Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2012: Thunder Forge

Chapter 2012 Thunder Forge


Su Zimo's mind sounded a thunderous sound, deafening, and awakened him from his consciousness!

Qinglian's body is undergoing strange changes.

I saw a bright light burst out from the bone marrow.

Along with a thunderous sound, dazzling arcs breed from the bone marrow and surround the turquoise bones,

Over time, the thunder became louder and louder, and the power of thunder emanating from Qinglian's body grew more and more terrifying!

Before long, Qing Lian's body was already filled with thunder!

These thunder are so powerful that even the curse of the emperor's tomb cannot resist!

"this is……"

Su Zimo was completely awake and shocked.

How could there be such a pure and terrifying thunder force in his body?


Su Zimo thought of something.

At the beginning of the ten days in prison, the first thing after Lei Huang broke free of his imprisonment was to send the broken Dao fruit into his body and seal it.

Lei Huang once told him that these Daogu fragments, based on his current practice, are still unable to fully absorb refining, and may help him in the future.

But now, the constant stimulation of the curse of the emperor's grave has completely caused the thunder of these seals to erupt!

The curse of the emperor's grave is related to the state of cultivation.

Su Zimo is only the ninth-order Xuanxian, and the cursing power he stains is not powerful.

But these thunderous powers sealed in his body were horrible, and they were released by the thunderous Emperor's broken Tao fruit!

This is the Tao fruit of Supreme Immortal, even if it is broken, it has unimaginable power!

The curse of the emperor's grave dyed by Su Zimo completely cannot withstand the washing and baptism of these thundering forces, and they are losing ground!

If there is no soul lamp flame, the curse of the emperor's grave outside of this kind of induction will certainly generate a more terrifying curse force to confront these thunders.

In the end, Su Zimo will be infected with the more terrible curse of the emperor's grave, and he will undoubtedly die!

But now, the soul lamp is burning, the golden flame of light isolates the curse of the emperor's grave from the outside, and the curse of the emperor's grave in Su Zimo's body is quickly driven away by this raging thunder!

The green spots on Su Zimo's face receded, and the bones returned to the emerald green color, crystal clear, and the blood was pure and immaculate.

There was a constant stream of green mist in his pores.

These green mists are illusionized by the curse of the emperor's grave. After leaving the true body of Qinglian, after a long time under the envelope of the soul lamp, they gradually disappeared and were refined by the soul lamp!

Su Zi Moteng stood up, thundering in his body, baptized with blood, blood, limbs, and internal organs, washing away the curse of the emperor's grave.

The curse of the emperor's grave was completely lifted.

But the thunder force released by the Daogu fragment is too turbulent. If it is not guided and refined, Qinglian true body will also be destroyed!

However, this is no longer a crisis for Su Zimo.

If he can refine these thunder powers and guide them, he will surely break through to the realm of the earth. Even Qinglian's true body may break through again and grow into the top ten!

Normally, a breakthrough in the emperor's grave is tantamount to death.

Because once the breakthrough to the Di Yuan Realm, the cursed power of the Emperor's Grave will also increase.

Nine steps of Xuanxian went out from the emperor's grave, there is a great possibility to survive.

If it breaks through to become a first-order earth fairy, it will be less ferocious.

But at the moment, Su Zimo cultivates with confidence, even choosing to break through!

Within the scope of the soul lamp, it is not eroded by the curse, which is equivalent to a paradise in the emperor's grave, which is a blessing!

Even if you break through to the earth fairy here, you will not be infected by the curse of the emperor's grave.

Turning danger into danger, Liu Yanhuaminghua.

This crisis is a golden opportunity for Su Zimo!


Su Zimo was screaming in the sky, and the roar contained endless thunderous majesty.

The thunder in his body was beyond control, and it was about to overflow!

Su Zimo no longer hesitates, sits on his knees, and meditates on "Too Void Thunder". Many experiences taught by Lei Huang flashed through his mind.

If you want to control, absorb, and refine these thunder powers, only "Too Virtual Thunder" can do it!

In the upper world's "Too Virtual Thunder", in order to temper the blood of the flesh, Lei Huang created a mystery of thunder forging bones and derived the blood of thunder.

Now, Su Zimo's mind has been completely immersed in this bone-forging secret.

Around Su Zimo's body, the thunder was turbulent, and it had almost evolved into a sea of ​​thunder. The light was shining, and Su Zimo's figure became blurred and looming.

However, over time, Su Zimo's understanding of this thunder-bone secretion method deepened, and the more thunder power he could refine and absorb.

The scope of this thunder ocean gradually narrowed.

One day, two days, one month ...

Su Zimo was sitting cross-legged all the time, in the sea of ​​thunder, his eyes closed tightly, motionless, as if the heavens and earth had stopped.

The soul lamp flame next to it sometimes beat, and the lamp oil in the lamp was also slowly consumed.

time flies.

In an instant, it was almost a year before Su Zimo and others entered the emperor's tomb.

Above the desert, a purple figure walked alone. Although expressionless, he looked around from time to time, as if looking for something.

Tang Ziyi.

The injuries on her body had already recovered.

For more than half a year, she walked a lot and was always looking for Su Zimo.

But the emperor's tomb is like a broken world. It is too big and boundless.

At the time, Su Zimo and the old man in the black robe were too fast. I didn't know where to go. To find someone in the emperor's grave was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.


Tang Ziyi bowed his head slightly and sighed lightly.

In fact, she already had a vague guess in her mind that Su Zimo should be more fierce and less fortunate.

In the emperor's tomb, staring at the ghost fairy, there is almost no chance of escape!

What's more, Su Zimo has been fighting fiercely, and he has run out of fuel and lights, how could he escape the pursuit of ghosts and immortals.

She hasn't known Su Zimo for a long time, but for some reason, she feels sad when she thinks that Su Zimo was buried in the emperor's tomb and the bones are missing.

"I owe you too much, I'm afraid I have no chance to pay it back."

Tang Ziyi murmured softly.

At this moment, the whole emperor's grave suddenly shakes!

Above the sky, there was a roar of noise, it seemed that the sky would collapse!

"It's time to leave."

Tang Ziyi glanced at the sky and meditated in his heart as if saying goodbye to Su Zimo.

The emperor's grave will not stay in one place for too long, and no accident, this movement should be the precursor of the emperor's grave going to enter the void and leave the continent of Shenxiao!

Although she has a teleportation rune, she can return to the county king's palace, but if the emperor's grave empties into the endless void, even if there is a teleportation rune, she can't break the limit of that space and will stay in the emperor's grave forever.

She is leaving.

She has more important things to do!

(End of this chapter)

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