Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1979: Jian Jue

Chapter 1979: Sword Technique

You know, behind the thin old man is King Gensuke-gun, the immortal kingdom of the Great Jin.

No one can challenge the majesty of the fairyland!

Many monks dare not even think about it, let alone killing people so decisively!

"You, you are so bold!"

A monk pointed at Su Zimo and looked shocked.


Just then, there was another strange noise beside him.

The crowd looked around and could not help but take a breath.

Not far away, the fat old man's eyebrows showed a half-moon-shaped nail mark, and a scarlet blood stain gradually leaked out!

The fat old man's eyes were dim, and the vitality of life in his body was rapidly depleted.

This is a symbol of the demise of Yuan Shen!

"Who did it?"

Many monks were frightened and retreated, leaving only the bodies of the two old men who were fat and thin.

Everyone's attention has just been on Su Zimo's body. It can be confirmed that after Su Zimo beheaded the thin old man, he never shot again.

Who killed this man?

The scary thing is here.

In the eyes of everyone, one person died, and no one found the shot!

Su Zimo looked calm.

The others didn't notice, but he could see clearly.

Everyone present could have this ability. Only Tang Ziyi could kill the fat old man without knowing it!

The timing of Tang Ziyi's shot was almost perfect and impeccable.

At that time, the thin old man was beheaded by Su Zimo, which caused a commotion. Almost everyone's attention was on Su Zimo's body.

The fat old man didn't expect that there was someone beside him who dared to shoot at him!

There is no extra action, and it is a one-shot death.

The fat old man didn't see it until he died, who shot it.

In fact, even if he did not die, he successfully released Metamysticism, and there was no threat to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's realm of Yuan Shen has already broken through to the Yuan Yuan Realm, and there are more than two people.

What's more, his Yuanshen has the guardianship of the created lotus. Unless the realm transcends too much, he can't hurt him at all!

Of course, Tang Ziyi shot him, but saved him some trouble.

Many monks were present, but few saw the people who had just shot.

Not far away, Yun Ting smiled and said, "This man and a woman are brave enough to slay the servants around King Gensuke-gun, I'm afraid it won't last long."

"King Motosa-gun is not here, shouldn't he know about it?"

A monk was puzzled.

Yun Ting said: "There is no need for King Yuan Zuo to take the shot. The fat and thin two old men represent the Great Jin Dynasty, and other sectarian forces are only afraid of it."

"Now, the two are dead, and the rest of the forces are no longer jealous. They can even kill the two with the flag of eradicating rebellion for the immortal kingdom of Dajin, and take Qixia Xianshen."

At this moment, Fang Xuan on the other side suddenly exclaimed: "The one who kills the immortals and the immortals is the purple woman among you!"

Su Zimo frowned slightly, looking at Fang Xuan.

Fang Xuan raised her head slightly, her mouth raised, her face provocative, and she stretched out her palm to make a beheading gesture.

Tang Ziyi also glanced at Fang Xuan, but quickly recovered his gaze.

Even if she was murderous or had any thoughts, it would not show up.

"It's you?"

Jian Yu and others retreated, and distanced themselves from Tang Ziyi, looking alert.

Since the trail was exposed, Tang Ziyi no longer hid, and said nothing, went straight to the fat old man's body, took off his storage bag, and looked for it.

At the same time, Su Zimo also took the thin old man's storage bag and searched it.

Soon, he found a teleportation rune in the thin old man's storage bag.

He put away Fu Yu and looked at Tang Ziyi at the same time.

Tang Ziyi also happened to see it.

The eyes of the two touched slightly, and their hearts were unclear.

The ideas of the two were almost the same.

They searched the storage bags of the two old men who were fat and thin, not for any treasure at all, but for leaving the emperor's grave.

Fat and thin two old men have said that only they control the way to leave the emperor's grave.

This method is most likely to be a rune.

Su Zimo and each other received teleportation runes, which is equivalent to taking control of the initiative, at least they will not be trapped in the emperor's grave.

"Give it up!"

When Jian Yu and others saw the actions of Su Zimo, they thought a little and wanted to understand why.

Everyone came forward and surrounded Su Zimo and Tang Ziyi.

"What are you going to do?"

Su Zimo looked around and asked lightly.

Jian Yu said coldly, "Keep the Qixia ginseng and teleport runes to stay!"

Ignoring the threat of Jian Yu, Su Zimo said: "If you want to leave the emperor's grave, just follow me, and I will naturally take you away."

"Huh! You will kill Xianguo Shangxian, you will definitely die. Do you want to lead us?"

"Su Zimo, you can only kill the immortals of the immortal kingdom. It's all because of an unexpected surprise. All of us were killed from the ten terrible prisons. I'm afraid you will not succeed!"

The remaining dozen monks were so aggressive that they surrounded Su Zimo with their swords stretched out.


Su Zimo smiled, looked at the speaker, and shook his head: "You are still too naive. If I want to kill you, I will tell you, you can't stop it!"

"The arrogant!"

The man was furious and shot first. A small magical power was formed in each of his hands, all of them broke out, and he shouted, "Su Zimo, let's meet!"

The two small magical powers of this person are both attacking magical powers and have no intention to keep their hands.

Su Zimo looked as usual, swayed towards the person, and flicked with his fingertips at the same time.

‘Oh! Huh!

The sound of sword air breaking sounded, and two white sword airs were swiftly approaching, piercing the two little magical powers gathered in the palm of this person.

By the time this person was released, there were only two turbulent worlds left, no harm.


In the distance, Yun Ting saw the two sword qi, his eyes brightened, his body trembled, and he murmured: "The breath of these two sword qi ..."

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?"

Another monk whispered, "Although the intention of killing these two sword qi is strong, it is definitely better than His Highness."


Yun Ting couldn't help but laughed and looked overjoyed, saying, "It really helps me, it's a worthwhile trip!"

Su Zimo's two sword qi, in the eyes of others, but the spirit of killing cutting is very heavy, very powerful.

But in Yun Ting, he knew that these two sword qis belonged to the same source as his cultivated sword qi!

What he cultivates is one of the three famous sword tactics in the upper world.

The remaining two sword tactics are day kill and earth kill.

Among the three sword tactics, killing swords with people is the most powerful and the ultimate in cultivating.

Three sword tactics, all from the sword world.

According to legend, if all three sword tactics are fully understood and integrated, there will be a chance to consolidate the supreme supernatural powers of kendo quake ancient and modern, the ultimate killing, there is no substitute!

(End of this chapter)

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