Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1959: Thunder and Thunder

Chapter 1959 Thunder Shocking Nine Xiao Xiao


The figure in the deep pit moved slightly.

It was this slight movement that made Jingyue Zhenxian's hearts tremble.

Lei Huang is not dead!

Click! Click!

The fissures above the Thundergod's Pillar grew larger and denser.

Among these fissures, a radiant light gradually leaked out, exuding a sense of terror!

Even if you don't know what is sealed in this pole of thunder, seeing this scene, you can guess that a terrible thing will be born!

"not good!"

Jing Yue Zhenxian's heart sank.

That peerless murderer will be born!


At this moment, the Thunder God's Pillar burst, and a burst of thunderous light burst out, seeming to tear the void into pieces!

A long rifle encircling a blue thunderbolt slowly lifted off.

The gun trembled, the contention was fierce, and the sky was filled with warfare!

The entire Thunder City was shivering and shaking under the spear!


Storms and clouds converge, and above the sky, lightning flashes and thunders, huge dark clouds swirl again, and even spread for thousands of miles, covering the entire sky!

The birth of the horrifying spear spurred the God of Thunder from the sky.

Countless thunders poured down, almost forming a sea of ​​thunder in the center of Juecheng!

Lei Huang's body slowly floated from the deep pit, bathed in thunder, and the injuries just above him were healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Old friend!"

Lei Huang stood in the sea of ​​thunder, the evil gun turned into a thunder light, and returned to the palm of Lei Huang!

The horrifying gun trembled, and the light of thunder and lightning also glowed.

Lei Huang lifted up the sky, and devoured the thunder and lightning that came down.

In the sea, the prototype of the Sea of ​​Thunder has gradually formed!

In the city of Thunder, no one, anything, can stop him from controlling the thunder and lightning!

The breath of Lei Huang is constantly rising, and there seems to be no end!


Jing Yue Zhenxian roared.

The longer the Thunder Emperor absorbed the refinement Thunder, the stronger his strength would be. Jing Yue Zhenxian couldn't even imagine it. If he continued to delay, what level Lei Huang would reach.

Eleven true immortals shot at the same time.

Spirit treasures, magical powers, and mysteries descended again and rushed!

"Thunder and Thunder Yao Jiu Xiao!"

Lei Huang's eyes were magnificent, and he was frightened in his hand, and the method of operation. The thunder and lightning surged in his palm, suddenly burst out!


A splendid brilliance bloomed in the horror gun, even brighter than the scorching sun, permeated and shrouded in the entire city of Thunder!

At this moment, all monks in Thunder City were blind at the same time!

Even the eleven true immortals, including Jingyue Zhenxian, exclaimed, but felt that there was a white light in front of them, and nothing could be seen, and the tears flowed.

Su Zimo quickly closed his eyes.

Thunder Thunder Yao Jiuxiao is a mysterious technique in "Too Thunder Thunder", which is extremely powerful.

Once released, if you do not dodge, even if the pupil is released, it may not be able to resist it!

If you are not enough monks, your eyes will be blinded!

"Little brother, thank you for your tripod."

Just then, in his mind, Lei Huang's voice sounded.

Immediately after, Su Zimo's knowledge of the sea was one more thing, which was Zhending Ding.

Su Zimo's thoughts turned around and he understood Lei Huang's intention.

Lei Huang used thunder to shine Jiuxiao, not just to launch an offensive, but also to use this secret method to make the monks in the city of Lei temporarily blind, and take this opportunity to return him to the prison.

"This honor is of great origin, and has now been exposed. It must be used carefully in the future, so as not to cause great calamities."

Lei Huang paused a little, it seemed a bit uneasy, and his voice sounded again, reminding him.

At this moment, eleven true immortals such as Jingyue Zhenxian have recovered their sights.


Jingyue Zhenxian's eyes shed tears, but she laughed and said, "You are suppressed by the wind for hundreds of thousands of years. After all, your strength has not recovered to its peak."

"At the Jiuxiaoxian meeting that year, you were still at the peak. This thunderbolt was released and Jiuxiao had blinded the eyes of a true immortal! Now, this is not the case.

Lei Huang sneered, holding in shock, the eleven true immortals who were present, arrogantly said, "Even if I haven't recovered from the peak! With your group of stink fish and rotten shrimp, old and sick, I want to suppress me ? "



Several true immortals were furious and angry at Lei Huang.

Even if they have entered their old age, they are still true immortals. Wherever they go, they will be respected, but now they have become the stinky fish and shrimp in Lei Huang's mouth!

"The wind is ruining!"

Jing Yue Zhenxian looked calm and Shen said: "You are not arrogant for a few moments! The torture sword has flown away a long time ago, and the King of Sentences will feel it and will come!"

Another true immortal said: "The Thunder God's Pillar is broken, and King Jin will be aware of it."

"At that time, Tianluodinet, even if you recover to the top, what can you do! Today's Shenxiao is not the same as Xiaoxiao of the past. What kind of wind and wind are you!"

"Don't say it's Shenxiaoxianyu. This is the Great Jinxian Kingdom. You can't escape!"

Many true immortals re-enclosed Lei Huang.

Today, eleven true immortals such as Jingyue Zhenxian have no plans to suppress Lei Huang.

The crowd was just preparing to drag Lei Huang, waiting for the King of Penalty to arrive, Lei Huang naturally could not escape!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

Jingyue Zhenxian and others apparently intentionally angered Lei Huang, and wanted Lei Huang to stay here, fight with them and wait for support.

In mid-air, Lei Huang raised his head slightly, thunder surged in his eyes, looked around, and laughed: "Okay, okay, okay! A bunch of rotten fish and rotten shrimp, A cat and a dog dare to shout in front of me!"

"You just want to anger me and hold me back in this city of mines."

Jingyue Zhenxian and others were told by the Emperor Lei to break their minds, their looks remained the same, just sneer.

"I didn't intend to ignore you, I wanted to leave directly."

Lei Huang looked at the horrifying gun in his hand, suddenly clenched, and nodded: "Well, since it is so, just like Er!"

"Kill you all, it's not too late to go!"

This is the spirit of Lei Huang!

Leaving directly, although sensible, how can anyone kill the people in front of them and come here happy!

The horrifying gun in the hand of Lei Huang was heavy in the air. The entire city of Thunder was shaking violently, and the walls were covered with cracks, and there was a tendency to collapse!

Many ancient buildings have begun to collapse, and the dust is rising.

In the city of Thunder, he fell into chaos and mourned.

Numerous monks scattered around, trying to escape from Thunder City and away from the battlefield.

Su Zimo was mixed in the crowd, while retreating, he looked back at the battlefield in the air.

Emperor Lei and the eleven true immortals are already at war!

Even under the siege of eleven true immortals, the figure of Lei Huang is still the most dazzling.

The thunder king bathed in thunder and lightning, holding a horrifying gun, pointed by the spear, the thunder was raging, and it was full of flames, and everyone should avoid its sharpness!

(End of this chapter)

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