Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2083: Retreat again

Chapter 2083 Retreat Again

Su Zimo accepted Long Shen Dan. On the other side, Long Li beckoned gently and put the dragon skeleton into a storage bag.

When the dragon skeleton disappeared, this space was also violently shaking, and it seemed to collapse and collapse at any time.

Su Zimo and Long Li quickly left the place.

"Brother Muring, I'm leaving."

In the air, Long Li smiled at Su Zimo and said, "If you have a chance in the future, you will come to the Dragon Realm and remember to come and play with me."

"it is good."

Su Zimo nodded.

Long Li waved goodbye, sacrificed a dark golden spirit boat from the storage bag, and the whole person stepped up.

On this spiritual boat, the runes are flourishing, condensing a layer of golden light, covering the dragon boat to withstand the violent stream in the starry sky.


A streamer flashed, and the ship disappeared.

The reason why Long Li can cross the starry sky is because of this starship, which can roughly distinguish the direction and resist many dangers.

Long Li drove the star boat and shuttled among the stars.

Before long, Long Li seemed to see something, and quickly stopped Xingzhou.

I saw a figure standing in the starry sky directly ahead, not tall, slender and graceful, compared with the surrounding stars, like dust.

But this figure stood in the starry sky, and seemed to step on the entire Xinghe River under his feet. The breath emanating from his body was even heavier than the stars.

Anyone looking at it, the first person to see it is not these huge stars, but this figure!

This is a silver-haired woman, not very old, wearing a slim robe, covered with a layer of silvery white diamond-shaped armor, shimmering.

The silver-haired woman was extremely beautiful, and her eyebrows seemed similar to Longli.


The silver-haired woman flashed in shape and suddenly appeared in the star boat.


Long away from his eyes, Long did not dare to look at the silver-haired woman, and called gently.

The silver-haired woman looked at Long Li, with a touch of blame and a little anger in her eyes, and there was more relief.

"I'm here to visit the deceased in Heaven. I didn't want to take you because I was worried about your bad temper and ran around."

The silver-haired woman reprimanded: "How many times have I told you that it is dangerous outside, especially in the other world! You are not enough to cultivate yourself in the realm, and you haven't had the strength to protect yourself. If you let alien creatures see you, do you still have life ! "

"Mother, the baby is wrong."

The dragon shrank his neck and spat out his tongue.

The silver-haired woman took a long breath and stared at the dragon away. She said angrily: "Fortunately, you return home safely. If you have anything to do with it, I will kill the war in heaven!"

"Mother, stop telling me, you see."

Long Li took the huge horn from the storage bag and said, "This is the relic of Dad, and it is also an important treasure of our dragon family. I found it."

The silver-haired woman's gaze was slightly concealed, she took the horn, and stroked it gently, and her eyes showed a complex emotion.

"Dad's bone, I brought it back."

Long Li said again, his tone became a bit low.

The silver-haired woman was silent for a long time before pulling Long Li over gently, holding her in her arms and saying, "Good boy, my mother was worried about you just now, and her voice was a little bit heavy."

"Mother, aren't you angry?"

Long Li blinked.

The silver-haired woman looked at the horns of the dragon clan, and seemed to have thought of something in the past, suddenly amazed.

"Mother, if you are not angry, I will tell you about this experience."

Long Li will tell what happened on the Longyuan Star in 1510.

The silver-haired woman didn't care much at first, but when she heard that Long Li was in distress and was besieged by her, her eyes were instantly covered with frost and the intention of killing was surging!

Hearing that someone was rescued, and took the dragon away to enter the hidden space, after the last farewell, the look of the silver-haired woman eased slightly.

"True Dragon Nine Flashes?"

The silver-haired woman frowned.

Long Lilian nodded again and said, "It's true, I can see clearly that this big brother is only a fourth-order earth fairy, and the real dragon is nine dragons!"

"Mother, haven't you said that True Dragon Nine Flashes is the secret of the Dragon clan, how can Brother Mo Ling practice? And he is still human."

The silver-haired woman murmured, "Even if the dragons have to practice to become true dragons, they are eligible to practice. It is extremely difficult to practice this secret method under true dragons. Therefore, this secret technique is called true dragon. Nine flashes. "

"I know it, but I never taught it to you. That's why."

Long Li was even more puzzled, saying: "This is strange. Even if Brother Mo Ling obtained this secret method from his father, he is only a fairy and a human race. How can he cultivate successfully?"

"Don't ..."

The silver-haired woman moved.

"Mother, what do you think?"

Long Li asked quickly.

The silver-haired woman shook her head slightly and said: "If the taboo of Dragon and Phoenix is ​​not restricted by the state of cultivation, you can practice at any time, but the person you are talking about cannot be taboo.

"Forget it, don't think about it."

Long Li laughed: "Anyway, Brother Moring is a good man. I ran out this time secretly, and it was considered astonishing. I also made a brother of a human race."


The silver-haired woman said: "This time it is so dangerous, you can still laugh, it is really heartless and heartless! If you go back this time, let me retreat for a thousand years!"


Long Li wailed.

The silver-haired woman controlled the star boat, turned into a streamer, disappeared far away, and quickly disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars.


Dragon Yuan Star.

After Su Zimo said goodbye to Long, he groaned a little and went in one direction.

It didn't take long before he came to the side.

Wind snow ridge.

In that year, he first came to the Upper Boundary and stayed here for more than a hundred years.

More than two thousand years have passed, and the power of Fengxueling has obviously expanded a lot compared with before, the territory is wider, there are many monks, and everything is organized and flourishing.

Su Zimo's consciousness swept away the entire area of ​​Fengxueling, and he noticed several old people of that year.

Xia Qingying, Yue Hao, Duan Tianliang, Shen Fei ...

For more than two thousand years, Su Zimo's cultivation progressed rapidly.

However, on this Longyuan star, the cultivation of Xia Qingying and others, despite their improvement, still maintained their original state.

It is not that they are not qualified.

On this Longyuan star, even if there are sufficient cultivation resources, it will take a long time and years to break through a realm.

The gap between the two sides will only grow wider.

Su Zimo's consciousness far surpassed all the people in Fengxueling. Even if he explored the place, he did not attract anyone's attention.

Before leaving, Su Zimo left all the small condensate Yuandan in the storage bag, and threw it outside the secret room cultivated by Xia Qingying.

Seeing that these old people were well at that time, there was nothing in his mind.

Su Zimo came to Longyuan City, entered the teleportation array, teleported all the way, and reached Riyue County.

Then day and night journey, chasing the stars to catch the moon and return to the stars gate.

After returning to his hometown this time, he got a lot of Yuanling Stones, ready to continue the retreat, and strive for further improvement!

(End of this chapter)

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