Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1963: Rebirth

Chapter 1963: Rebirth

In the city of Thunder, there are many monks.

Because of this battle, the Thunder City was reduced to ruins. At least tens of millions of monks had nowhere to go, and were retreating outside the city.

Su Zimo was in the middle of the crowd and suddenly realized that there was nothing wrong!

The crowd around was chaotic, but in the chaos, dozens of monks walked in his direction, gradually forming a trend of encirclement.

More importantly, he felt a strong killing!

These dozens of monks are all nine-level Xuanxian. It should be no accident that they should be the ones who participated in the hunting party.

But Su Zimo was puzzled.

He has no acquaintance with these people, and has never had any conflicts with these people in the ten solitary prisons. Why did these people follow him?

The distance between these dozens of nine-level Xuanxian and him is getting closer.

At first, these people were still hiding in the crowd, trying to cover up their tracks.

But now, these people have already exposed their fierce light, and sacrificed their magic weapons, without concealing the murderous power in their hearts!

Su Zimo stopped short, looked around, and asked coldly, "What are you going to do?"

"kill you!"

One of them shouted loudly, leaping up, holding a mixed-yuan iron rod in his hand, smashing head towards Su Zimo, and shot first.

Su Zimo's expression was calm and he didn't even look at it. He suddenly shot when he saw this mixed-yuan iron rod about to hit his head!


Come first!

Su Zimoying's white palm grabbed this muddy iron rod directly into the palm of his hand, without moving!


The ninth-ranked Xuanxian stared, his expression shocked.

This mixed-yuan iron rod is a top-level Xuanjie magic weapon, although the quality is not too high, but the victory is in a strong position, and it can compete with the best Xuanjiang magic weapon.

But now, this frigid-looking monk with a frightened wind in front of him was holding his mixed-yuan iron rod with his palm!

No matter how good he is, the Yuanyuan Iron Stick seems to be stuck in the palm of this blue shirt monk, completely unable to move!

At this time, he was still in midair, unable to go up or down.

"What a strange power this guy has!"

The ninth-order Xuanxian was shocked.

At this moment, Su Zimo clenched the mixed Yuan iron rod and sent it forward!


This ninth-level Xuanxian screamed, couldn't hold the mixed Yuan iron rod, and the palms of his hands were bruised with blood.


The next moment, the gangster iron rod pierced into his chest, protruding from his back!

The Xunyuan iron rod is in Su Zimo's hand, like a big gun, puncturing the person!

This is not a ten-absolute prison. Many of the city masters who really threaten Su Zimo have already dispersed, and he doesn't need to worry about it!

In his heart, he really didn't want to fight with these Xuanxian.

But if the other party is devoted to his life, he won't keep it!

Su Zimo's palm carrying capacity, the mixed Yuan iron rod gently shocked.

Stab it!

The body of Xuanxian Xuanxian was instantly torn apart by the mixed iron rod, the blood was permeated, and he died on the spot!


The remaining Xuanxian didn't have any fear at all, one with red eyes, one roar, and shot one after another.

Dozens of magic tricks came down.


"Blow the wind!"

"Call the rain!"

"Ziwei hand!"

... "

Numerous magical powers and secrets also erupted at the same time!

Su Zimo is strong in blood and blood, even if Qinglian's true blood is not used, he just shakes lightly and breaks away from the shackles of fixation.


When Su Zimo's body moved, a golden light rushed out of the place and shuttled between many magic weapons, magical powers, and mysteries.

To deal with these mysterious immortals, it is only necessary to sacrifice Tianzutong, and two golden magical powers of vertical light are enough.


Su Zimo grabbed the mixed Yuan iron rod that he had just grabbed, and smashed it into a nine-level Xuanxian Tianling cover, directly hitting it with blood and brains!

Immediately afterwards, his figure, without stopping, came to the front of another nine-level Xuanxian in a blink of an eye.


This ninth-order Xuanxian flew out and was cut into two by the mixed iron rod!

Su Zimo's figure turned into a golden light, and he was walking around in the crowd, there was still no way to stop him.

Everywhere, there must be a ninth-order Xuanxian being beaten up, either dead or injured!

This is not a siege.

This is a one-sided crush!

Not long after, dozens of nine-level Xuanxian were all suppressed by Su Zimo!

The remaining few Xuanxian had already scared their gall and looked frightened, and fled away without looking back.

Su Zimo was too lazy to chase, throwing away the Yuanyuan iron rod, ready to leave.

Just then, there were several screams not far away!

Su Zimo glanced at him, and saw the few escaped Xuanxian who had just been cut in half by some sharp weapon.

Above the few Xuanxian corpses, stood several women in tulle, holding in their hands a sword as thin as a cicada.

I saw these women's wrists tremble, and these long swords ‘嗖’ receded into their cuffs and disappeared.


At this moment, a sound of applause came from mid-air not far away.


The voice of a man sounded, admiring.

Su Zimo had already guessed the identity of the person without looking back.


The few tulle women who had just shot were the attendants who were around King Gensuke-gun.

Su Zimo turned around.

I saw a car parked in mid-air, surrounded by thousands of beautiful women. In the car, a young man was leaning on it. It was King Motosa!

This person didn't leave!

Only before the Emperor Lei shot, there were eleven true immortal strongmen in the war. He saw with his own eyes that King Genzuo had already left the city of Thunder.

Unexpectedly, this person went and returned!

The emperor Lei Huang just got out of the trap, fierce mighty, and even the true immortals are falling down one after another. This is only the king of Yuanzuo County, who has a distinguished status and has the courage to come back. This is beyond Su Zimo's expectations.

King Genzuo stood up from the car, looked at Su Zimo, and said with a smile: "I did read right, your means are not weak."

Emperor Lei's escape from the trap, although the hunting meeting was forced to stop, but King Genzuo did not give up his plan.

This matter is too important for him!

People like Lei Huang naturally have the King of Heavenly Punishment, as well as his relatives and brothers.

At the same time, Su Zimo understood it.

The dozens of nine-level Xuanxian who had just shot at him should be the commander of King Genzuo.

The purpose is to test his depth!

In fact, just as he was fighting and fighting, Su Zimo's heart raised a hint of being peeped.

However, the surrounding people have many eyes, and this feeling is normal, and it is difficult to judge whether the other party has any hostility.

Su Zimo stood still and looked around secretly.

There are three thousand women over King Motosa Jun. Although they are all in the land of the Yuan Dynasty, they are almost surrounded by King Motosa Jun.

If he sacrifices the talented supernatural Dapeng wings, he will definitely have a chance to escape here!

At this moment, Su Zimo's eyes turned, and when he saw a person, he temporarily suppressed this intention in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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