Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2005: Dust settled

2005 Dust Settles

The blood in the body of the bald monk and the tower man surged, and the sound of the tide broke out, and the power of qi and blood urged to the limit.

Behind the bald monk, an ancient clock emerged, with golden light flashing, and on the body of the clock, full of runes, filled with terror.

And behind the tower man, a towering mountain appeared, which seemed to be able to suppress everything, and it was amazing!

Bloodline vision!

Both the bald monk and the tower man were strong and bloody, their bodies were amazing, their melee strength was strong, and they both developed blood vision.

It's just that they have reservations.

Until Su Zimo shot and killed the middle-aged Taoist priests, the two realized that if they continued to hide, they might be killed by Su Zimo!

"Su Zimo, you're already at the end of the crossbow, don't stand up."

The bald monk is also a demon, and naturally he can see Su Zimo's falsehood.

Battle of that level broke out with Yun Ting, no matter who it was, there would be no reservations. The hole cards must have been exhausted.

"Don't talk nonsense to him, kill him first, so as not to cause other misfortunes."

The Tower Man snorted.


Su Zimo laughed, as if to hear the funniest thing in the world.

"Only you two, want to kill me?"

Su Zimo crossed his head with a bald monk, looked disdainfully, and slowly said, "I can't kill Yun Ting, can't I kill you?"

He has never used the blood of Qing Lian's real body, that is, he is worried that Qing Lian's real body is exposed.

Because he didn't have any confidence to leave Yun Ting in the emperor's grave.

In fact, just as Su Zimo expected, Yun Ting really had a second hand, and there were other strong men who guarded Yun Ting and took him away from the emperor's grave.

But the bald monk and the tower man were different.

Although they come from the Four Great Celestial Sects, compared with Yun Ting, their status is simply different from Yun Ni!

Even if it is the ninth-order Xuanxian, even the rare Tianjiao, among the four great immortals, is just some miscellaneous service.

Without magic weapon guards like Bingpao Silver Armor, no strong person would leave their backs to protect them.

When Su Zimo said this sentence, he had already moved his heart!

Seeing Su Zimo so calm, the bald-headed monk and tower man seemed to have no fear, and his heart became a little hesitant.

However, the two have now sacrificed the bleeding vision, which is a dilemma.

Not to mention, Yufu is right in front of her.

Could it be that the two would retreat without fighting and give up Yufu?

At this point, they looked at each other and made the same decision.

Attack with all your might, without reservation!

As long as Su Zimo can be killed, the remaining Tang Ziyi is not afraid.


The bald monk, the tower man shouted at the same time, propped up the blood vision, sharp eyes, and rushed towards Su Zimo aggressively.

"Blood vision?"

Su Zimo murmured, looking indifferent, but glanced casually at the vision of the blood behind the bald monk, then retracted his gaze.


Su Zimo's body also sounded a sound of sea tide, stronger than the bald monk, deafening, earth-shattering!

As if the Milky Way poured down from the nine days and fell on the earth, the roar continued.

Immediately after Su Zimo's body, a turquoise lotus flower suddenly grows. The lotus leaves are large, the lotus stems are erect, and the buds on the top tremble slightly, and they may bloom at any time.

"this is……"

The bald monk and the tower man widened his eyes and looked up at the green lotus, his expression shocked.

The two felt a tremendous, unimaginable pressure.

Under this green lotus, the two had a very small illusion, as if not even a lotus leaf on this green lotus could match.

This green lotus soared to the sky, filled with chaos, the buds were slightly drooping, as if looking down at them from a condescending height!

The vision of the blood behind the bald monks also began to shake, and there was a tendency to collapse.

"Here, this seems to be the creation of Qinglian ..."

The bald monk's voice trembled, his expression terrified.

Tang Ziyi was also shocked.

Although she had seen Su Zimo's transfiguration of Qinglian, she did not recognize the origin of this plant.

Fortune Qinglian, the only place in the world!

Such a treasure, even the immortal king will not let go.

At this moment, the buds on this green lotus suddenly burst into bloom, and the endless rays of light fell, and the green lotus was also swaying gently, seeming quite excited.

The magnitude of the swaying fortune blue lotus is not large, and it is almost difficult to detect.

But with this subtle movement, the two blood vessels visions behind the bald monk and the tower man collapsed directly, and turned into countless qi and blood that dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

The two bald monks were also struck by lightning, and they were shaken, and a ray of blood spilled from the corners of their mouths.


They didn't want to, they fled after turning around.

Su Zimo sneered slightly, Qinglian's vision was swaying, and a strange light filled, like a sharp sword, and they were coming in instantly.


Their bodies, which had fallen to the ground, had been stabbed into sieves, blood surged, and their bodies died.

After doing all this, Su Zimo also exhaled.

When the two died, Qing Lian's true body was not exposed.

At the end of the war, the dust settled, Su Zimo's mind relaxed and he felt a little dizzy, his body was slightly shaken, and Qinglian's vision couldn't support it, and quickly collapsed.

This battle, he was almost exhausted!

If Qinglian's true self-healing power had been amazing, he would have been unable to support it.


Tang Ziyi looked at the messy battlefield, but still couldn't believe it.

At the end of the war, the living people in this main hall, except for the two of them, were no one else, leaving only a corpse.

Tang Ziyi took out a few pills to take it, slowly repairing his injuries and recovering his strength.

With her physical blood, as long as she has time to rest and recuperate, she will soon be able to resume action.

"Hurry up and get that jade charm and arrange the battlefield. Let's leave here to avoid any other mishaps."

Tang Ziyi hurried.

For some reason, she always had an indescribable feeling, like a whim, and the sixth sense of an assassin. It seemed that something bad happened.

Su Zimo nodded, took a deep breath, leaped forward, and grasped Yufu in his palm.

Throughout the process, nothing else happened.

Su Zimo stared at Yufu for a while and looked at it carefully, but did not find any famous church with a careful investigation of the gods.

"What secret is this Yufu actually attracting so many door forces, so many Tianjiao scramble for?"

Su Zimo frowned.

"I do not know either."

Tang Ziyi said: "It is estimated that the monks who entered this emperor's grave, except for a few people such as Yun Ting, did not know the secret of this jade charm.

The only certainty is that this jade charm is related to the immortal emperor buried in this emperor's grave!

(End of this chapter)

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