ying Fei raised an eyebrow slightly and asked.


The blue shirt monk nodded.

Many monks breathed a sigh of relief, some Xuanxian, with fierce light flashing in their eyes, could not wait to take the shot.

Ying Fei did not relax his vigilance.

After all, just now that Tang Ziyi was also a person, he shot and killed a dozen of them and went away!

Moreover, Ying Fei thought of a deeper thing.

Tang Ziyi just left this cave, and this monk in the blue shirt is also in this cave. This person is not dead?

"What is it called?"

Yingfei asked.

"Under Su Zimo," replied Brother Tsing Yi.

"What are you doing in this cave?"

Ying Fei's eyes were bright and he continued to question.

Su Zimo said: "I've been killing people all over the place, and I accidentally found this place and hid. Now that you are here, I will leave, and this cave will be given to you."

In fact, Su Zimo can also vaguely guess Tang Ziyi's intention.

But he didn't want to fight with these people, and obeyed the city masters and the immortals.

After that, Su Zimo headed out of the cave.

This time, it is indeed beyond the expectations of Ying Fei.

The monk in front of him seemed rather timid and without threat.

Is it because he was thinking too much?

There was Xuanxian next to him who could not bear it anymore. He kept looking at Yingfei and revealed his inquiries.

As long as the Eagles nodded, they would do it!

Seeing that Su Zimo was about to pass by with many xuanxian, Ying Fei suddenly sang, "Wait!"

Several Xuanxian moved in the footsteps and stopped directly in front of Su Zimo.

Su Zimo paused, turned around, looked at Ying Fei, and asked with a smile: "Do you have other things?"

"Take out your hunting order and show me."

Ying Fei said lightly.

Normally, the hunting order is extremely important in the ten extremities. It is related to the final ranking of the hunting list and must not be shown to outsiders at will.

But Su Zimo didn't care what hunting list or hunting order.

A little hesitant, he took out a hunting warrant from his storage bag.

Ying Fei could clearly see that the name written on the hunting order was indeed Su Zimo.

In other words, this person did not lie.

The other side of this person's hunting order is blank!

In Ten Prison, as long as a monk is killed, the corresponding number will appear on the other side of the hunting order.

Like Eagle Flying, his hunting order now shows the number 'two hundred and seventy-three'.

This proves that he has personally killed 273 people!

The blank of this person's hunting order means that this person has not killed anyone since he entered ten infernos!

Contrary to what this person just said, it can be concluded that this is a timid person, cowardly and honest.

Until this time, Ying Fei was completely relieved, staring at Su Zimo with a bad intention, and asked with a smile: "How dare you be so brave, why did you come to the hunting party?"

Su Zimo also smiled and said, "I was brought forcibly."


Ying Fei couldn't help laughing.

A lot of laughter erupted around the many mysteries.

There was a gleam of cold light in Ying Fei's eyes, and he nodded slightly.

A numb-faced Xuanxian stood behind Xu Zimo's understanding, revealing a murderous face, suddenly shot, took a long knife in his hand, and cut it towards Su Zimo's neck!

Ma face Xuanxian's shot, in the blind zone of Su Zimo's vision, plus no warning.

This knife is almost guaranteed.

In front of everyone's eyes, a **** scene of the separation of the blue shirt man's body appeared.


The long knife is broken and the speed is extremely fast.

This knife was cut in the air!

Ma face Xuanxian exerted his strength, and the sword fell short, and there was no time to recover, and a cricket almost fell to the ground.


Ying Fei frowned.

The crowd was also surprised.

The man in the blue shirt was not dead, and no one even noticed how the monk in the blue shirt avoided this slash!

One laughed and said, "Xu Mazi, give you a chance, you don't use it! Or I'll come!"

In the darkness, Su Zimo's face was no longer smiling, and his face was completely darkened.

In his heart, he really did not want to conflict with the Xuanxian slaughter in the ten utter prison.

Because, in his view, these xuanxian are poor people who are manipulated and manipulated by them, and many of them are involuntary.

But this does not mean that he will continue to tolerate.

"Why don't you let me go?"

Su Zimo looked at the eagle flying not far away and asked slowly.

Yingfei laughed: "With your temperament, even if you leave here, you will probably not live for half a day. It would be better to stay here now and become a number on our hunting order."

"Okay, I won't go."

Su Zimo said suddenly.

"Know-how is Junjie."

Ying Fei clapped and laughed.

Su Zimo looked calm and said lightly, "Now, I give you a chance, and get out of here now."

"Ha? What did you say?"

Ying Fei looked weird, some could not believe what he heard.

Ma face Xuanxian just missed, and already had a fire, but now he couldn't bear it anymore, he shouted, "Fuck, you hid in this cave and lived till now, how much do you think you can?"

The words did not fall, Ma face Xuanxian shot again.


The mad face Xuanxian was angry, urged the Yuanshen, condensed the small magical power in one hand, and picked up a long knife in one hand and chopped down towards Su Zimo's Tianling cover!

His little magical power had just condensed out, and he felt the blue shadow flashing in front of him.

A slender finger was getting closer and closer in his sight, but he couldn't escape at all!

So fast!

The last thought flashed through the mind of Ma face and Xuanxian.


The next moment, he felt a pain in his brows, the Yuanshen collapsed, and lost consciousness.

Ma face Xuanxian fell to the ground, at the center of the eyebrow, there was an extra finger hole, blood splattered, the Yuanshen was dead, and the body was dead!

Crowd uproar!

(End of this chapter)

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