Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2007: Infernal Age

Chapter 2007

Women know Yun Ting's combat power best.

In the same class, almost no one is her brother's opponent.

Although Yun Ting is young, in these years, there have been countless battles!

She once took Yun Ting personally and traveled around Shenxiaoxianyu.

After reading the mountains and rivers, looking up at the stars, feeling the heavens and the earth, and fought for the whole 20 years, he fought against the heavenly pride of the heirs, disciples, and relatives of the emperor.

Yun Ting is not very old, but he has become famous all over the world.

The woman never expected that Yun Ting would lose to a ninth-order Xuanxian in the singles fight.

Yun Ting remembered Su Zimo, but he was still in his heart, his expression unwilling, and said, "He is a person who ascends from the Nether. His blood is sparse and ordinary. If it was not for cracking the formation, my Yuanshen consumed too much, and I would definitely defeat him. ! "

The woman looked stunned and Shen said: "Brother, you must not despise those in the Nether."

"You should know that among the people in the Nether World, there were also people who were invincible in the sky and turned upside down!"

"The wind is dead?"

Yun Ting asked.

The woman nodded, and said, "If he could rule the king, even our father and emperor's reputation would be worse than that."

"In addition, the news just came, Feng Cantian reappears God's Night!"


Yun Ting looked shocked and quickly asked: "Isn't Feng Cantian abolished Daogu, he didn't die?"

Women's Road: "It is said that Feng Cantian's fruit has shattered, his body was nailed by a tortured sword, and it has been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years. go with."

When the woman mentioned Feng Cantian, she expressed her admiration in words and eyes.

Even a proud and arrogant man like Yun Ting was shocked when he heard this, and he only murmured: "This kind of means is really ..."

The woman groaned for a moment, and then said, "In addition to the wind and the sky, in the Qingxiao fairyland, there is a fairy king who sealed the land and is also a person who ascended from the lower world."

Yun Ting said, "But these people are too few. For so many years, but few people."

The woman said: "You should know what cruel environment people in the Nether will face when they are soaring. They have no resources for cultivation, and there is no guardian of the strong. There is no place to live."

"Don't talk about cultivation, people in the Nether want to survive, it is already very difficult."

Yun Ting kept silent.

He knew that her sister was right.

If he was placed in such a cruel environment, he would certainly not have achieved what he is today.

"Able to ascend from the Nether, all are evil spirits."

The woman added: "Like some people who have spent four or nine days robbing and ascending, their qualifications may not be lost to you. Just because your origins are different."

After a short pause, the woman slowly said, "There is one more important point, you have to remember."

"You have all kinds of differences from people in the Nether, your origins, blood, talents, qualifications, status ... but you are a bit the same."

"Whether it is you or them, there is only one life!"

If life is lost, no matter what status, reputation, reputation will disappear.

Yun Ting smiled when the woman looked serious, and said, "Sister, I didn't despise that person."

"Not only that, but I also admire him in particular. I originally intended to surrender him and earn my income, and as a result ..."

Speaking of this, Yun Ting was a little embarrassed and couldn't go on.

The woman smiled slightly and shook her head: "How can such a person easily surrender to others."

"By the way, this person really has some fate with me."

Yun Ting seemed to think of something, and was about to say it, but suddenly stopped, his eyes turned, and said mysteriously, "Sister, guess?"

The woman groaned a little and smiled, and said, "It can be related to you, which is not difficult to guess. Legend has it that the two great sword tactics of God Kill and Earth Kill are in the Nether. Since this person is from the Nether, most of them know God or Kill. "

"Sure enough, I can't hide my sister."

Yun Ting also laughed and said, "But my sister guessed a little bit wrong. This person knows **** the two swords by killing them!"

The woman glanced at Yun Ting, and seemed to ask casually, "Would you like me to help you win these two swords?"

"How can this work!"

Yun Ting said quickly: "Someday I will defeat him and take back the two swords with my own hands!"

Upon hearing this answer, the woman nodded secretly.

Her words just now were just a temptation.

If Yun Ting promised, it would prove that this battle, Yun Ting was completely defeated, and he would not even dare to fight with that person.

Now, Yun Ting's performance makes women feel relieved.

As long as Yun Ting's frontier is still there, the setbacks suffered today will make him even stronger!

The woman stretched out her palm and waved gently in the direction of Yun Ting.

Yun Ting's knowledge of the sea suddenly opened, and a broken piece of silver armor flew out. It was the inner armor of the ice soul broken by Su Zimo's three-element mysticism.

"Sister, this inner nail is broken, what else do you want it to do?"

Yun Ting muttered.

"Even if it's broken, you can quickly break through to the immortal, and I will re-forge one for you."

The woman said, taking over the inner armor.

The woman's fingers gently brushed through the inner nails, and she stared at several focal marks on the inner nails, Shen said: "This is the trace of the extinction whip."

"Yes, one of the elements of that man's mystery is a whip covered with lightning."

Yun Ting quickly said.

The woman was a little confused, and said, "This is a stubborn genius, how can it appear on this person?"

The woman felt the remaining breath on the broken inner nails again and said, "There is one more, which is the meta-mysticism of the Buddhist monk. I can't guess what it is. You describe the mystery."

Yun Ting simply described the scene at that time.

"The Big Sun is like a sutra, like a French seal?"

The woman frowned slightly, and said, "This person's attainments in Dharma are extremely deep, but after all, it's the Nether practice. How can it be so powerful?"

She reads a lot of books, covers the whole world with her chest, she knows a lot and learns a lot.

Therefore, just relying on the remaining clues of the inner nails, many things can be inferred.

But at this time, she also couldn't understand how such a powerful elemental mystery broke out.

The woman shook her head and continued: "This person also released a Dragon Clan inverse mystery. If he can release three yuan mysteries in succession, this person's Yuanshen must be strange."

According to Yun Ting's description, the flesh is strong and the blood is ordinary, most probably the barbarian.

But the primitive **** of the barbarians is the weakest point. It can never be so condensed and pure!

With women's knowledge, Su Zimo could not guess where he came from for a while.

How can anyone practice cultivating heaven and earth to kill, know how to destroy the whip, have deep dharma, and release the mystery of the Dragon race, and the flesh can still compete with Yun Ting?

It is weird that such a wickedness is usually loose in blood?

"Don't ..."

When the woman moved, she thought of a possibility.

When Yun Ting saw that the woman was silent and bored, she stepped forward and pointed at the scroll in the woman's hand and asked, "Sister, what are you looking at, so absorbed?"

The woman was interrupted by Yun Ting and did not continue to think about it. She closed the book, exposed the title to Yun Ting, and laughed, "Nothing, it's all legendary stories."

On the scroll, there are four ancient characters-"Infernal Age".

(End of this chapter)

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