Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2096: Kill the Ring

Chapter 2096 Killing Ring

Gu Tongyou and Qiu Siluo saw Su Zimo's great power, got rid of the predicament, broke the game with the mystery of the sound field, and flew several people.

If the fight continues, the battle between the two sides is really unpredictable.

But at this moment, Su Zimo's body shook and spit blood, and it seemed that something was wrong.

The two frowned.

Xiong Dou was originally shocked by Su Zimo's methods. He was stunned for a while, and dared not to step forward, and even resigned.

But seeing Su Zimo vomiting blood, he was also a little confused.

Was it only in the war that this fifth-order Dixian and other torturous guards were hard-hitting and also not badly injured?

It is indeed possible.

A fifth-order earth immortal can erupt such terrible powers and methods, which is really abnormal.

It is most likely that some secret method has been used to stimulate potential.

Secrets that stimulate potential like this are accompanied by extremely strong sequelae.

This man was severely injured, although he had desperately killed several criminal defenders.

Just as Xiong Tongling thought about it, Lin Ming on the other side suddenly responded and said loudly: "Xiong Tong, this person has just broken through before, and his internal injuries have not healed yet!"


Zuo Zhuxuan also stood up and said, "In addition, this humanitarian heart is damaged. Continuous shots will definitely increase his heartache!"

Shangguanzhen glanced at Zuo Zhuxuan and Lin Ming coldly.

Although she didn't dare to stand up and help Su Zimo, she wouldn't make a villain.

Hearing here, Xiong Dou brightened his eyes and calmed down.


Xiong Tong laughed loudly: "Thief, you are so brave, you dare to kill so many torturers in the Jin Dynasty!"

"Master Xiong, we can't give him a chance to catch his breath, and work together to kill him!"

Due to the isolation of heaven and earth, the injuries on the remaining four torturers could not heal.

But with the help of the four, they could also judge Su Zimo's position.

"It's not good."

Gu Tongyou shook his head and said, "This Taoist friend said his heart was damaged and his body was hurt. I'm afraid it was ..."

Qiu Siluo also sighed softly and said, "The two of us were seriously injured and fell into this mysterious array. They couldn't do much help, alas."


Leader Xiong held the tortured sword, blood and blood surged in his body, striding toward Su Zimo.

The other four torturing guards also spread out, and approached at the same time, hiding in the direction of Su Zimo.


Before the four of them rushed forward, there was a wave of persecution in the eyebrows!

The four torturing guards have just heard the truth, and have decided to use mysticism and joint shots to kill Su Zimo's primal god!

The four did not want to give Su Zimo any chance to fight back.


Gu Tongyou felt the violent fluctuations of consciousness on the battlefield, and he murmured in his heart.

He was always worried about it.

The gap between the two sides is too big.

If the torturous guard released the meta-mysticism, this fifth-order earth fairy would have no chance of winning!

The four mystic mysteries erupt, coming soon!

Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged. He raised his head and glanced at the four of them lightly.

At the center of his eyebrow, a palm-sized scale suddenly floated out, silent, but exhaling breath!

Meta mystery, inverse scale!

"Hehe, the light of fireflies ..."

A torturous guard saw that Su Zimo had also urged Yuan Mystery, and could not help but sneer.

In his view, the two sides are three different states. The Yuanshen is fighting. He can easily kill Su Zimo's Yuanshen, and his own Yuanshen can be intact and retreat!

But before this man's words were finished, he stopped abruptly.

His smile was stiff, and his eyes were dull.

The figures of the remaining three criminal defenders also stopped.

The meta-mysticism of the four torturing guards collided on this inverse scale.

The battle of metamysticism did not make much noise.

But in the sea of ​​knowledge of the four torturous guards, the Yuan God appeared a crack!

There was no support for long, the four gods of the torturous guardian **** died on the spot!

Su Zimo closed the retreat in the caves of the Star Gates, although because of the death of Ji Yaoxue, the breakthrough failed and Daoxin was damaged.

However, the Prajna Nirvana he practiced became more complete and gradually completed.

This practice is extremely scary in the cultivation of the Yuanshen.

Although Su Zimo's realm failed to break through to the sixth-order earth fairy, his Yuanshen realm has reached the level of the eight-order earth fairy!

In other words, the realm of the two gods is not bad at all.

Su Zimo's Yuanshen is formed by the combination of Qinglian Yuanshen and Dragon and Phoenix Yuanshen with the power of candlelight and faint light, with the help of the Prajna Nirvana Sutra.

Now, the inverse scale mystery is released.

These four torturers cannot resist!

Dragons have inverse scales, they will die if they touch them!

Not to mention the four torturous guardians of the Eighth-Earth Divine Immortal, even if the bear leader releases the mystery of the element, and the inverse scales, they may not be able to retreat.

Of course, this inverse scale withstood the impact of the four elements of mysticism, could not support it, collapsed in the void and disappeared.

On the other side, the bear commander looked ugly.

More than a dozen torturous ground guards, as well as three commanders, can be regarded as the top powerhouse in the earth.

Unexpectedly, it was almost killed by a fifth-order earth fairy!

Today, he is the only one left!

If he withdraws the Xuanguang Zhuangyuan array and restores the vitality of the heavens and the earth, relying on the gap between the realms of cultivation, he has absolute certainty and can kill this fifth-order earth fairy.

However, once the large array is withdrawn, Gu Tongyou next to him will also restore his combat power.

The downcast Xiao rang, he couldn't resist it!

Leader Xiong has rushed forward, there is no retreat, only a full battle!


The bear commanded a roar, blood and blood urged to the limit, holding the killing knife in both hands, and severely chopped down towards Su Zimo's head!

Only then did he perceive that Su Zimo's Yuanshen Realm was very high.

Therefore, he did not dare to use meta-mysticism, but chose to fight with Su Zimo directly with strong blood.

But he did not use metamysticism, but Su Zimo did not intend to give up.

In the sea of ​​Su Zimo's knowledge, a golden Sanskrit character condensed and flew towards the bear leader.

Come to France and India!

With the help of Prajna Nirvana, the power of this Sri Lanka is not to be underestimated!

If the leader Xiong ignores this elementary mystery, he can kill Su Zimo, of course, and he can't escape.

In desperation, the leader of the bear can only sacrifice the mystery of the Yuan, and the Indian seal is hard to shake!

Two meta-mystic collisions.

Su Zimo and Xiong Dou were shocked.

This time the meta-mystic battle, but the bear dominance slightly prevailed.

He was overjoyed, and was about to continue to use the sword to kill Su Zimo.

I saw Su Zimo's eyebrows flew out again, with a sharp edge, stabbed towards his eyebrows!

Qinglian sword broke out!

(End of this chapter)

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