Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2087: Tai Shang Xuan Ling Bei Dou Zhen Jing

Chapter 2087 Taishang Xuanling Beidou Zhenjing

Shake the main peak, on the bluestone in front of Dongfu.

Su Zimo sat on it and looked into the distance.

Shangguan said that they were right, he did break through and failed.

At that time, he was hitting the juncture of the sixth-order Dixian, and he received news from the martial arts deity.

Yao Xue is gone.

Although the two true bodies are independent of each other, at this moment, Su Zimo's heart suddenly burst into an uncontrollable sadness.

At this moment, his Tao heart was shaken.

At this critical juncture, Dao's mind is unstable, and there will inevitably be major problems in spiritual practice.

In fact, if Ji Yaoxue's cultivation cannot grow, this day will definitely come.

Su Zimo also thought long ago.

But he didn't expect that when this day really came, he would still be hard to bear.

Since Su Hong's death, he has never felt such pain.

Although he and Ji Yaoxue were not eligible to become acquaintances, Ji Yaoxue's position in his heart cannot be replaced by others.

People who cultivate the truth should have cut off the dust and belittle the seven emotions and six desires.

Birth, old, sickness and death, this is also the cycle of all things, the law of nature.

What's more, Ji Yaoxue left with a smile and no regrets.

But when he learned the news, Su Zimo's heart was still unable to let go.

If the breakthrough fails, it fails.

Dao is unstable, so he is unstable.

At this moment, Su Zimo didn't want anything. He just sat on the bluestone and looked into the distance, thinking about the woman in the pale yellow robe in his head, thinking.

Even the four people in Shangguan can feel the sadness of Su Zimo.

This sadness gradually faded away, as if beside Su Zimo, a kind of aura was formed, and gradually merged into the main peak of shaking light.

Immediately afterwards, the main peak of shaking light even permeated a kind of sadness, which resonated with the aura around Su Zimo.



The main peak shook the light and shook, and a huge starlight burst forth from the sky.

The four of them were shocked, and they looked up subconsciously.

I saw above the sky, at the end of this starlight, a huge star gradually emerged, more and more clear.

Around this star, there are many stars around.

Today is day.

But this huge star emerged and scattered the stars, making the sky dim.

"How is this going?"

Xie Tianfeng froze and asked subconsciously.

Lin Ming seemed to think of something, his eyes brightened, exclaimed: "Is the secret law inheritance of the stars gate born!"

Hearing this sentence, both Shangguanzhen and Zuo Zhuxuan moved their hearts.

Looking at this posture, it is possible!

Not only them, this huge starlight, even the lords of the star gates, the elders and the elders, all appeared in the air.

"The brightest star in the sky should be the star that shakes light."

"I didn't expect that the main peak of Shaking Light, even the Shaking Light stars of the sky, did that inheritance of Gongfa really reappear?

The star-gate monarch looked dignified, looking at the vision in the sky, and slightly fisted.

He was not sure what this phenomenon was.

But it has never appeared in the gates of the stars.


The main peak of Kaiyang, which was next to the main peak of shaking light, also shook slightly, sending out a starlight, soaring into the sky, submerged into the sky!

Later, at the end of this starlight, a huge star also emerged.

Kaiyang Stars!

Around Kaiyang Star, there are gradually emerging bright stars, surrounded by them, and sprinkle endless starlight.


The main peak of Yuheng shook, sending out a third starlight, communicating the third star above the sky!


The fourth starlight skyrocketed.

Heavenly power stars emerge!


The fifth starlight connects heaven and earth.

The heavenly stars emerged.


The sixth star burst into the clouds.

Tian Xuan stars emerged.


The last main peak trembled, emitting a huge starlight, submerged into the starry sky, causing the seventh star to emerge.

It is Tianshu Star!

These seven stars floated above the sky. They were immensely large and glowing, as if they were close at hand, and the starlight around them kept shining.

Daylight recedes and the night sky comes!

The seven main peaks of the gates of the stars have caused the sky to change, allowing the day to disappear and the stars to appear!

At this moment, everyone realizes that the tradition in the legend of the Star Gate will be born!

But no one knows who will be the lucky one.

All monks of the Star Gate, including Zongmen, secretly operate many stars and immortals in order to attract starlight into the body.

Even the four people in Shangguanyu on the main peak of shaking light were staring at the starry sky with tense expression, and some secret tricks of the star gates were secretly operating in their hearts.

The four did not realize at all what caused the vision in front of them.

Next to the four, one person was still sitting on Qingshi, motionless, looking into the distance, not looking up at the starry sky, and not seeming to take this matter to heart.

At this point, Ji Yaoxue had just left, and Su Zimo really had no thoughts about other things.

I just feel that nothing matters in this world.

Even if you can get the inheritance of the gates of the stars, what can you do.

Still unable to make loved ones around him come back to life.

Just then, Su Zimo's mind suddenly remembered a sigh.

"So many years, someone finally wakes me up ..."

Su Zimo was motionless and did not respond.

"That year, I fell here, leaving a remnant, and wanted to leave my legacy."

The voice continued: "It's just that, to get my legacy, I need to feel the kind of pain I've ever felt."

"Unfortunately, no one can wake me up for so many years."

Su Zimo only thought the voice in his head was a bit noisy, only thinking that he would leave soon.

"Most people in the monasticism cut off the dust, belittle old, sick, and die. It's not easy to meet someone with a temperament like you."

The Shou Yuan of the monks in the upper world was 100,000 years and hundreds of thousands of years.

During this period, each monk has experienced countless lives and deaths, and naturally looks down on the suffering of old age and sickness, and the suffering of parting.

What's more, if you want to cultivate and improve your mind, you must cut off as much as possible.

Otherwise, it would be easy to go into flames and encounter Su Zimo's retreat.

"I once came to the Battle of Heaven and Earth, because I lost all my love and I was disillusioned. You can wake me up today, and it's because you and I have fate."

The voice said slowly: "It's just that you're not a member of my astral world. I can only teach you half of this Taishou Xuanling Beidou Zhenjing. Thinking of the ancestral teachings, the secret Beidou technique, I cannot Leave it to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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