Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2045: Five big families

Chapter 2045: Five Great Clan

Lengguang Tianxian arched his hand slightly and said: "Two Dao friends rest assured that I have heard about this gate of the stars. After today, I will copy a few copies of this portrait and transmit them separately. Make every effort to suppress this person! "


A torturous ground guard nodded slightly, glanced around, swept across the crowd in front of the mountain gate, his eyes sharp.

Su Zimo is very different from what he looks like in the portrait now. His body is covered with mud, his face is flushed, and he seems to have fallen asleep.

The eyes of the torturous ground guard swept away from him, without any pause.

"Can any of you see this person?"

The torturous guard on the left shook the scroll in his hand and asked in a deep voice.

"Qi Shang Shang Xian, we have been on our way, waiting here for two days, we have not seen this person."

A young man in a white robe stood up, with a black shawl, swords and eyebrows, and a personable attitude. He bowed and saluted towards the two torturing guards, and said with a smile.

Su Zimo drunkenly opened a gap and glanced at the man.

He only listened to people's discussions. This young man is the Lin clan, one of the five major families of Sun Moon County, named Lin Ming, seventh-tiered land fairy!

This time, the Lin family brought more than a hundred ethnic people. The cultivation has different realms. There are Xuanxian and Dixian.

But among these more than one hundred ethnic groups, Lin Ming has the highest realm.

Looking at the standing of these clan people, we can also judge that Lin Ming has a high status among the Lin clan people.

Lin Ming stood up this time, quite pleased the attitude of the torture ground guard.

However, the two torturing ground guards in the air didn't appreciate it, just glanced at Lin Ming lightly, and then they looked back.

Although the Lin family is not a small force in Sun Moon County, it is far worse than the criminal killer.

Behind the killing guard is the royal family of the Great Jin Dynasty!

On the other side, another young man stood out from the crowd, holding a folding fan, wearing a purple robe, and arching, "Please rest assured that the two gods, if you find this person's trail, my Xie family will come out first!"

Xie family, the second of the five largest families in Sun Moon County.

The speaker, named Xie Tianfeng, is also a seventh-order Xuanxian.

When this person stood out, he also took a special look at Lin Ming, and seemed to be fighting with this person.

"What's the news, report it immediately!"

A torturous guardian, expressionless, threw the scroll in his hand to Lengguang Tianxian, dropped a word, and turned away from the other person.

Su Zimo breathed a sigh of relief.

If these two torturous guards were not afraid of trouble, they would not be able to hide if they checked the 100,000 monks outside the gate of the mountain.

the other side.

Not long after the two torturers left the gates of stars, one of them suddenly asked, "Brother Chen, why didn't you check the 100,000 monks outside the gates of stars?"

"That Su Zimo must not be among them."

Chen Xingxingwei said.

"Why do you see it?"

Another was a little surprised, and said, "The commander personally said that Su Zimo knew the ever-changing technique and could change his face and become another person."

Xing Chenwei, the surnamed Chen, asked: "Then I ask you, how long can the nine-tier Tianxian release?

"It depends on the strength of Yuanshen. Even if Yuanshen is condensed, it won't be able to support it for a long time. After all, the ever-changing is a peerless supernatural power. Wanting to maintain it consumes too much.

The man said.

Chen Xingwei said: "This will not end, that Su Zimo is only a first-order earth fairy, even if he understands the ever-changing, how long can he support?"

"There are 100,000 monks outside the gates of the stars, and people have many eyes. If he can't hold on, he will already be exposed."

Another stunned, praising: "Brother Chen is wise."

Chen Xingwei said: "These are all experiences. You have just joined the Xingwei, slowly learn it. If you meet anyone, you will go up and down, and check carefully. Can we not be exhausted?"


Star gates.

After the two torturers left, Lengguang Tianxian instructed the disciples of the stars to transmit the scroll in his hand and send someone to copy as soon as possible.

On the other side, he presided over the introductory trial, which has already begun.

Like the previous third-order Xuanxian said, the entrance test of Qunxingmen is quite simple, and there is no requirement for the monks to become a realm.

The crowd stood on the stargazing platform. Within ten breaths, as long as the starlight emerged from their bodies, they passed the trial.

The monks outside the gate, although there are 100,000 people.

But that stargazing platform is made of meteorites, it is spacious and huge, and can hold more than 100 people at the same time, which is more than enough.

At normal speed, more than 30,000 people can be tried in half an hour.

Before dawn, these 100,000 people can end the trial at the same time.

Su Zimo did not rush forward, but stood in the crowd, watching the movement of the stargazing platform.

A hundred people boarded the stargazing platform at the same time, and not many of them could really inspire the stars.

Sometimes, there are only one or two people.

Sometimes, not even a hundred people can have starlight.

Before long, a group of monks with similar costumes headed towards the stargazing platform. These monks' tokens on their waists were marked with the word 'king'.

One of the five major families, Wang.

The head of the Wang clan, named Wang Yu.

Although the appearance is mediocre, but the look is calm, short hair does not need, eyes like a torch, looks extremely capable, cultivated as the realm of the sixth-order earth fairy.

Followed by Wang Yu, all are from the Wang clan, Xuanxian accounted for the majority.

More than a hundred people of the Wang clan stood on the stargazing platform while looking up at the stars.

Just after a breath, a faint starlight emerged from Wang Yu's body.

Over time, the starlight on Wang Yu's body became more and more prosperous, and even condensed into a thick beam of light, slowly spreading from the top of his head toward the sky.

Lengguang Tianxian nodded slightly and said, "The starlight is about a foot away from the body, which is already very good."

The third breath, the beam of stars above Wang Yu's head climbed again, reaching a height of two feet!

This scene drew a burst of exclamation.

"I heard that the brighter the starlight that can be excited, the better the qualifications. This kind of situation that condenses the light beam is definitely a talented person!"

"What does it have to do with inspiring starlight?" Asked a failed monk, looking frustrated and annoyed.

"I heard that it may be related to blood."

"Anyway, on the stargazing platform, all the gods and bloodlines are all agitated, without reservation."

As everyone discussed, ten breaths had passed.

The starlight above Wang Yu's head reached the height of four feet!

Among the more than 50,000 people who have undergone trials, Wang Yu is the first to condense a beam of light and reach a height of four feet.

"Nice, four feet high, is a rare genius."

Aside from Lengguang Tianxian, a yellow robe Taoist nodded slightly, smiling.

The old man on the other side said with emotion: "I heard that when the star gates were just established, the heavenly pride and evil of the whole heaven had gathered here, and some people could even gather Hachijo, Jijo's star beam ...

"Unfortunately, these have become legends."

(End of this chapter)

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