Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1990: Sword tour is too empty

Chapter 1990 Sword Tour Too Void

In terms of Fang Xuan's calculations just now, it's no exaggeration to say that he is a ‘old adultery giant’.

He not only counted the elder Ge, but also made Su Zimo the knife in his hand.

At the same time as removing the confidant's ills, he also left himself clean and got rid of things.

Even if he returns to the kingdom of Yanyang, he will not be punished.

After a little delay, Su Zimo vibrated his wings and continued to gallop in the direction of Yufu.

At this time, more and more beans were shattered, turning into powerful creatures!

To the back, almost all are Xuanxian ranks of level nine, and even soldiers of the earth fairy level!

A huge sea beast floated over, opened its mouth, and almost swallowed the entire hall.

Su Zimo did not escape, the whole person turned into a golden light, and rushed directly!


The sea animal swallowed with large mouth, and swallowed Su Zimo into his belly.

Su Zimo did not stop walking, but rushed even more fiercely, and actually wanted to penetrate the huge body of this sea beast!

At this point, Yun Ting is far ahead of others.

Su Zimo didn't have much time to entangle with this sea beast.

Puff puff!

There was a sound in the belly of the sea beast.

I saw a golden light from the position of the head of the sea beast, driving straight into it, piercing the chest, dirty!

Rushing to the back, Su Zimo's strength was also poor.

Fortunately, in the body of the sea beast, there are huge bones to hide, Su Zimo is carrying blood, and he is not worried about being discovered and revealing the secret of Qinglian's true body.


Promoting qi and blood, Su Zimo once again burst into a terrible force, passing directly through the body of the sea beast.

Su Zimo once again surpassed Fang Xuan to catch up with Yun Ting ahead.

Fang Xuan murmured in his heart, but he couldn't help seeing this scene.

Under the magical power of spreading beans into soldiers, among the many monks, the true Tianjiao evildoers have stood out.

At this time, these Tianjiao roughly divided into several echelons.

At the forefront is King Yunting of Zixian Immortal Kingdom.

I saw that his physical body was strong, punched and kicked, and he was extremely sharp with every move!

As pointed by Feng Mang, there were few ghost soldiers that could stop him.

Of course, as the soldiers became more powerful, his speed slowed down.

In second place is Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's method is even more violent and fierce. It is simply rampage, the speed is not reduced, and the distance from Yun Ting is getting closer.

In third place are Fang Xuan and Tang Ziyi.

The two have different methods, each showing their magical powers.

Fang Xuan's strength is more fierce and powerful, and Tang Ziyi's posture is even more treacherous and changeable.

Fang Xuan's position is slightly forward, and Tang Ziyi is a little behind.

The fourth echelon is the Tianjiao of the four great immortals.

Although these four people lag behind Su Zimo and Yun Ting, the difference is not large, and they are closely following Tang Ziyi.

In the end, there are some outstanding ones among the many monks. The number is small, but there are dozens of people, scattered and fighting.

Although these people are also in the air, let alone escape the obstruction of the army of the Yin soldiers, and it is a blessing to escape alive!

Just flying in mid-air will consume extremely vital energy, let alone fight in the mid-air with the Yin soldiers.

Not the top, the genius demon who meets for ten thousand years will never run away!

There are many monks who entered the emperor's tomb, and only a few really stand out today!

Some sighted monks, seeing that the situation is not good, have begun to retreat and are preparing to escape the hall.

However, there are many soldiers and endless, even if these people want to escape, it is as difficult as ever!

Yun Ting is getting closer to Yufu, but twenty feet!

As long as he crosses these twenty feet, he can reach under Yufu Guanghua!

This distance, for him, was just three or two breaths.

Yufu, at your fingertips!

Yun Ting's mouth rose, and finally a smile appeared.

He kept walking, turned his head, glanced at Su Zimo behind him, raised a finger proudly, and shook it slightly in front of him.

Su Zimo was so smart that he instantly understood the meaning of this action.

Yun Ting is saying, I'm the first, you can't!

Su Zimo's expression was calm, and he kept his speed, but there was a mockery in his eyes.

At the same time, Yun Ting suddenly felt a sharp and screaming sound, as if some sharp weapon stabbed in, and it came instantly!

Yun Ting was shocked.

Before the attack actually came, a tingling came from his vest!

This means that the power of the man who shot is far superior to him!

Before I think about it, Yun Ting's figure shook a bit, and the whole person suddenly became blurred, the figure faded, and it seemed to fall into the unknown void, not in this world.

Sword tour is too empty!

This body magic, even if it is placed in the entire upper world, is also one of the top-level bodies, and it has touched the space's Tao and Law.

Not extremely dangerous, Yun Ting will not release Jian You too vain.


A sharp white sharp bone gun failed.

Yun Ting turned to look at him, and frowned as he saw the shot.

If anyone you met before can be called a Yin soldier, the one in front of you can definitely be called a Yin soldier!

This man, without a head, was riding on a fairy crane, holding a bone gun, full of evil spirits, and almost turning into a substance.

The realm of the Yin General has reached the seventh level of the Diyuan Realm!

This can already be called a high-order ground fairy!

Although this Yin General has no Yuan Shen and cannot release the magical powers, the power he just showed is enough to kill Yun Ting!

With Yun Ting's pride, she had to deal with it wholeheartedly, and dared not care.

This is the last block, as long as you can pass through the block of the Yin general, you can reach the area covered by Yufu Guanghua!

Su Zimo has caught up with this delay.

A glance at the corner of Yun Ting's eyes saw Su Zimo's front, and he also transformed into a high-level ground fairy Yin Jiang, and there are as many as two statues, showing a tendency of horns, blocking it.

Yun Ting secretly relieved.

There is such a terrible yin will block, Su Zimo also do not want to rush over in a short time!

But soon, Yun Ting found something wrong.

There are two horrible overcast soldiers blocking the way. Su Zimo's speed is still not weakening, and it is extremely fast!

"Not good, it's that way!"

Although Yun Ting hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he also heard some monks talk about it just now.

According to the monks, this Su Zimo relied on a strange telekinesis approaching teleportation to cross the lake and obtain Qixia Xianshen.

as expected.

Seeing Su Zimo about to hit the swords of two Yin generals, his figure flashed suddenly!

When he reappeared, Su Zimo had left the two Yinshou behind him!

True Dragon Nine Flashes!

There was a smooth road ahead without any obstructions.

Su Zimo turned around, smiling and smiling. Looking at Yun Ting not far away, he also extended a finger and shook in front of him.


Yun Ting was furious.

Since he practiced, he has never been so provoked and humiliated.


Su Zimo laughed and turned away.

(End of this chapter)

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