Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1977: What if I do n’t give it?

Chapter 1977 What If I Don't Give It?

Elder Ge surnamed Fang Xuan and said, "You are invincible in the Xuanyuan Realm of the Yanyang Immortal Kingdom, but you may not be able to walk sideways in the Shenxiao Immortal Realm."

"Do you know who he is?"

The old man surnamed Ge pointed to the young man headed by the distant Zixuan fairyland and asked slowly.

"I don't know."

Fang Xuan frowned slightly, and said, "Is this person also flying in forty-nine days?"


The old man surnamed Ge smiled and said, "That little baby is called Yun Ting, but he is in the upper world."

"The surname Yun, the royal family of Zixuan?"

Fang Xuan frowned.

The old man surnamed Ge gave a slight nod and said: "This Yunting is not only the royal family, but also the youngest son of the King of Xuanxian and the status of the county king, which is very much loved by the couple of the King of Xuanxian."

Fang Xuan was puzzled and asked, "Why did he come to this emperor's grave in person?"

"I don't know."

The old surnamed Ge shook his head.

Fang Xuan groaned a little and smiled, and said, "I see that he is a newborn calf. I didn't know the height of the ground, so I ran to this emperor's grave."

The old man surnamed Ge snorted and said, "Don't look at this little baby who is only over 200 years old. When he is born, he is doomed to be extraordinary!"

"This child was born with a vision. Just after it came, there was a sound of swordsing. It resounded for three days, and the rest of the sound was ringing around the ears. It was a hundred years old, and they realized the magic of swordsmanship. It is rare in the world! Caidibao to nourish and smash its bones and flesh. "

"In this emperor's tomb, Xuanxian's first person should be Yun Ting, and you are not his opponent."

Hearing this, Fang Xuan was dissatisfied and said: "In the Emperor's grave, any magic weapon is useless. Even if he knows how to use a sword, he can only use his bare hands and empty hands here, and his combat power is greatly weakened."

"Without a fight, it is unknown who will win or lose."

"No need to argue!"

The old man surnamed Ge sank, with a heavy cane in his hand, and said, "Don't look at the status of others! Even if you can really beat him and dare to hurt him, you won't have ten lives to accompany!"

Fang Xuan lowered his head and slightly fisted, no longer arguing.


Day and night go by.

Su Zimo slowly opened his eyes and took a breath.

The flesh and blood on his body had recovered as before, and the darkness in his left eye had already been absorbed, and it seemed that it had never appeared.

Just one day and one night of practice, he has reached the peak of the Nine Levels of Xuanyuan Realm, and only one step away, he can break through to the Diyuan Realm!

The energy of half of Qixia ginseng is too large, and a part of it still remains in his body.

This is the emperor's grave, which is not suitable for continuing cultivation.

Su Zimo recovered his flesh and blood and stopped.

"never mind?"

Although Tang Ziyi was worried about Su Zimo, he didn't have any expression on his face, and his tone returned to the usual indifference.

Su Zimo nodded and turned to look at the mud pit where Qixia ginseng was originally, thoughtfully.

"what happened?"

Tang Ziyi couldn't help asking Su Zimo's look different.

Su Zimo pointed to the mud pit in the distance and said softly, "There seems to be a corpse underneath."

Thinking back to seeing the corpse, Su Zimo was still in a daze.

The corpse gave him an inexplicable fear and pressure!

Even when I saw the body of the Feng Xuan King at the beginning, the fear and pressure were not so strong.

Tang Ziyi heard that his pupils contracted slightly.

"I know."

Tang Ziyi said: "The surrounding environment, whether it is a lake or this small island, has no singularities. The reason why Qixia ginseng can be born is because of the corpse!"

A corpse was used as a nourishment to nourish such treasures as Qixia Ginseng!

Tang Ziyi slowly said: "It can give birth to the body of Qixia ginseng, and it is estimated that at least he must be a prince."

"The darkness just now should have emanated from that corpse."

Su Zimo groaned.

"Since you have got Qixia ginseng, you should leave first." Tang Ziyi said.

Su Zimo nodded.

He didn't want to experience that kind of darkness again.

It is fortunate that he can escape from his birth for his cultivation.


"Why not come out yet?"

By the lake, Li Tian had been waiting impatiently.

Shrubs and bushes are dense on the island, and many monks waiting by the lake do not know exactly what happened inside.

But everyone clearly saw that the Qidaoxia light belonging to Qixia Xianshen disappeared.

This means that someone has picked ginseng!

"Look, they're out!"

At this moment, I saw two men and a woman on the remote island. Su Zimo and Tang Ziyi were coming towards the shore.

Strange to say, the blood-thirsty and eyeless fish and red ink squid that had been blood-thirsty before did not appear in the process.

Not to mention the monks on the shore, even Su Zimo and Tang Ziyi were confused.

"How could this be?"

Tang Ziyi murmured softly.

Su Zimo thought for a while secretly, and vaguely guessed an answer.

There are no monsters blocking them, and the two will soon reach the shore.

There are many monks around the lake, gathered forces from all sides, are staring at the two, attracting much attention, forming an invisible pressure.

However, Su Zimo and others were both calm and calm, their faces remained unchanged.

Tang Ziyi is so natural, even if faced with many people, it is equally expressionless.

Su Zimo was accustomed to wind and waves. Such a scene couldn't help him.

"It seems that two Taoists have picked Qixia Xianshen, congratulations."

In the distance, the youth of Zixuan Xianguo slightly arched his hand and yelled, "Under the Xuanxian Xianguo Yunting, I don't know if two Taoist friends intend to transfer this ginseng, and the two can be freely mentioned."

"If you want to transfer, it's better to bid openly, everyone has a chance."

Another monk said.

"That should be it."

This suggestion attracted the concurrence of many monks.

"You can't compete with me."

Yun Ting smiled and said, "No matter what price you pay, I can make the decision, plus 30%!"

The surrounding discussions were much smaller in an instant.

Those who entered the emperor's grave were not of high status. Even the two old men who were fat and thin were only slaves of King Gensuke.

The young man in front of him, but the true King of Honor!

Even if their wealth is added together, I am afraid they are not as many.

Seeing that many monks no longer spoke, Yun Ting was very proud, and arched his hand: "I gave it up."

"King Yunting, I'm afraid to let you down."

The thin old man slowly said: "This Qixia ginseng was won by the immortal kingdom of Jin Dynasty and will not be transferred."

Yun Ting shrugged slightly, and didn't seem to care.

The fat old man looked at Su Zimo and asked in a low voice: "Who is Qixia Xianshen in the hands of me?"

"Why is this?"

Su Zimo raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

The thin old man looked impatient, and urged: "Don't ask so much, hurry up and join Qixia Xian!"

"King Motosuke-gun said that if we get the treasures in the emperor's grave, we can take them as our own. What do these two mean?"

Su Zimo asked with a smile.

There was a killer in the eyes of the thin old man.

The fat old man took a deep breath, resisted his patience, and whispered, "Now you are the target of public criticism. Qixia ginseng is not safe for you, so we can be sure in our hands!"

"Just let you pay, you pay, so much nonsense!"

Li Tian couldn't bear it, staring at Su Zimo fiercely, yelled.

"What if I don't give it?

Su Zimo looked indifferent, and asked a question.

(End of this chapter)

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