Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2089: Cusp

FTLN 2089 I am a man.

"Even if it is" The Great Divine Spirit Beidou Zhenjing ", even if it is the Tianjiao of my astral world, it is difficult to ascend to the sky if you want to cultivate to the seventh floor.

Cannian said, "However, you have a treasure like Yu Ruyi, but you have the opportunity to cultivate this true script to the top."

"At that time, condensing a complete map of the Xuanling Beidou will stimulate the power of the seven star domains, which will be enough to increase your combat power by seven times and make you proud of your peers!"

Over time, the starlight that Qinglian's real body can absorb gradually saturates and reaches its limit.

The breath of this disillusionment is also getting weaker and may dissipate at any time.

"It's a pity that you have just suffered a misfortune and something went wrong."

Cannian again said: "Otherwise, the starlight of the two major star fields is enough to raise your cultivation to the peak of the sixth-order earth fairy!"

At this point, the inheritance is about to end, but Su Zimo's cultivation is in the realm, and he is still at the fifth-order ground immortal, and there is no sign of breakthrough.

The Taoism was damaged, and it was extremely serious for the monks.

If it cannot be repaired, it will be difficult to make improvements in the future!

"Waner, I've come to meet you."

This remnant murmured quietly and collapsed.

The last trace of the astral powerhouse in the upper world disappeared.

The starlight in the sky also dissipated, the night sky faded, and the sky was restored to daylight again. The sun was shining and the sky was full of stars, as if it was just an illusion.

At this moment, I don't know how many eyes fell on Su Zimo.

There is jealousy, greed, calculation, envy, and murder ...

Su Zimo didn't realize it.

"Congratulations to my friends, and inherit the gates of the stars!"

Zuo Zhuxuan first walked forward and smiled.

Shangguanyi also turned around, nodded to Su Zimo, and said, "Congratulations."

Su Zimo still didn't respond, looking at the distance, blankly.

Zuo Zhuxuan kept quiet, and secretly conveyed: "Murray Taoist, you are now on the cusp of the wind, and the situation is very dangerous! There are many monks at the gates of the stars, and there must be some people who are trying to do something wrong.

"Now you come to me. I shred a teleportation note and can take you directly back to the left house, so you are safe."

On the surface, Zuo Zhuxuan is to protect Su Zimo.

But his idea is simple.

As long as he enters Zuo's house, his life and death are all under his control!

In Zuo Zhuxuan's eyes, Su Zimo is now a huge treasure.

In addition to the inheritance of the Star Gate, there is also a treasure that can be quickly improved!

Su Zimo did not seem to hear it at all and did not respond.

The gloom in Zuo Zhuxuan's eyes flashed away, and he once again said, "Dao friends rest assured that in my house, there are countless fine wines hidden, enough for you to drink!"

Su Zimo still didn't say a word, he didn't even look at Zuo Zhuxuan.

Zuo Zhuxuan was furious, but did not show up, always smiling.

"Mo Ling, you better give me some fun!"

Zuo Zhuxuan's tone was cold, and the voice threatened: "You are only a fifth-order earth fairy. I can kill you by turning my hands!"

Su Zimo was still unresponsive.

Zuo Zhuxuan's complexion gradually gloomed.

At this moment, outside of the gates of the Star Gate, a streamer was rushing towards the place, and the speed was so fast that he came near in an instant.

Everyone took a deep look, but this streamer was a fairy boat, with three figures standing on it.

These three figures all wore black gold scorpion feathers, suspending their swords, and looked stern, jumping from the fairy boat to the main peak of shaking light.

Killing Ground Guard!

The headed person, Jiuxian Dixian.

The two followers behind him are also eight-step Dixian.

Those who can join the torturous ground guard are the top powerhouses in the earth fairy, and they must be at least seven-tier earth fairy if they are cultivated to the realm!

"I've seen Chief Liu."

Xingyu, the lord of the stars, seemed to know the person, and hurried forward, hurling his fists and saying hello.

Although he is a ninth-level heaven god, although he is the master of one case, he still has to respect him when he sees the torture guard of the Great Jin Dynasty.

Even if he is higher than the three in front of him, he must bow his head!

All over the world, there is no king of soil.

Behind the killing guard, represents the Dajin royal family.

On the territory of the Great Jin Dynasty, even Tianxian was afraid to offend the torture guard.

What's more, the Star Gate is just a Xuan-level ancestral gate.

"What happened just now?"

The head of the killing guard Liu Tongli looked around and asked coldly.

Xingyu hesitated a little and laughed: "It's nothing, just that there is a monk practicing, which caused a vision of heaven and earth. I didn't expect to alarm the three adults."

Xingyu knew in his heart that this leader Liu was extremely greedy.

If it is said that the exercises of the gates of the stars were born and won by the Mo Ling, the leader Liu will surely force Mo Ling to surrender the exercises.

If Mo Ling surrendered honestly, he might still be able to save his life.

But if you do n’t pay, I ’m afraid it ’s less fertile.

Xingyu's answer was actually protecting Mo Ling.

"It's all gone!"

Xingyu looked around and Shen said: "Everyone goes back to practice, don't run out whenever there is movement. How can this impetuous mentality become a road."

Xingyu's remarks were mainly to remind Su Zimo and let him quickly return to Dongfu to avoid the limelight.

"Huh? Don't move anymore!"

Liu Tong led his gaze, sneered slightly, stared at Xingyu, and slowly asked, "Who practiced, and what exercises did he practice that caused so much movement?"

As the leader of the torture ground guard, naturally he was not so confused.

There is a clear reservation in the words of the Sovereign Gate lord.

If it is just ordinary practice, will all the monks at the Star Gates appear?

What's more, the starlight that just showed up is too hot, making him can't help thinking of the legend that has been circulating for a long time.

Xingyu smiled and said, "It's just a fifth-order earth fairy, an unknown generation."

"Master, you tell the truth."

Just then, a strange sound of yin and yang sounded beside.

"It was just that the inheritance of the gates of the stars was born, and the vision of heaven and earth was only attracted by this person!"

Xie Tianfeng also saw Liu Tong's plot, and stood up, pointing at Su Zimo on the bluestone, and said loudly.

There was no deep hatred between him and Su Zimo.

But when he thought that this drunk man was inherited by the gates of stars, it is very likely that he would surpass him in the future, and Xie Tianfeng's heart burst into envy.

Since you can't get it, destroy it!

The look of Shangguanyan changed, and her eyebrow was lightly changed.

Xie Tianfeng's murder with a knife was too vicious, which pushed Su Zimo to the fire pit!

Zuo Zhuxuan also scolded in his heart.

Originally, more than one person stared at the inheritance of this Moling.

Now there is one more torture guard.

No matter how powerful the Zuo family is, it is only in Riyue County.

"Inheritance of the Star Gates!"

Liu Tongling brightened in front of his eyes, rejoicing in his heart.

During his trip, he originally received the order of the master of Mengyao County to hunt down a couple of men and women who were besieging the siege.

Passing by here, but seeing the vision of the day star, they temporarily changed lanes and came to the gates of the stars to ask what happened.

Unexpectedly, there was such a big gain!

(End of this chapter)

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