Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2108: Eye-catching

Chapter 2108

"Lu Wenbin."

Yang Ruoxu of Qiankun Academy said faintly, saying, "Just drive away, you don't need to hurt his life."

The eighth-order Dixian, who called it "Lu Wenbin," quickly bowed.

"You haven't left yet?"

Lu Wenbin turned to look at Su Zimo, and gave a cold cry.

Su Zimo Shen said: "It's not troublesome or provocative, but I just want to participate in the election of Xianzong."


There was another laughter in the mountains below.


Lu Wenbin's face sank, and he directly released his coercive pressure. He suppressed it in the direction of Su Zimo, and said coldly, "Give me down!"

Lu Wenbin's coercion was not too aggressive, nor did he use all his strength, but he wanted to make him suffer a bit and make an ugly face in front of everyone.

Although he only released the six powers of Divine Consciousness in the Diyuan Realm, as a disciple of Qiankun Academy, he practiced extremely well-known methods of Divine Consciousness, which is naturally much more refined and refined than other monks.

He seemed to be able to see the wolf howling as the sick young man fell from the air.

However, the coming of God's consciousness, Su Zimo did not flicker, he stood up in the air, his lines remained motionless, as if he had not been affected at all!


This scene made Lu Wenbin feel dull and irritated.

Even the laughter coming from below made him feel a bit harsh, as if someone was laughing at him, not even a sixth-order earth fairy.

"Get off!"

Lu Wenbin shouted again.

This time, he had no intention to keep his hand, and released all the power of the eight-tiered earth fairy, and wanted to blow Su Zimo from the air!

Su Zi's face did not change color, his body slightly shook, but he still stood in the air, looking up at the directions of the four immortals, his eyes firm.


This time, it attracted the attention of the other four monks.

Being able to resist the coercion of the eighth-order earth gods means that the realm of the sixth-order earth gods will never be too low, and at least they must reach the level of the eighth-order earth gods!

It's just that the Yuanyuan Realm is sixfold, but the Yuanshen Realm has reached the Yuanyuan Realm, which is somewhat rare.

The laughter on the Panlong Mountains is gradually fading.

The scene in front of us was beyond everyone's expectation, and the scene they expected did not appear.

"This guy seems to be a little mean."

"Oh, what's the matter? The eight-step Dixian of Qiankun Academy did not really shoot, but only released a sense of coercion. If this shot was really made, he would have been dead!"

"Yes, if this man has to make an inch, and really annoys Qiankun Academy, he will not only be shameful, I'm afraid he will lose his life!"

Many monks pouted and shook their heads, looking disdainful.

Lu Wenbin's face turned out to be extremely ugly.

He failed to drive Su Zimo down twice. At this time, he just felt hot.

This is not only a shame, but may even affect Qiankun Academy!

If it spreads out, and said that the disciples of Qiankun Academy couldn't suppress even an ordinary sixth-level earth fairy, he could not afford to lose this person.

"Since you don't know anything, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Lu Wenbin looked cold, and patted his palm on the storage bag, a flying sword soared into the sky, turned into a streamer, and surrounded him.

"I think this guy is very interesting. Let him come over. Let's ask him."

The Baihai Tianxian of Feixianmen shook the folding fan, smiled, and said something.

"Looking at the Election of Xianzong, it's a bit lacking, so let him come up."

The corner of Qingfeng Tianxian in Yufengguan slightly tilted, and there was a hint of jokes in his eyes, slowly said.


Lu Wenbin froze.

Although he is a disciple of Qiankun Academy, but now that the two great immortals have come forward, he is not good enough to turn around and look at Zongmen Brother Yang Ruoxu.

Yang Ruoxu didn't say a word, it was the default.

Lu Wenbin had no choice but to give Su Zimo a stern glance and turned back to the array.

Su Zimo breathed a sigh of relief, continued to lift off, came to the front of the Four Great Sects, and thanked Baihai Tianxian and others.

This time, all the monks of the Four Great Sects fell on Su Zimo.

Even the four great Tianxian strong, Baihai Tianxian, Tianyuan, Yang Ruoxu and Qingfeng Tianxian all looked at Su Zimo.

This is an unimaginable invisible pressure.

If you change to other people, facing the four great immortals, and the four great immortals such as the famous for many years, the cultivation of the state far beyond yourself, will certainly reveal some unnatural.

The eyes of the four great immortals are like thorns in their bodies. Even if they are at a loss, sweating is common sense.

However, Su Zimo stood calmly in front of the Four Great Celestial Sects. He always looked calm and did not avoid any guilty conscience in contact with the eyes of the Four Great Celestial beings.

Not to mention others, it is such courageousness that exceeds ordinary people!

Tian Yuan bowed his head slightly, and there was a trace of praise in his deep eyes.

Although Baihai Tianxian, Yang Ruoxu, and Qingfeng Tianxian did not speak, they secretly praised him.

The election of Xianzong continues to this day, and there are fewer and fewer monks in the valley, and there are only more than a thousand, and the frequency of the fighting is gradually decreasing.

The attention of many monks fell on Su Zimo's body.

Everyone wants to see what this young man who seems to be helpless wants to do!

"Are you going to the Election of Xianzong?"

Baihai Tianxian shook his fan lightly and asked with a smile, "Do you know what the monks who participated in the Election of Xianzong cultivated?"

"My realm is not too high, but the means are not weak."

Su Zimo said.


"I really don't know the heights."

Many monks sneered.

Su Zimo's words seemed to others to be bragging, but in fact, he was already modest.

"You know, there is only one month left in the general election of Xianzong. The number of people is getting smaller and smaller, and it will be more and more difficult for you to get enough panlong orders."

Tian Yuan asked.

Su Zimo said: "Shangxian said well. But the less time left, the smaller the number of people. It also means that the more panlong orders in the monk's storage bag remain!"

"If you are lucky, you may defeat a dozen people and get a sufficient number of Panlong orders."

What originally was more than 180,000 pieces of Panlong Ling, now falls on more than 1,000 people.

Some Dixian strong may have hundreds or thousands of panlong orders in their storage bags.

If he is defeated, he can naturally take over all the Panlong Lings on him.

Yang Ruoxu said suddenly, "You're right, but have you ever thought that the remaining one thousand land immortal strongmen have experienced bloodbath fighting for more than ten months before they can survive until now . "

"It's true that there are a lot of panlong orders in these dixian storage bags, but these people are not easy to provoke!"

Yang Ruoxu is right. There are not a few seventh-order earth immortals in the valley today, almost all are eighth-order and nine-order earth immortals.

Over time, the remaining immortals in the valley will become stronger and more scary!

Yang Ruoxu said: "You are not old enough to cultivate in this realm, your talent should be good. It is better to wait for the centuries after the Election of the Emperor Xianzong, and then come back to participate, and be more confident."

(End of this chapter)

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